GEOG 2020 [0.5 credit] Ecosystems of Canada
Introduction to world biomes and in-depth analysis of the distribution and development of Canada’s major ecosystems including the boreal forest, temperate forest, tundra, grasslands, wetlands, and aquatic environments; Current issues in ecosystem science and conservation such as agricultural management, forestry and urban ecology.
Co-operative Education
Undergraduate Calendar
...from GEOG 3000 , GEOG 3010 , or GEOG 3030...first work term, ECON 2020, ECON 2102, ECON...
European and Russian Studies
Undergraduate Calendar
...1110 ; GERM 2020 ; GERM 2110 ; ITAL 2020 ; ITAL...CGSC, CRCJ, ECON, ENST, GEOG, GEOM, GINS, GPOL...