Department of Earth Sciences
(Faculty of Science)
Earth Sciences (ERTH) Courses
Exploring Planet Earth
Origin of the Earth, concepts of geological time, and exploration of the interaction and duration of geological processes that shape the surface to deep interior of our planet, the climate, and formation of rocks and earth resources.
Precludes additional credit for ERTH 1001 (no longer offered), ERTH 1010, ERTH 2404.
Prerequisite(s): a 4U/M level in Advanced Functions and at least one of Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Space Sciences or Physics are recommended. This course is for students who are enrolled in the Faculty of Science.
Lectures three hours a week, a laboratory three hours a week, and a field excursion.
The Earth System Through Time
Origin and co-evolution of Earth and life over its 4.56 billion year history. Connections between plate tectonics, rock formation, climate and global change. Early marine life, colonization of land, mass extinctions, and the use of fossils for interpreting past ecosystems.
Precludes additional credit for GEOL 1008 (no longer offered), ERTH 1011.
Prerequisite(s): This course is for students who are enrolled in the Faculty of Science.
Lectures three hours a week, a laboratory three hours a week.
Our Dynamic Planet Earth
Origin of the Earth, concepts of geological time, and exploration of the interaction and duration of geological processes that shape the surface to deep interior of our planet, the climate, and formation of rocks and earth resources.
Prerequisite(s): a 4U/M level in Advanced Functions and at least one of Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Space Sciences or Physics are recommended. This course is for students who are not enrolled in the Faculty of Science except the Bachelor of Computer Science.
Lectures three hours a week.
Evolution of the Earth
Origin and co-evolution of Earth and life over its 4.56 billion year history. Connections between plate tectonics, rock formation, climate and global change. Early marine life, colonization of land, mass extinctions and the use of fossils for interpreting past ecosystems.
Prerequisite(s): a 4U/M level in Advanced Functions and at least one of Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Space Sciences or Physics are recommended; ERTH 1010 is normally taken prior to this course. This course is for students who are not enrolled in the Faculty of Science except the Bachelor of Computer Science.
Lectures three hours a week.
Maps, Satellites and the Geospatial Revolution
Introduction to the creation and use of maps using a variety of geospatial tools to better understand and resolve physical, social and environmental problems. Overview of geomatics (cartography and map design, geographic information systems, GPS, remote sensing).
Precludes additional credit for GEOM 2004 (no longer offered).
Lectures and laboratory, four hours a week.
Planet Hollywood
Earth Science concepts and content portrayed in Hollywood films are sometimes accurate but more frequently misrepresented. This course will examine popular Hollywood films to critically evaluate the Earth Science concepts and content that they present and directly compare them to the actual science.
Mineralogy to Petrology
Chemical, optical and crystallographic properties of common rock-forming minerals, with introduction to common mineral assemblages of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks.
Precludes additional credit for ERTH 3202 (no longer offered).
Prerequisite(s): ERTH 1006, CHEM 1001, and CHEM 1002.
Lectures two hours a week and laboratory three hours a week.
Igneous Systems, Geochemistry and Processes
The sources and magmatic evolution of volcanic and plutonic rocks systems, with emphasis on geochemical, mineralogical, and textural characteristics, and relations to igneous processes.
Precludes additional credit for ERTH 3202 (no longer offered).
Prerequisite(s): CHEM 1001, CHEM 1002, and ERTH 2102.
Lectures three hours a week, laboratory three hours a week and a field excursion.
The structure, composition, and rheological properties of the Earth: lithosphere, mantle and core. Plate tectonics and its relation to geophysical fields, driving mechanisms, and processes at plate boundaries and in plate interiors.
Precludes additional credit for ERTH 3805 (no longer offered).
Prerequisite(s): ERTH 1006 and (ERTH 1009 or GEOG 2013).
Lectures two hours a week and a laboratory three hours a week.
Introduction to macrofossil and microfossil groups, their paleoenvironmental significance, and principles of evolutionary paleoecology.
Precludes additional credit for ERTH 2316, GEOL 2301 (no longer offered) and GEOL 2306 (no longer offered).
Prerequisite(s): ERTH 1006 and (ERTH 1009 or GEOG 2013).
Lectures two hours a week and a laboratory three hours a week.
