WGST 3001 [0.5 credit] Theory and Research in Feminist Social Transformation
Interdisciplinary and intersectional approach introducing students to contemporary feminist, Indigenous, decolonial, and transnational theories, issues, conflicts, methodologies, and critiques of prevailing approaches to the construction of knowledge. Themes include, feminist epistemology, ontology, knowledge, and ethics in feminist research.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Precludes additional credit for WGST 3809 (no longer offered), WGST 3810 (no longer offered).
Prerequisite(s): Third-year standing and 1.0 credit in WGST or permission of the Institute.
Lecture three hours a week.
Precludes additional credit for WGST 3809 (no longer offered), WGST 3810 (no longer offered).
Prerequisite(s): Third-year standing and 1.0 credit in WGST or permission of the Institute.
Lecture three hours a week.
Undergraduate Calendar
...Society, Environment courses TSES 3001 , TSES 3002 , TSES...PHIL, RELI, SAST, SXST, WGST Breadth Area 3...