PHIL 2005 [1.0 credit] Ancient Philosophy: The Search for Wisdom
An exploration of ancient philosophy as a search for wisdom and happiness from its Presocratic beginnings in Greece to its development in the Hellenistic world and Imperial Rome. Emphasis on philosophy as a contemplative activity and as a way of life.
Also listed as CLCV 2105.
Precludes additional credit for PHIL 2006, CLCV 2006, PHIL 2007, CLCV 2007 (no longer offered).
Prerequisite(s): 0.5 credit in PHIL, or second-year standing.
Lectures three hours a week.
Precludes additional credit for PHIL 2006, CLCV 2006, PHIL 2007, CLCV 2007 (no longer offered).
Prerequisite(s): 0.5 credit in PHIL, or second-year standing.
Lectures three hours a week.
Environmental Studies
Undergraduate Calendar
...INDG, LACS, LING, MEMS, PHIL, RELI, SAST, SXST...first work term, ENST 2005, ENST 2006, and...
Undergraduate Calendar
...INDG, LACS, LING, MEMS, PHIL, RELI, SAST, SXST...term: BA students: GEOG 2005 , GEOG 2006 and...