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This section presents the requirements for programs in:

Program Requirements

Bachelor of Global and International Studies (B.G.In.S.)

Note: Details regarding graduation requirements, the international experience requirement, and the language requirement for the B.G.In.S. degree can be found at the B.G.In.S. program page.

Specialization in Global Development
B.G.In.S. Honours (20.0 credits)

A. Credits included in the Major CGPA (12.0 credits)
1.  4.5 credits in: Core Courses4.5
GINS 1000 [0.5]
Global History
GINS 1010 [0.5]
International Law and Politics
GINS 1020 [0.5]
Ethnography, Globalization and Culture
GINS 2000 [0.5]
Ethics and Globalization
GINS 2010 [0.5]
Globalization and International Economic Issues
GINS 2020 [0.5]
Global Literatures
GINS 3010 [0.5]
Global and International Theory
GINS 3020 [0.5]
Places, Boundaries, Movements and Global Environmental Change
GINS 4090 [0.5]
Honours Seminar in Global and International Studies
2.  0.0 credit in: International Experience Requirement Preparation
GINS 1300 [0.0]
International Experience Requirement Preparation
3.  7.5 credits in: the Specialization
a. 0.5 credit in: Foundations0.5
GINS 1100 [0.5]
Global Development
b. 1.5 credits in: Anthropology1.5
ANTH 1001 [0.5]
Introduction to Socio-Cultural Anthropology
or ANTH 1002 [0.5]
Introduction to Issues in Anthropology
ANTH 2850 [0.5]
Anthropology of Development
And one of:
ANTH 3010 [0.5]
Language, Culture, and Globalization
ANTH 3027 [0.5]
Studies in Globalization and Human Rights
ANTH 3040 [0.5]
The Global Middle Class
ANTH 3045 [0.5]
Children and Childhood in a Globalized World
ANTH 3355 [0.5]
Anthropology and the Environment
c. 1.5 credits in: Economics1.5
ECON 1001 [0.5]
Introduction to Microeconomics (or FYSM 1003 in place of ECON 1001 and ECON 1002)
ECON 1002 [0.5]
Introduction to Macroeconomics (or FYSM 1003 in place of ECON 1001 and ECON 1002)
ECON 3508 [0.5]
Introduction to Economic Development
d. 1.5 credits in: Geography1.5
GEOG 2200 [0.5]
Global Connections
GEOG 3404 [0.5]
Geographies of Economic Development
And one of:
GEOG 2023 [0.5]
Cities, Inequality and Urban Change
GEOG 3023 [0.5]
Cities in a Global World
GEOG 3209 [0.5]
Sustainability and Environment in the South
e. 1.5 credits in: Political Science1.5
PSCI 2102 [0.5]
Comparative Politics of the Global South
One of:
PSCI 3100 [0.5]
Politics of Development in Africa
PSCI 3204 [0.5]
Politics of Latin America
PSCI 3502 [0.5]
Gender and Politics: Global South
PSCI 3700 [0.5]
Government and Politics of South Asia
And one of:
PSCI 4104 [0.5]
Development in the Global South - Theory and Practice
PSCI 4105 [0.5]
Selected Problems in Development in the Global South
f. 0.5 credit in: Research Methodologies0.5
IPAF 2000 [0.5]
Quantitative Approaches to Policy Analysis
g. 0.5 credits from: Advanced courses0.5
ANTH 4005 [0.5]
Health and Globalization
ANTH 4109/5109 [0.5]
Ethnography of Gender
ANTH 4560 [0.5]
Economic Anthropology
ANTH 4610 [0.5]
Anthropology of Indigeneity
ANTH 4620 [0.5]
Special Topics in Ethnography of Contemporary Africa
ANTH 4730 [0.5]
Colonialism and Post-Colonialism
ANTH 4750 [0.5]
Advanced Studies in Globalization and Citizenship
ECON 3509 [0.5]
Development Planning and Project Evaluation
ECON 3510 [0.5]
African Economic Development
ECON 4507 [0.5]
The Economics of Development
ECON 4508 [0.5]
International Aspects of Economic Development
ECON 4601 [0.5]
International Trade Theory and Policy
ECON 4602 [0.5]
International Monetary Theory and Policy
ECON 4800 [0.5]
Spatial Economics
GEOG 4021 [0.5]
Seminar in Culture, Identity and Place
GEOG 4024 [0.5]
Seminar in Globalization
PSCI 4104 [0.5]
Development in the Global South - Theory and Practice (if not used towards (e) above)
PSCI 4105 [0.5]
Selected Problems in Development in the Global South (if not used towards (e) above)
PSCI 4207 [0.5]
Globalization, Adjustment and Democracy in Africa
PSCI 4500 [0.5]
Gender and Globalization
PSCI 4603 [0.5]
Analysis of International Political Economy
PSCI 4605 [0.5]
Gender in International Relations
PSCI 4800 [0.5]
Advanced International Relations Theory
PSCI 4805 [0.5]
Political Economy of Global Money and Finance
PSCI 4808 [0.5]
Global Environmental Politics
Note: To meet the prerequisite requirements for the economics courses listed among the 4000-level Global Development electives above, students must have obtained a grade of C- or higher in ECON 1401 and ECON 1402 and C- or higher in one or both of ECON 2030 and ECON 2103.
B. Credits Not Included in the Major CGPA (8.0 credits)
4.  8.0 credits in: Free Electives8.0
C. Additional Requirements
5. The International Experience requirement must be met.
6. The Language requirement must be met.
Total Credits20.0

