NEUR 3003 [0.5 credit] Epidemiology in Neuroscience
Introduction to the principles and methods of epidemiology, study designs, measures of effect, sources of error, confounding, bias, internal and external validity, and causality. The course also will provide an overview of the epidemiological features, and risk factors for common neurological disorders.
Mathematics and Statistics
Undergraduate Calendar
...2606 , GEOG 2006 , GEOG 3003 , NEUR 2001 , NEUR 2002 , NEUR 3001 , NEUR 3002 , PSCI 2702...
Co-operative Education
Undergraduate Calendar
...3002, FOOD 3005, FOOD 3003, and FOOD 4001...Neuroscience and Mental Health : NEUR 3999 Work Term...