PHYS 1002 [0.5 credit] Foundations of Physics II
An introduction to electricity, magnetism, electromagnetic fields, and wave motion. This is a specialist course for students intending to take further courses in physics.
Precludes additional credit for BIT 1003 (no longer offered), BIT 1007, BIT 1204, PHYS 1004, PHYS 1008.
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 1001, or PHYS 1003, or PHYS 1007 with a grade of B-; MATH 1004 or MATH 1002 (may be taken concurrently) or MATH 2052 (may be taken concurrently); or permission of the Department.
Lectures three hours a week, laboratory or tutorial three hours a week.
Undergraduate Calendar
...1001 and CHEM 1002 ), and PHYS 1004 (or PHYS 1001 and PHYS 1002 ); Successful completion...
Bachelor of Engineering Degree
Undergraduate Calendar
...1001 and CHEM 1002 ), and PHYS 1004 (or PHYS 1001 and PHYS 1002 ); Successful completion...
Undergraduate Calendar
...ANTH 1001 and ANTH 1002 , or ANTH 1003...NET, NEUR, NSCI, OSS, PHYS, PLT, SREE, STAT...
Undergraduate Calendar
...SOCI 1001 and SOCI 1002 , or SOCI 1003...NET, NEUR, NSCI, OSS, PHYS, PLT, SREE, STAT...