PHYS 5313 [0.5 credit] Physical Applications of Fourier Analysis
Fourier transform, convolution. Sampling theorem. Applications to imaging: descriptors of spatial resolution, filtering. Correlation, noise power. Discrete Fourier transform, FFT. Filtering of noisy signals. Image reconstruction in computed tomography and magnetic resonance. Laplace transform. Integral transforms, application to boundary value problems.
Also offered at the undergraduate level, with different requirements, as PHYS 4203, for which additional credit is precluded.
Graduate Calendar
Of the 2.5 credits of course work, no more than 1.5 credits may be fulfilled by Selected Topics such as PHYS 5900 [1.0] , PHYS 5901 [0.5] . In special cases, the requirements may also be met by taking 5.0 credits of course work. 1.0 credit must be the Selected Topics course PHYS 5900