NEUR 4002 [0.5 credit] Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses
Introduction to the methods used in conducting systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Topics include: conducting literature searches, extracting relevant literature, assessing quality of studies, synthesizing findings across studies, and the statistical methods used to carry out a meta-analysis.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Precludes additional credit for NEUR 4904.
Prerequisite(s): NEUR 3003 or permission of instructor.
Also offered at the graduate level, with different requirements, as NEUR 5203, for which additional credit is precluded.
Lecture three hours a week.
Precludes additional credit for NEUR 4904.
Prerequisite(s): NEUR 3003 or permission of instructor.
Also offered at the graduate level, with different requirements, as NEUR 5203, for which additional credit is precluded.
Lecture three hours a week.
Mathematics and Statistics
Undergraduate Calendar
...3003 , NEUR 2001 , NEUR 2002 , NEUR 3001 , NEUR...3001 , ECON 4001 , ECON 4002 , ECON 4004 , ECON...
Undergraduate Calendar
...3500 , TSES 4001 , TSES 4002 , TSES 4003 , TSES...Designation. Work Term Course : NEUR 3999 , BIOL 3999...