JOURÂ 1003 [0.5 credit] Discovering Journalism: Traditional Tales to Tweets
Journalism’s evolution as community creator and guardian of democracy; its greatest scoops and worst misdeeds. From ancient news-sharing to 21st-century expression in blogs, tweets and investigative masterpieces, this course surveys ethical, political and economic contexts of journalism. Not open to Journalism majors.
Lecture three hours a week.
Undergraduate Calendar
...ANTH 1002 , or ANTH 1003 (no longer offered...GREK, HEBR, ITAL, JAPA, JOUR, KORE, LANG, LATN...
Undergraduate Calendar
...SOCI 1002 , or SOCI 1003 . Only one of...GREK, HEBR, ITAL, JAPA, JOUR, KORE, LANG, LATN...