GEOM 3005 [0.5 credit] Geospatial Analysis
An advanced course in geospatial analysis theory and practice; geoprocessing; geo-visualization; geostatistics; spatial modelling; working with spatio-temporal data structures; advanced site-suitability and network analysis; intermediate GIS tool customization.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Prerequisite(s): GEOM 2007 and GEOM 2008.
Lecture and laboratories five hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): GEOM 2007 and GEOM 2008.
Lecture and laboratories five hours a week.
Co-operative Education
Undergraduate Calendar
...any two of ANTH 3005 , ANTH 3007 , or...Designation. Work Term Course : GEOM 3999 Work/Study...
Undergraduate Calendar
...CRCJ, ECON, ENST, GEOG, GEOM, GINS, GPOL, INAF...any two of ANTH 3005 , ANTH 3007 , or...