The regulations presented in this section apply to all Bachelor of Engineering programs.
In addition to the requirements presented here, students must satisfy the University regulations common to all undergraduate students including the process of Academic Performance Evaluation (see the Academic Regulations of the University section of this Calendar), with the following additions and amendments:
Academic Performance Evaluation for Engineering
- In Engineering programs, all credits are included in the Major CGPA, making it identical to the Overall CGPA.
- Students who are not assigned the status Good Standing or Academic Warning will be required to leave the degree with either the status Continue in Alternate (CA) or the status Dismissed from Program (DP).
Students in Engineering programs are covered by the common University regulations regarding graduation, with the following additions and amendments.
- Students entering an Engineering program with Advanced Standing will receive transfer credit for at most ten of the credits required for their program.
- To be eligible for graduation, the most recent grade in every course used to meet the requirements of the Bachelor of Engineering degree must be a passing grade.
Course Load
Regulations regarding Course Load and Overload can be found in the Academic Regulations of the University section of this Calendar. The normal course load in Engineering is defined as the number of credits required in the student's program for the current year status of the students. Since the programs in Engineering require more than 20.0 credits in total, the normal course load is more than 5.0 credits in some years of the program. Registration in more than this number of credits constitutes an overload.
Co-operative Education Programs
All Engineering programs are available with or without participation in the Co-operative Education option.
Year Status Prerequisites
Year Status in Engineering is used in some course prerequisites to limit access to only those students who have sufficient preparation. In particular, students will not have access to second, third or fourth year engineering, science or mathematics courses until they have achieved second year status. Similarly, to take some specific engineering, science and mathematics courses in third or fourth year, that year status must be achieved. For additional information on prerequisites, see the individual course descriptions.
2nd year: Students may not continue into 2000-level (or higher) engineering courses unless all the following requirements are met:
- Successful completion of all ECOR 1040 series of courses with a minimum grade of C-,
- Successful completion of all ECOR 1050 series of courses,
- Successful completion of MATH 1004, MATH 1104, CHEM 1101 (or CHEM 1001 and CHEM 1002), and PHYS 1004 (or PHYS 1001 and PHYS 1002),
- Successful completion of all English as a Second Language Requirements, and any additional requirements as determined in the admission process.
3rd year: Students may not take courses with third-year status in Engineering as a prerequisite until successful completion of 4.0 credits from the second-year requirements of their current program.
4th year: Students may not take courses with fourth-year status in Engineering as a prerequisite until successful completion of all second-year requirements and successful completion of 3.5 credits from the third-year requirements of their current program.
Time Limit
The Bachelor of Engineering degree must be completed within eight calendar years of initial registration. Students who do not complete their program requirements within this limit will be given the status Continue in Alternate.
Academic Appeals
The Engineering Committee on Admission and Studies handles all academic appeals.