SOWK 4002 [0.5 credit] Advanced Social Work Practice with Groups
Advanced theory, methods, techniques, and skills for social work with groups; knowledge of group work and various group formats; and social work interventions in group process.
Prerequisite(s): SOWK 2203 and fourth-year standing in the Bachelor of Social Work.
Seminar three hours a week.
Seminar three hours a week.
Mathematics and Statistics
Undergraduate Calendar
...3001 , ECON 4001 , ECON 4002 , ECON 4004 , ECON...SOCI 3002 , SOCI 4009 , SOWK 3001 , SYSC 2510...
Undergraduate Calendar
...3500 , TSES 4001 , TSES 4002 , TSES 4003 , TSES...POLM, PSCI, PSYC, SOCI, SOWK Declared and Undeclared...