Physics - Joint (PHYJ) Courses
With the exception of PHYS 5701 (PHY 5170) and PHYS 5302 (PHY 8132), which may be offered at either Carleton or the University of Ottawa, all PHYS courses are offered only at Carleton, and all PHYJ courses are offered only at the University of Ottawa.
Experimental Characterization Techniques in Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, and Mineralogy
Survey of experimental techniques used in materials science, condensed matter physics, solid state chemistry, and mineralogy to characterize materials and solid substances. Diffraction. Spectroscopy. Microscopy and imaging. Other analytic techniques.
Computer Simulations in Physics
Advanced numerical methods to study large scale problems in the natural sciences; molecular dynamics, Langevin dynamics, Brownian dynamics methods. The use of different thermodynamic ensembles to compute experimentally relevant physical properties, and work with non-equilibrium situations. Methods to handle very large problems on parallel computers.
Computational Physics: Deterministic Methods
Deterministic numerical methods in physics. Interpolation methods. Numerical solutions of Newton's, Maxwell's and Schrödinger's equations. Molecular dynamics. Non-linear dynamics. Numerical solutions of partial differential equations in physics. Finite elements. This course cannot be combined for credit with PHY 4340 (PHY 4740).
Computational Physics: Stochastic Methods
Interpolation, regression and modeling. Random number generation. Monte Carlo methods. Simulations in thermo-statistics. Fractals, percolation, cellular automation. Stochastic methods. This course cannot be combined for credit with PHY 4341 (PHY 4741).
Computational Methods in Material Sciences
Introduction to modern computational techniques used in material science research. Classical molecular dynamics, classical and quantum Monte Carlo methods, plane-wave based electronic band structure calculations, Carr-Parrinello quantum molecular dynamics. Applications to condensed matter systems: basic simulation techniques, force-field based methods, first-principles quantum mechanical methods.
Nonlinear Dynamics in the Natural Sciences
Differential and difference equations, Fourier series and data analysis, stability analysis, Poincaré maps, local bifurcations, routes to chaos and statistical properties of strange attractors. Applications of these concepts to specific problems in condensed matter physics, molecular physics, fluid mechanics, dissipative structures, and evolutionary systems.
Selected Topics in Physics
Topics of current interest in Physics. Variable content year to year. Compulsory Components: LEC.
Advanced Optics and Photonics
Introduction to laser physics: optical resonators, light-matter interaction, basic operation of lasers, coherence, light control and manipulation, beam optics, Fourier optics. Guided wave optics: light propagation, allowed modes, dispersion.
Quantum Optics I
Classical and semi-classical light-matter interaction; gauges and energy conservation; two level systems in the resonant, under-resonant and over-resonant limit; time-dependent perturbation theory and Fermi's golden rule; semi-classical laser theory; Landau Zener tunnelling and multi-photon transitions; tunnel ionization and multi-photon ionization.
Quantum Optics II
Quantum light-matter interaction; quantization of the light field and of Schrodinger equation; number states and coherent states; photon emission and absorption; two-photon decay; photoelectric effect; Lamb shift, line-width and renormalization; Casimir effect; multi-photon processes; density operator; quantum theory of decay; quantum laser theory.
Biological Physics
Biological phenomena studied using techniques of physics. Key components of cells. Physical concepts relevant to cellular phenomena: Brownian dynamics, fluids, suspensions, entropy driven phenomena, chemical forces and self-assembly. Biological molecules. Enzymes. Molecular motors. Nerve impulses.
Fibre Optics Communications
Optical fibres: description, modes, losses. optical transmitters: light-emitting diodes, semiconducting lasers. Optical receivers: design, noise, sensitivity, degradation, performance. System design and performance. Optical amplifiers: dispersion management, pre-compensation schemes, post-compensation techniques, dispersion compensating fibres, optical filters, fibre Bragg gratings, soliton generation, long-haul lightwave systems, high-capacity systems.
Fiber Optics Fundamentals and Applications
Fiber optics fundamentals, Mach-Zehnder, Michelson, Fabry-Perot, Sagnac-based interferometers and phase detections, intensity of wavelength modulated sensors. Principles of Rayleigh, Raman and Brillouin scattering and scattering in fibers. Principles of self-phase and cross phase modulation and four-wave mixing. Birefringence and polarization-based instrumentation.
Nonlinear Optics
Nonlinear optical susceptibility; wave equation description of nonlinear optics processes: second harmonic generation, intensity dependent refractive index, sum- and frequency-generation, parametric amplification; quantum mechanical theory of nonlinear optics; Brillouin and Raman scattering; the electro-optic effect; nonlinear fibre optics and solitons.
Nanotechnology and Modern Methods in Biophysics
Modern experimental techniques and nanotechnology used in biophysics. Topics include biosensors, microfluidics, single molecule techniques, DNA sequencing technologies, microfabrication, nanoscale electrokinetics, atomic force microscopy, fluorescence and confocal microscopy, cell chips, etc. Course includes several hands-on experiments.
Photons and Atoms
Atomic, molecular structure and transitions, semi-classical light-matter interaction; two level systems; time-dependent perturbation theory, Fermi's golden rule; optical Bloch equations; coherent control; optical interactions with three-level systems, electromagnetically induced transparency; optical forces; laser cooling; Bose-Einstein condensation; atom optics and interferometers; quantization of light.
Quantum Theory of Light
Quantum cryptography; entanglement; density operators; Bell's inequalities; quantization of light field; Lam shift; Casimir effect; vacuum; quantum optical states; Photon, homodyne detectors; quasi-probability functions; beam splitters; classical, quantum coherence; Hanbury Brown and Twiss effect, Hong-Ou-Mandel interference; quantum nonlinear optics, light-matter interaction, open systems.
Seminar in Quantum Science and Technology
This course will reflect the interdisciplinary nature of the rapidly advancing field of quantum science and technology. The wide-range of topics include: foundations of quantum mechanics and quantum information, quantum materials, quantum communication, quantum sensing and metrology, quantum computing and simulations.
Quantum Materials, Nanostructures and Devices
The course covers the electronic and optical properties of semiconductor nanostructures (quantum wells, wires and dots), topological insulators, 2D crystals, discussing single particle properties, many-electron description, response functions and computational tools. Application in single electron transistors, lasers, solar cells, Majorana quantum circuits will be covered.
Introduction to Nanoscience
Nanoscience with photons (ray and wave optics), nanoscience with charged particles (light matter interaction, SEM, TEM), nanoscience with physical probes.
Solid State Physics I
Periodic structures, Lattice waves. Electron states. Static properties of solids. Electron-electron interaction. Dynamics of electrons. Transport properties. Optical properties.
Solid State Physics II
Elements of group theory. Band structure, tight binding and other approximations, Hartree-Fock theory. Measuring the Fermi surface. Boltzmann equation and semiconductors. Diamagnetism, paramagnetism and magnetic ordering. Superconductivity.
Type I and II Superconductors
Flux flow and flux cutting phenomena. Clem general critical state model. Flux quantization, Abrikosov vortex model and Ginzburg-Landau theory. Superconducting tunnelling junctions (Giaevar and Josephson types).
Topics in Mössbauer Spectroscopy
Recoilless emission/absorption, anisotropic Debye-Waller factors, second order Doppler shifts. Mössbauer lineshape theory with static and dynamic hyperfine interactions. Distributions of static hyperfine parameters. Physics of the hyperfine parameters: origin of the hyperfine field, calculations of electric field gradients. Applications of Mössbauer spectroscopy.
Semiconductor Physics I
Brillouin zones and band theory. E-k diagram, effective mass tensors, etc. Electrical properties of semiconductors. Conduction, hall effect, magneto-resistance. Scattering processes. Multivalley models and non-parabolic bands.
Semiconductor Physics II: Optical Properties
Optical constants and dispersion theory. Optical absorption, reflection and band structure. Absorption at band edge and excitons. Lattice, defect and free carrier absorption, Magneto-optics. Photo-electronic properties, luminescence, detector theory. Experimental methods.
