SYSC 5401 [0.5 credit] (ELG 6141) Adaptive and Learning Systems
System identification. Least squares and recursive identification techniques. Asymptotic and theoretical properties. Model structure selection. Prediction and estimation. Model reference adaptive control and self-tuning regulators. Nonlinear adaptive systems. Stability. Neural networks and neuro-control. Applications to robotics, control and pattern recognition.
Prerequisite(s): SYSC 5502 (ELG 6152) or equivalent.
Biomedical Engineering
Graduate Calendar
...SYSC 5108 , SYSC 5201 , SYSC 5207 , SYSC 5300 , SYSC 5303 , SYSC 5306 , SYSC 5401 , SYSC...
Data Science (Collaborative Specialization)
Graduate Calendar
...SYSC 5108 , SYSC 5201 , SYSC 5207 , SYSC 5300 , SYSC 5303 , SYSC 5306 , SYSC 5401 , SYSC...