ECON 6027 [0.5 credit] (ECO 7126, ECO 7526) Econometrics II
Statistical foundations of econometrics: estimation, inference, and decision theory. Topics may include likelihood and moment-based inference, asymptotic theory, semi-parametric and non-parametric models, Bayesian approaches, and structural models, together with relevant economic applications.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Precludes additional credit for ECON 5701 (no longer offered) and ECON 6005 (no longer offered).
Prerequisite(s): ECON 5027 (or equivalent).
Precludes additional credit for ECON 5701 (no longer offered) and ECON 6005 (no longer offered).
Prerequisite(s): ECON 5027 (or equivalent).
Graduate Calendar
Students completing the dual degree pathway will graduate with: M.A. Economics with Concentration in Financial Economics, and M.B.A. with Concentration in Financial Economics.