LAWS 4908 [1.0 credit] Honours Paper
Students in the BA Honours Law program may write an Honours paper under the supervision of a faculty member of the Department of Law (guidelines are posted by the Department). Students intending to undertake graduate studies are encouraged to complete an Honours paper.
Prerequisite(s): LAWS 3908, fourth-year Honours standing in Law with a Law GPA of 9.00 or higher and written acceptance by a faculty member.
Independent work 7-10 hours per week. Regular meetings with supervisor (bi-weekly).
Undergraduate Calendar
Students with a Major in Law are encouraged, but not required, to consider completing a Minor in another discipline in order to broaden their exposure to that discipline.
Undergraduate Calendar
...the thesis course PSYC 4908 [1.0] requires...Public Affairs, International Affairs, Law, Migration and Diaspora...
Political Science
Undergraduate Calendar
...Honours Research Essay PSCI 4908 [1.0] on...Public Affairs, International Affairs, Law, Migration and Diaspora...