SYSCÂ 5207 [0.5 credit] (ELG 6127) Distributed Systems Engineering
Techniques for representing distributed systems: graphical and textual models. Processes, threads, synchronization and inter-process communication techniques, RPC. Middleware: client-server (CORBA), grids, Web services. Resource management: processor allocation, load sharing, Grid scheduling, real-time issues. Protocol: OSI model, application and presentation layers.
Prerequisite(s): permission of the Department.
Biomedical Engineering
Graduate Calendar
...SYSC 5007 , SYSC 5101 , SYSC 5102 , SYSC 5103 , SYSC 5108 , SYSC 5201 , SYSC 5207 , SYSC...
Data Science (Collaborative Specialization)
Graduate Calendar
...SYSC 5007 , SYSC 5101 , SYSC 5102 , SYSC 5103 , SYSC 5108 , SYSC 5201 , SYSC 5207 , SYSC...