SOWK 3602 [2.0 credits] Practicum I (Fall term)
Focus on integrating theory and practice in an approved community setting supervised by a field supervisor; 352 field hours and compulsory field seminars. Limited enrolment in this course subject to discretion of Field coordinator. Graded as Sat/Uns.
Precludes additional credit for SOWK 3601, SOWK 3600.
Prerequisite(s): SOWK 2001, SOWK 2005, SOWK 2100, SOWK 2202, SOWK 2203, and permission of the School of Social Work. Student must be in good academic standing in the BSW program and have a 6.00 CGPA in the Social Work major.
352 hours of field work over one term and concurrent practicum seminars.
Social Work
Undergraduate Calendar
Students in the Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) are expected to conform to the Canadian Association of Social Workers (CASW) Code of Ethics and the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (OCSWSSW) Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice. Students who violate these codes of ethics may be required, in accordance with the Senate Policy on Social Work Professional Suitability, to withdraw from the program with either the status Continue in Alternate (CA) or the status Dismissed from Program (DP).