PSCI 4204 [0.5 credit] Elections
The conduct and meaning of elections in contemporary states. Attention to the connection of elections to concepts of representation, policy mandates, and political parties, and to electoral systems and referendums.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year Honours standing or permission of the Department, and one of GPOL 1500, GPOL 2500, PSCI 2003, PSCI 2101, PSCI 2102, PSCI 2700, or (PSCI 2701 and PSCI 2702).
Also offered at the graduate level, with different requirements, as PSCI 5204, for which additional credit is precluded.
Seminar three hours a week.
Also offered at the graduate level, with different requirements, as PSCI 5204, for which additional credit is precluded.
Seminar three hours a week.