SREE 4907 [1.0 credit] Energy Engineering Project
Student teams develop professional-level experience by applying, honing, integrating and extending previously acquired knowledge in a major design project. Lectures are devoted to discussing project-related issues and student presentations. A project proposal, interim report, oral presentations, and a comprehensive final report are required.
Prerequisite(s): SREE 3002 and SREE 3003, and fourth-year status in Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering. Certain projects may have additional prerequisites or corequisites.
Undergraduate Calendar
Courses in this classification must be chosen from among those listed as acceptable for the current academic year. The list is published annually on the engineering academic support website: carleton.ca/engineering/uas . The list will change from year to year and only courses on the list valid in the year the course is taken, or courses for which formal approval of the Faculty has been obtained can be used as credit toward an engineering degree. Courses not on the list may be used to fulfill a Basic Science elective requirement with the permission of the Faculty of Engineering and Design and provided all other specified course requirements are met. Note that access to courses on the list is not guaranteed and may depend on space availability and the satisfaction of other requirements including, for example, course prerequisites.
Undergraduate Calendar
...the concentration. If PSYC 4907 , PSYC 4908 , PSYC...NSCI, OSS, PHYS, PLT, SREE, STAT, SYSC, TSES...