Sedimentation and Stratigraphy
Origin of sediments and their transport, distribution, and primary structures; processes of sediment-to-rock transformation; spatial patterns; controls of stratigraphy; methods of correlation.
Precludes additional credit for ERTH 2318.
Prerequisite(s): ERTH 1006 and (ERTH 1009 or GEOG 2013).
Lectures three hours a week and a laboratory three hours a week.
Introduction to macrofossil and microfossil groups, their paleoenvironmental significance, and principles of evolutionary paleoecology.
Prerequisite(s): ERTH 1006 and ERTH 1009. Priority given to students in the Minor in Earth Sciences.
Lectures two hours a week.
Origin of sediments and their transport, distribution, and primary structures; processes of sediment-to-rock transformation; spatial patterns; controls of stratigraphy and methods of correlation.
Prerequisite(s): ERTH 1006 and ERTH 1009. Priority given to students in the Minor in Earth Sciences.
Lectures three hours a week.
A general introduction to dinosaurs, their place in evolution, their social behaviour, the Mesozoic landscape and extinction theories.
Climate Change: An Earth Sciences Perspective
An exploration of the often dramatic climate changes that have occurred through earth history from a geological perspective, emphasizing the history of earth climates, geological causes of climate change and impact that rapid climate change has had on the biosphere.
Introduction to Oceanography
An environmental approach to understanding the oceans; introducing the physical and biological aspects of oceanography, marine resources and marine pollution.
Engineering Geoscience
Applications of the basic concepts of geology, earth materials and earth processes to practical engineering and environmental science. Topics include rock and soil mechanics, slope stability, hydrogeology, geological hazards, and site investigations. Overview of related geophysical methods.
Precludes additional credit for ERTH 2414 (no longer offered) ERTH 1006 and ERTH 1010.
Prerequisite(s): completion of first year of any B.Eng. program.
Lectures three hours a week and a laboratory three hours a week.
Geology and Map Interpretation
Analysis and interpretation of geological features and processes using rocks, maps and cross sections. Introduction to computational methods.
Prerequisite(s): ERTH 2102, ERTH 2004 and (MATH 1104 or MATH 1107).
Lectures two hours a week and a laboratory three hours a week.
Natural Disasters
Physical characteristics and causes of natural disasters of geological origin such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunami, landslides, hurricanes and meteor impacts. Discussion on historical perspective, societal impact and mitigation strategies. Emphasis on Canadian case histories.
Prerequisite(s): second-year standing in any degree program. With the exception of the Minor in Earth Sciences, available as a free elective only in any B.Sc. program, including Earth Sciences.
Lectures three hours a week.
On the Origin of Planets
Origin and evolution of all planetary objects in the solar system. Topics include the geology of comets, asteroids, the terrestrial planets and rocky moons, Earth's formation and early evolution, ocean worlds, the search for exoplanets and detection of extraterrestrial life.
UNESCO World Geoparks and Geoheritage
Development of the geologic sciences and enhanced knowledge of the Earth and its history through the lens of inspiring and extraordinary global geological sites that have contributed significantly to science and culture.
A Geologic Tour of the National Parks of North America
An introduction to the geology of North America's National parks, the ultimate awe-inspiring educational experience, and how these parks collectively tell the story of the processes that have shaped the continent.
Field Geology I
Field analysis using geological, geophysical and computational methods leading to the interpretation of the origins of geological features and processes.
Prerequisite(s): ERTH 2406 and permission of the department.
Field work for two weeks off campus. A supplementary fee will apply.
Gemstones including their physical and chemical properties, geological formation and geographic occurrence. Introduction to gemological laboratory methods.
Prerequisite(s): ERTH 2102.
Lectures two hours a week and laboratory two hours a week.
Geochemistry and Geochronology
Geochemical composition of reservoirs from the deep Earth to surface environments. Use of geochemistry and isotope geochemistry to track geological processes. Introduction to a variety of scientific dating methods (geochronology).
Precludes additional credit for ERTH 2101 (no longer offered).
Prerequisite(s): ERTH 2102 and ERTH 2104.
Lecture three hours a week and a laboratory two hours a week.
Vertebrate Evolution: Mammals, Reptiles, and Birds
Evolution of mammals, reptiles and birds. Emphasis on surveying amniote diversity, and the origin of key amniote transformations, as evidenced by the fossil record.
Also listed as BIOL 3111.
