PSCIĀ 1100 [0.5 credit] Democracy in Theory and Practice
Introduction to modern political ideas such as liberty, equality, the rule of law, representation, participation (including gender aspects), the impact of these ideas on political and policy making institutions in Canada; other countries may be examined. Basic research and academic writing skills.
Precludes additional credit for PSCI 1000 (no longer offered) , PSCI 1001 (no longer offered), and PSCI 1003 (no longer offered).
Lectures two hours a week, tutorials one hour a week.
Lectures two hours a week, tutorials one hour a week.
European and Russian Studies
Undergraduate Calendar
...courses (or equivalent): FREN 1100 ; FREN 1110 ; GERM...MGDS, PADM, PAPM, POLM, PSCI, PSYC, SOCI, SOWK...