SOWK 4600 [2.0 credits] Practicum II (Fall or Summer Terms)
Development, application, testing and integration of knowledge, theory and skills in practice with individuals, families, groups and communities, in research or in social administration and policy. Graded Sat/Uns.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Precludes additional credit for SOWK 4601, SOWK 4602.
Prerequisite(s): third-year standing in the BSW program; SOWK 2001, SOWK 2005, SOWK 2100, SOWK 2202, SOWK 2203, SOWK 3100; SOWK 3600 or 3601 or 3602, and permission of the School of Social Work. Student must be in good academic standing in the BSW program and have a 6.00 CGPA in the Social Work major.
352 hours of fieldwork and concurrent practicum seminars.
Precludes additional credit for SOWK 4601, SOWK 4602.
Prerequisite(s): third-year standing in the BSW program; SOWK 2001, SOWK 2005, SOWK 2100, SOWK 2202, SOWK 2203, SOWK 3100; SOWK 3600 or 3601 or 3602, and permission of the School of Social Work. Student must be in good academic standing in the BSW program and have a 6.00 CGPA in the Social Work major.
352 hours of fieldwork and concurrent practicum seminars.