Low Temperature Physics II
Helium 3 and Helium 4 cryostats. Dilution refrigerators. Theory and techniques of adiabatic demagnetization. Thermometry at low temperatures. Problems of thermal equilibrium and of thermal isolation. Properties of matter at very low temperature.
Charged Particle Dynamics
Physique Numérique I
Méthodes numériques déterministes en physique. Techniques d'interpolation. Solutions numérique des équations de Newton, de Maxwell et de Schrödinger. Dynamique moléculaire. Dynamique non-linéaire. Solutions numériques des équations aux dérivées partielles en physique. Éléments finis.
Physique Numérique II
Interpolation, régression et modeler. Nombres aléatoires. Techniques de Monte-Carlo. Simulations thermo-statistiques. Percolation, fractales, et automisation cellulaire. Méthodes numériques stochastiques.
Physics of Materials
Microscopic characteristics related to physical properties of materials. Materials families: metals and alloys, ceramics, polymers and plastics, composites, layered materials, ionic solids, molecular solids, etc. Specific materials groups. Equilibrium phase diagrams and their relation to microstructure and kinetics. Experimental methods of characterization. Interactions and reactions.
Statistical Mechanics
Ensemble theory. Interacting classical and quantum systems. Phase transitions and critical phenomena. Fluctuations and linear response theory. Kinetic equations.
Simulations numériques en physique
Un cours ayant but d'étudier des méthodes numériques avancées employées dans les problèmes à grande échelle dans les sciences naturelles. Emploi d'ensembles thermo-dynamiques différents, calculs de propriétés physiques expérimentalement pertinentes, et extension aux situations hors d'équilibre. Techniques pour ordinateurs parallèles.
Advanced Magnetism
Study of some experimental and theoretical aspects of magnetic phenomena found in ferro-, ferri-, antiferro-magnetic and spin glass materials. Topics of current interest in magnetism.
Introduction to the Physics of Macromolecules
Chemistry of macromolecules and polymers; random walks and the static properties of polymers; experimental methods; the Rouse model and single chain dynamics; polymer melts and viscoelasticity; the Flory-Huggins theory; the reptation theory; computer simulation algorithms; biopolymers and copolymers.
Physics, Chemistry and Characterization of Mineral Systems
The materials science of mineral systems such as the network and layered silicates. In-depth study of the relations between mineralogically relevant variables such as: atomic structure, crystal chemistry, site populations, valence state populations, crystallization conditions. Interpretation and basic understanding of characterization tools.
Ion Collisions in Solids
Advanced Quantum Mechanics II
Systems of identical particles and many-body theory. Lattice and impurity scattering. Quantum processes in a magnetic field. Radiative and non-radiative transitions. Introduction to relativistic quantum mechanics.
Physique Biologique
Application des méthodes de la physique à l'etude des phénomènes biologiques. Composantes principales d'une cellule. Concepts physiques pertinents aux phénomènes cellulaires : dynamique brownienne, liquides, suspensions, phénomènes d'origine entropique, forces chimiques et auto-assemblage. Molécules biologiques. Enzymes. Moteurs moléculaires. Impulsions nerveuses.
Offert également, avec des exigences différentes, sous la cote PHY 4722.
Physics of Semiconductor Superlattices
Fundamental physics of two-dimensional quantized semiconductor structures. Electronic and optical properties of superlattices and quantum wells. Optical and electronic applications. This course is intended for students registered for the Ph.D. in semiconductor physics research.
Physique des super-réseaux à semi-conducteurs
Physique fondamentale des structures quantiques bi-dimensionnelles à semiconducteurs. Propriétés électroniques et optiques des super-réseaux et puits quantiques. Applications à l'électronique et à l'optique. Ce cours est destiné aux étudiants et aux étudiantes inscrits au doctorat en physique des semiconducteurs.
Note: Not all courses listed are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for the current session and to determine the term of offering, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca.
Summer session: some of the courses listed in this Calendar are offered during the summer. Hours and scheduling for summer session courses will differ significantly from those reported in the fall/winter Calendar. To determine the scheduling and hours for summer session classes, consult the class schedule at central.carleton.ca