School of Linguistics and Language Studies
(Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
Language Studies (LANG) Courses
Placement for Language Students
Note: a placement test is required for students who have previous training and/or experience, but who have not taken a course in this language at Carleton. For details, please consult carleton.ca/slals/modern-languages and follow the placement test instructions before registering.
Students who are found to be registered in an inappropriate level of the course will be deregistered following assessment by their instructor (and/or the Director of the School). It is crucial for students to complete the placement test in a manner that truly demonstrates their language proficiency.
Students should note that they cannot go backward in a sequence of levels in language courses.
Introduction to a Language I
Introductory study of a selected language. Oral skills; basic reading and writing skills. The language taught will vary from year to year. Compulsory attendance.
Seminars four hours a week.
Introduction to a Language II
Continuation of LANG 1010. Oral skills; basic reading and writing skills. Compulsory attendance.
Prerequisite(s): grade of C or higher in LANG 1010, or permission of the School.
Seminars four hours a week.
Intensive Introduction to a Language
Introductory study of a selected language. Oral skills; basic reading and writing skills. The language taught will vary from year to year. Compulsory attendance.
Seminar eight hours a week (one term).
Second-Year Language I
Further study of a selected language to reach a more advanced level of proficiency in a range of situations. Equal emphasis on oral and written language. Compulsory attendance.
Prerequisite(s): grade of C or higher in LANG 1020 or LANG 1110, or permission of the School.
Four hours a week.
Second-Year Language II
Continuation of second-year of a selected language. Further study of this language to reach a more advanced level of proficiency in a range of situations. Equal emphasis on oral and written language. Compulsory attendance.
Prerequisite(s): grade of C or higher in LANG 2010 or permission of the School.
Four hours a week.
Continuing Intensive Study of a Language
Further study of a selected language to reach a more advanced level of proficiency in a range of situations. Equal emphasis on oral and written language. The language taught will vary from year to year. Compulsory attendance.
Prerequisite(s): grade of C or higher in LANG 1020 or LANG 1110, or permission of the School.
Seminars eight hours a week (one term).
Supervised Autonomous Language Learning
Supervised autonomous language learning in a language for which second-year instruction is not available. Guidance in compiling a language portfolio (oral and written skills) to document competence equivalent to completion of the 2020 level. Setting learning objectives, selecting materials, developing methods, strategies and learning tools.
Prerequisite(s): grade of C or higher in LANG 1020 or LANG 1110, and permission of the School.
Summer session: some of the courses listed in this Calendar are offered during the summer. Hours and scheduling for summer session courses will differ significantly from those reported in the fall/winter Calendar. To determine the scheduling and hours for summer session classes, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca
Not all courses listed are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for the current session and to determine the term of offering, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca