ECON 1402 [0.5 credit] Elementary Mathematics for Economics II
Elementary methods of calculus for economic analysis: Topics include derivatives of univariate functions, partial derivatives of multivariate functions, concavity and convexity, elasticity, and optimization (profit and utility maximization and cost minimization subject to a budget constraint). In class participation in solving practice problems is emphasized.
Prerequisite(s): ECON 1001 or ECON 1000 or FYSM 1003 with a grade of C- or higher, and ECON 1401 or MATH 1401 with a grade of C- or higher.
Lectures three hours a week, tutorials one hour a week.
Undergraduate Calendar
Note : ECON 4908 [1.0] Honours Essay may be written by students with Overall and Major CGPAs of 9.50 or higher. In cases where a grade of B- or higher is earned on this essay, it may replace the ECON 4905 requirement together with an ECON elective requirement. Qualified students who choose to pursue the Honours essay pathway must first complete an Honours essay prospectus to the satisfaction of both their advisor and the Undergraduate Supervisor. See The Honours Essay guidelines maintained by the Department for further details.
Mathematics and Statistics
Undergraduate Calendar
...ECON 1401 , ECON 1402 , ECON 2201 (no longer offered), ECON 2202 (no longer offered), ECON...