ISAP 4906 [1.0 credit] Capstone Course - Group Research Project
Students will collaborate on a project that addresses a real-world issue in a team environment. Focus includes: design and completion of a research project; development of communication, critical inquiry, data analysis and research skills; and the opportunity to develop initiative, creativity and self-reliance.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Precludes additional credit for ISAP 4907, ISAP 4908.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing in the Interdisciplinary Science and Practice (ISAP) Honours program and permission of the Institute.
Lecture, seminar and workshop four hours per week, as scheduled by the instructor.
Precludes additional credit for ISAP 4907, ISAP 4908.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing in the Interdisciplinary Science and Practice (ISAP) Honours program and permission of the Institute.
Lecture, seminar and workshop four hours per week, as scheduled by the instructor.