IDES 2302 [0.5 credit] Projects IIB
Introduction to the design principles associated with adapting products to an existing product semantic. Topics covered: principles of design, product semantics, design analysis, design synthesis, design evaluation, and modeling techniques. The design project(s) explore some or all of the design principles covered in the lectures.
Prerequisite(s): IDES 2300 or permission of the School of Industrial Design.
Studio and lectures six hours a week.
Industrial Design
Undergraduate Calendar
Fourth-year students are required to register in IDES 4301 and IDES 4310 in the same academic year. One successfully completed Industrial Design Co-op work term between the third and fourth year of study is equivalent to IDES 4400 . The electives chosen should serve to deepen the student's understanding of fields related to Industrial Design or disciplines that are relevant for industrial designers.
Bachelor of Industrial Design
Undergraduate Calendar
...courses. 3rd year: Successful completion of of IDES 2302 and all first and second year...