IMD 3900 [1.0 credit] Design Studio 2
Intermediate practical studio sessions covering the creative aspects of 3D graphics and animation. Topics include: environment and character modeling, texturing, using bump/displacement maps, advanced materials, 3D cameras, various lighting, keyframe animation, and rendering methods.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Prerequisite(s): IMD 2007 and third-year standing in the IMD program.
Studio/lecture eight hours a week.
Prerequisite(s): IMD 2007 and third-year standing in the IMD program.
Studio/lecture eight hours a week.
Environmental Studies
Undergraduate Calendar
...ERTH, FOOD, HLTH, IDES, IMD, IRM, ISAP, ISCI...ENST 2006, and ENST 3900; Obtained an Overall...
Undergraduate Calendar
...ERTH, FOOD, HLTH, IDES, IMD, IRM, ISAP, ISCI...5 credit from ENST 3900 , GEOG 3000 , GEOG...