Prerequisite(s): ERTH 1009 or BIOL 2001, or permission of the department.
Lectures two hours a week and a laboratory three hours a week.
Vertebrate Evolution: Fish and Amphibians
Evolution of fish and amphibians. Emphasis on surveying fish and amphibian diversity, and the origin of key transformations of these groups, as evidenced by the fossil record.
Also listed as BIOL 3112.
Prerequisite(s): ERTH 1009 or BIOL 2001, or permission of the department.
Lectures two hours a week and a laboratory three hours a week.
Geology of Human Origins
The origin and evolution of our species from geological, biological and cultural perspectives. The course traces human ancestry from our primate roots through time and changing environments, and explores controversies, frauds, and misperceptions.
Lectures three hours per week.
Evolution of Mammals, Reptiles and Birds
Evolution of mammals, reptiles and birds. Emphasis on surveying amniote diversity, and the origin of key amniote transformations, as evidences by the fossil record.
Prerequisite(s): any 1000- or 2000-level Earth Sciences or Biology course.
Lectures two hours per week.
Evolution of Fish and Amphibians
Evolution of fish and amphibians. Emphasis on surveying fish and amphibian diversity and the origin of key transformations of these groups, as evidenced by the fossil record.
Prerequisite(s): any 1000- or 2000-level Earth Sciences or Biology course.
Lectures two hours per week.
A 10-day field study of modern and ancient sedimentary and ecological systems and their stratigraphy in a geological region outside of the Ottawa area. Subsequent in-class seminars examine significant changes in sedimentary environments through Earth's history. A supplementary fee will apply.
Precludes additional credit for ERTH 3201 (no longer offered).
Prerequisite(s): ERTH 2314, enrolment in one of the ERTH Honours, Combined Honours or Major programs, a 2000-level CGPA of 8.0 and permission of the Department.
Ten-day off-campus field course.
Mineral Deposits
Analysis and interpretation of the geological and geochemical processes responsible for mineral deposit genesis in a global context.
Prerequisite(s): ERTH 2104.
Lectures and laboratory five hours a week.
Physical Hydrogeology
Principles of deep- to shallow fluid flow within the Earth's crust, and introduction to the exploration, development and management of groundwater as a global resource.
Prerequisite(s): ERTH 1006 and (ERTH 1009 or GEOG 2013).
Lecture three hours a week and a laboratory three hours a week.
Sedimentary Depositional Systems
Application of sedimentary facies in class and local field-based settings to interpret modern and ancient depositional environments and stratigraphic succession related to climatic and oceanographic influences. Subsequent in-class seminars examine significant changes in sedimentary environments through Earth's history.
Precludes additional credit for ERTH 3208 (no longer offered).
Prerequisite(s): ERTH 2314.
Field and class based instruction, 6 hours a week.
Metamorphic Petrology and Processes
Genesis of metamorphic rocks as determined from field, petrographic and geochemical data.
Precludes additional credit for ERTH 3202 (no longer offered).
Prerequisite(s): ERTH 2104.
Lectures two hours a week, a laboratory three hours a week and a field excursion.
Geophysical Methods
An introduction to the tools of applied geophysics including seismology, electrical, magnetic, and gravitational surveying methods.
Precludes additional credit for ERTH 2405 (no longer offered).
Prerequisite(s): ERTH 2105.
Lecture two hours a week and a laboratory three hours a week.
Structural Geology
Structures and deformational processes in a variety of crustal settings. Applications to geological engineering and mineral and petroleum exploration.
Prerequisite(s): ERTH 2105 and ERTH 2406.
Lecture two hours a week and a laboratory three hours a week.
Co-operative Work Term
Directed Studies in Earth Sciences
One or more projects involving at least 15 days field and/or laboratory research, not related to thesis research. Assessment based on written reports and an oral presentation. Expenses for long-distance travel are borne by the student.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing in any B.Sc. Hons. or Combined Hons. program in Earth Sciences.
Schedule to be arranged.
Special Topics in Earth Sciences
Field, laboratory or literature research, not related to thesis research. Assessment based on written reports and an oral presentation. Expenses for travel are borne by the student.
Schedule to be arranged.
Paleoecological and biostratigraphic significance, and evolutionary history of marine and freshwater microorganisms.
Prerequisite(s): ERTH 2312.
Lectures, seminars and/or laboratory five hours a week.
