PHYS 5210 [0.0 credit] (PHY 5168) Anatomy and Physiology for Medical Physicists
An overview of human anatomy and physiology as background for the application of physics to cancer therapy and medical imaging. Anatomy as depicted by imaging technologies such as CT, mri, and radiography will be emphasized. Graded Sat/Uns.
Prerequisite(s): enrollment in the graduate program in medical physics or permission of the Department.
Graduate Calendar
Of the 2.5 credits of course work, no more than 1.5 credits may be fulfilled by Selected Topics such as PHYS 5900 [1.0] , PHYS 5901 [0.5] . In special cases, the requirements may also be met by taking 5.0 credits of course work. 1.0 credit must be the Selected Topics course PHYS 5900