ENGLĀ 2005 [0.5 credit] Theory and Criticism
An introduction to theories and methods of literary analysis. Through the study of literature, theory, and criticism, students will explore disciplinary history, critical terms, textual analysis, and research methods.
Prerequisite(s): second-year standing or permission of the department.
Lecture three hours a week.
Lecture three hours a week.
Co-operative Education
Undergraduate Calendar
...Work Term Report Course : ENGL 3999 Work/Study...first work term, ENST 2005, ENST 2006, and...
Environmental Studies
Undergraduate Calendar
...ASLA, CHIN, COMS, DIGH, ENGL, ESLA, FILM, FINS...first work term, ENST 2005, ENST 2006, and...
Undergraduate Calendar
...ASLA, CHIN, COMS, DIGH, ENGL, ESLA, FILM, FINS...term: BA students: GEOG 2005 , GEOG 2006 and...