PHYS 5204 [0.5 credit] (PHY 5112) Physics of Medical Imaging
Physical foundation of and recent developments in transmission X-ray imaging, computerized tomography, nuclear medicine, magnetic resonance imaging, and ultrasound, for the specialist imaging physicist. Image quality, contrast, resolution, SNR, MTF, DQE. Introduction to image processing, system performance assessment.
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 5203 and one of PHYS 4203 or PHYS 5313, or permission of the Department.
Graduate Calendar
Of the 2.5 credits of course work, no more than 1.5 credits may be fulfilled by Selected Topics such as PHYS 5900 [1.0] , PHYS 5901 [0.5] . In special cases, the requirements may also be met by taking 5.0 credits of course work. 1.0 credit must be the Selected Topics course PHYS 5900
Biomedical Engineering
Graduate Calendar
...5111 , COMP 5112 , COMP 5204 , COMP 5209 , COMP...COMP 5703 , COMP 5704 , PHYS 5002 , SYSC 5001...
Data Science (Collaborative Specialization)
Graduate Calendar
...5111 , COMP 5112 , COMP 5204 , COMP 5209 , COMP...COMP 5703 , COMP 5704 , PHYS 5002 , SYSC 5001...