MATH 1800 [0.5 credit] Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning
Elementary logic, propositional and predicate calculus, quantifiers, sets and functions, bijections and elementary counting, the concept of infinity, relations, well ordering and induction. The practice of mathematical proof in elementary number theory and combinatorics.
Prerequisite(s): Ontario Grade 12 Mathematics: Advanced Functions, or MATH 0005, or equivalent.
Lectures three hours a week, tutorial one hour a week.
Mathematics and Statistics
Undergraduate Calendar
MATH 2000 requires C+ in (MATH 1002 (no longer offered) or MATH 2052 ) , or B+ in ( MATH 2007 or MATH 1005 ), and C+ in (MATH 1102 (no longer offered) or MATH 2152 ), or B+ in ( MATH 1107 or MATH 1104 ). MATH 2100 requires C+ in (MATH 1102 (no longer offered) or MATH 2152 ), or B+ in MATH 2107 . MATH 2454 requires C+ in (MATH 1002 (no longer offered) or MATH 2052 or MATH 2007 or MATH 1005 ), and C+ in (MATH 1102 (no longer offered) or MATH 2152 or MATH 2107 ). STAT 2655 requires C+ in (MATH 1002 (no longer offered) or MATH 2052 or MATH 2007 or MATH 1005 ), and C+ in (MATH 1102 (no longer offered) or MATH 2152 or MATH 1107 or MATH 1104 ). MATH 2007 requires MATH 1004 or C- in ( MATH 1007 or MATH 1009 ). MATH 2107 requires MATH 1104 or C- in MATH 1107
Undergraduate Calendar
...Analysis is not required if precluded course MATH 1800 is required by another component of...
Undergraduate Calendar
...such as MATH 0009 and MATH 0107 . Students require completion of BUSI 1800 and BUSI...
Undergraduate Calendar
...1002, ECON 1001, ECON 1002, BUSI 1800, and MATH 1009 with no individual grade below...