NEUR 3001 [0.5 credit] Data Analysis in Neuroscience I
Introducing various software for analyzing neuroscience data. Dealing with real data, drawing graphs, application of descriptive and inferential statistics through the general linear model, assumptions of parametric tests, robust statistics, confidence intervals, correlations, use of appropriate statistical methods and interpretation of results.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Prerequisite(s): PSYC 2001 and PSYC 2002, or NEUR 2001 and NEUR 2002.
Lectures three hours a week, online labs/workshops.
Prerequisite(s): PSYC 2001 and PSYC 2002, or NEUR 2001 and NEUR 2002.
Lectures three hours a week, online labs/workshops.
Mathematics and Statistics
Undergraduate Calendar
...GEOG 2006 , GEOG 3003 , NEUR 2001 , NEUR 2002 , NEUR 3001 , NEUR 3002 , PSCI 2702 , PSYC...
Co-operative Education
Undergraduate Calendar
...5 credits from FOOD 3001, FOOD 3002, FOOD...Neuroscience and Mental Health : NEUR 3999 Work Term...
Undergraduate Calendar
...Society, Environment courses TSES 3001 , TSES 3002 , TSES...Designation. Work Term Course : NEUR 3999 , BIOL 3999...