NSCIĀ 4901 [1.0 credit] Science Journalism Independent Project
Students will work with a health or life science research group and deliver an in-depth narrative on the relevant scientific research, lab dynamics and results.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing in the Bachelor of Journalism and at least 3.5 credits completed in the concentration in Health Science, or permission of the School of Journalism and Communication.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing in the Bachelor of Journalism and at least 3.5 credits completed in the concentration in Health Science, or permission of the School of Journalism and Communication.
Undergraduate Calendar
...Students who count LAWS 4901 , LAWS 4902 or...MATH, MECH, NET, NEUR, NSCI, OSS, PHYS, PLT...