Exploration of the relationship between micro- and macro-evolutionary processes and the Earth's physical and chemical environment. Paleobiology and evolutionary ecology in the context of paleoceanography, paleolimnology and paleoclimatology. Will include one or two weeks of field based instruction with costs borne by the student.
Field work off campus.
Evolutionary Developmental Paleobiology
This course explores the mechanistic basis of organismic evolution from genetic, morphogenetic and epigenetic perspectives, within a phylogenetic context of living and extinct vertebrates.
Prerequisite(s): ERTH 2312 or BIOL 2001, and BIOL 2104.
Lectures or seminars three hours per week.
Topics in Paleobiology and Evolution
This multidisciplinary seminar course investigates various topics in paleobiology, paleoecology and evolutionary theory.
Lectures and seminar discussion, three hours per week
Geotechnical Mechanics
Soil composition and soil classification. Soil properties, compaction, seepage and permeability. Concepts of pore water pressure, capillary pressure and hydraulic head. Principle of effective stress, stress-deformation and strength characteristics of soils, consolidation, stress distribution with soils, and settlement. Laboratory testing.
Also listed as CIVE 3208.
Prerequisite(s): ERTH 2406 and ERTH 3405.
Lectures three hours a week, laboratory three hours alternate weeks.
Contaminant and Remediation Hydrogeology
Geochemical and physical processes controlling contaminant release, migration, and fate in groundwater along with the processes and techniques used for contaminant mitigation and remediation. Examples will include organic and inorganic contaminants in a variety of settings.
Prerequisite(s): ERTH 3003 and ERTH 3205.
Lectures and seminars three hours per week.
Mineral Exploration Field Geology
Introduction to the essentials of conducting geological mapping campaign in the Canadian Shield in a field area that has seen considerable industry exploration for volcanogenic massive sulfide mineralization. Activities include outcrop and trench mapping, strain analysis, interpretation of geophysical data, drilling proposals, report writing.
Precludes additional credit for ERTH 3209.
Prerequisite(s): ERTH 2104, ERTH 3207, ERTH 3806.
Field work for two weeks off-campus. A supplementary fee will apply.
Resources of a Finite Earth
Earth's resources: where they occur, how they are concentrated, how they are extracted and used, how human exploitation of natural resources affects the environment, and the limits to growth imposed by finite supplies of natural resources.
Lectures three hours a week.
Carbonate Sedimentology
The origin, composition and diagenesis of carbonate rocks. Study of modern and ancient platform systems; development of facies models; petrographic and geochemical analysis of limestones and dolostones.
Prerequisite(s): ERTH 3203 or ERTH 3206.
Lecture two hours a week and a laboratory three hours a week.
Resource Basin Analysis
Surface and subsurface geological and geophysical techniques used to define the distribution and origin of geological basins, the architecture of basin fill, and characterize the distribution of water, petroleum and mineral resources.
Prerequisite(s): ERTH 3203 or ERTH 3206, ERTH 3205, and ERTH 3806.
Lectures, seminars and laboratory five hours a week.
Structural Geology
A study of the structural evolution of mountain belts, with emphasis on field methods.
Prerequisite(s): ERTH 3806.
Lectures, seminars and laboratory five hours a week.
Tectonic Evolution of Canada
Geologic evolution of Canada focusing on geological styles and tectonic processes of Archean cratons, Proterozoic and Phanerozoic orogenic belts.
Advanced Igneous Petrology
Volcanology, petrology, mineralogy and geochemistry of igneous rocks and their tectonic setting. May include one to two weeks of field-based instruction with costs borne by the student.
Prerequisite(s): ERTH 3003.
Field excursions or lectures or seminars three hours per week.
Advanced Metamorphic Petrology
Introduction to the quantitative analysis of pressure-temperature-time trajectories and rock-forming processes during metamorphic petrogenesis; may include one or two weeks of field-based instruction, with costs borne by the student.
Prerequisite(s): ERTH 3207.
Field excursions, lectures, or seminars three hours per week.
Engineering Seismology
Seismological topics with engineering applications. Characterization of seismicity and seismic sources (areas and faults). Seismic hazard analysis. Empirical and theoretical modeling of strong ground motion in time and frequency domains.
Also offered at the graduate level, with different requirements, as ERTH 5707, for which additional credit is precluded.