Stream in Global Development
B.G.In.S. (15.0 credits)

A. Credits Included in the Major CGPA (8.0 credits)
1.  4.0 credits in: Core Courses4.0
GINS 1000 [0.5]
Global History
GINS 1010 [0.5]
International Law and Politics
GINS 1020 [0.5]
Ethnography, Globalization and Culture
GINS 2000 [0.5]
Ethics and Globalization
GINS 2010 [0.5]
Globalization and International Economic Issues
GINS 2020 [0.5]
Global Literatures
GINS 3010 [0.5]
Global and International Theory
GINS 3020 [0.5]
Places, Boundaries, Movements and Global Environmental Change
2.  4.0 credits from: the Stream4.0
a. Foundations
GINS 1100 [0.5]
Global Development
b. Anthropology
ANTH 1001 [0.5]
Introduction to Socio-Cultural Anthropology
or ANTH 1002 [0.5]
Introduction to Issues in Anthropology
ANTH 2850 [0.5]
Anthropology of Development
ANTH 3010 [0.5]
Language, Culture, and Globalization
ANTH 3027 [0.5]
Studies in Globalization and Human Rights
ANTH 3040 [0.5]
The Global Middle Class
ANTH 3045 [0.5]
Children and Childhood in a Globalized World
ANTH 3355 [0.5]
Anthropology and the Environment
c. Economics
ECON 1001 [0.5]
Introduction to Microeconomics
ECON 1002 [0.5]
Introduction to Macroeconomics
ECON 3508 [0.5]
Introduction to Economic Development
ECON 3509 [0.5]
Development Planning and Project Evaluation
ECON 3510 [0.5]
African Economic Development
d. Geography
GEOG 2023 [0.5]
Cities, Inequality and Urban Change
GEOG 2200 [0.5]
Global Connections
GEOG 3023 [0.5]
Cities in a Global World
GEOG 3209 [0.5]
Sustainability and Environment in the South
GEOG 3404 [0.5]
Geographies of Economic Development
d. Political Science
PSCI 2102 [0.5]
Comparative Politics of the Global South
PSCI 3100 [0.5]
Politics of Development in Africa
PSCI 3204 [0.5]
Politics of Latin America
PSCI 3502 [0.5]
Gender and Politics: Global South
PSCI 3700 [0.5]
Government and Politics of South Asia
e. Research Methodologies
IPAF 2000 [0.5]
Quantitative Approaches to Policy Analysis
B. Credits Not Included in the Major CGPA (7.0 credits)
3.  7.0 credits in free electives7.0
C. Additional Requirements
4. The Language requirements must be met.
Total Credits15.0