Lectures three hours a week.
Physics of the Earth
The physical properties of the solid Earth. Gravitational, magnetic and palaeomagnetic fields; seismology and earthquake occurrence; heat flow and thermal history. Geodynamic processes.
Also offered at the graduate level, with different requirements, as ERTH 5701, for which additional credit is precluded.
Lectures three hours a week.
Radiogenic Isotope Geology
Use of radiogenic isotope systems to understand the differentiation history and evolution of large-scale isotopic reservoirs. Data, models and interpretations behind our present day knowledge and understanding of the Earth's history. Assessment of geochronological results and interpretations.
Prerequisite(s): ERTH 3003.
Also offered at the graduate level, with different requirements, as ERTH 5609, for which additional credit is precluded.
Lectures, seminars or laboratories three hours per week.
Exploration Geophysics
Application of geophysical methods to explore for petroleum and mineral resources, with emphasis on seismic and electromagnetic methods. Case histories illustrate the concepts.
Prerequisite(s): ERTH 3405.
Lectures and laboratories five hours per week.
Field Geology II
Field camp integrating advanced field, theory and experimental data. Assessment is based on reports, seminars, and oral examinations. Part of the cost is borne by the student. Departmental funding assistance is available for only one 4000-level field course per student.
Prerequisite(s): completion of the third-year Earth Sciences course requirements and permission of the Department. A supplementary fee will apply.
Field work off campus.
Vertebrate Paleontology Field Camp
Field camp extends the student's vertebrate paleontological knowledge by integrating field, theory, and experimental data. Assessment based on written reports and seminars. Part of the cost is borne by the student. Departmental funding assistance is available for only one 4000-level field course per student.
Prerequisite(s): ERTH 3111 or ERTH 3112, and ERTH 3113. A Major CGPA of 8.5 or higher and permission of the department. This course is only available to Undergraduate students enrolled in the BSc Earth Sciences with concentration in Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoecology Honours program.
Field work for two weeks off campus. A supplementary fee will apply.
Natural Hazards in Canada
Overview of the main natural hazards (such as floods, landslides, forest fires, earthquakes) and severe weather phenomena (such as ice storms, hail, tornadoes) in the Canadian environment. Risk of catastrophic events and their impact on society and infrastructure.
Also offered at the graduate level, with different requirements, as ERTH 5215 and IPIS 5505, for which additional credit is precluded.
Lectures three hours a week.
Research Methods in Earth Sciences
Research approaches, methodologies and resources in Earth Sciences; analytical methods in Earth Sciences; data acquisition, evaluation and interpretation; principles and strategies of scientific and professional writing; and communication of results.
Prerequisite(s): third-year standing in Earth Sciences programs.
Lectures, seminars, or laboratories three hours a week. May also include visits to other research institutes or workshops with visiting instructors.
Honours Thesis
Independent studies. Requires prior written approval of a topic from a supervisor and the course co-ordinator. Oral and written proposal, progress and defence reports are required.
Precludes additional credit for ERTH 4909, ERTH 4910.
Prerequisite(s): restricted to B.Sc. Honours and Combined Honours ERTH programs. Major CGPA 8.5 or higher at time of registration for the course.
Research in Earth Sciences
Understanding research methods, data interpretation and presentation, through readings, seminars and-or laboratory projects related to a topic selected by the student with approval of a faculty advisor.
Precludes additional credit for ERTH 4908, ERTH 4910.
Prerequisite(s): restricted to B.Sc. Honours and Combined Honours Earth Sciences programs.
Honours Thesis in Resource Evaluation
Independent studies: Analysis and interpretation of geological, environmental and/or financial data to determine economic value of a natural resource, and its viability for sustainable development. Requires approval of the supervisor and course coordinator. Oral and written proposal, progress and defense reports are required.
Precludes additional credit for ERTH 4908 and ERTH 4909.
Prerequisite(s): Restricted to B.Sc. Honours in Earth Sciences with Concentration in Finance: Resource Valuation. Major CGPA 8.5 or higher at time of registration for the course.
Note: Not all courses listed are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for the current session and to determine the term of offering, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca.
Summer session: some of the courses listed in this Calendar are offered during the summer. Hours and scheduling for summer session courses will differ significantly from those reported in the fall/winter Calendar. To determine the scheduling and hours for summer session classes, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca