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School for Studies in Art and Culture
(Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)

This section presents the requirements for programs in:

Program Requirements

B.Mus. Honours (20.0 credits)

A. Credits Included in the Major CGPA (14.5 credits)
1. Performance: 3.0 credits in:3.0
MUSI 1900 [0.5]
Performance I
MUSI 1901 [0.5]
Performance II
MUSI 2900 [0.5]
Performance III
MUSI 2901 [0.5]
Performance IV
MUSI 3900 [0.5]
Performance V
MUSI 3901 [0.5]
Performance VI
2. Music Theory:
a. 3.0 credits in:3.0
MUSI 1700 [0.5]
Foundations of Music Theory
MUSI 1701 [0.5]
Tonal Music Literacy
MUSI 1720 [0.5]
Vocal Musicianship
MUSI 1711 [0.5]
Applied Rhythmic Training I
MUSI 2710 [0.5]
Aural Training
MUSI 2711 [0.5]
Applied Rhythmic Training II
b. 1.0 credits from: 1.0
MUSI 2607 [0.5]
Digital Music Literacy
MUSI 2700 [0.5]
Western Art Music Theory
MUSI 2701 [0.5]
Popular Music Practice
c. 0.5 credit from:0.5
MUSI 3700 [0.5]
Seminar in Theory and Analysis
MUSI 3701 [0.5]
Jazz Styles and Structures
MUSI 3710 [0.5]
Global Music Theories
MUSI 4700 [0.5]
Advanced Seminar in Theory and Analysis
MUSI 4701 [0.5]
Introduction to Jazz Arranging
MUSI 4704 [0.5]
Tonal Counterpoint
MUSI 4705 [0.5]
Post-Tonal Theory and Analysis
3. Music History and Musicology:
a. 2.0 credits in:2.0
MUSI 1000 [0.5]
Introduction to the Study of Music
MUSI 1001 [0.5]
A History of Western Classical Music: Medieval to the Present
MUSI 1002 [0.5]
Issues in Popular Music
MUSI 2008 [0.5]
Music of the World's Peoples
b. 0.5 credit in Music History and Musicology at the 2000-level0.5
c. 0.5 credit from one of the following Canadian music courses:0.5
MUSI 3103 [0.5]
Music in Canada
MUSI 3104 [0.5]
Popular Musics of Canada
MUSI 4103 [0.5]
Music, Migration and Diaspora in Canada
MUSI 4104 [0.5]
First Peoples Music in Canada
d. 0.5 credit in Music History and Musicology at the 3000-level0.5
4.  3.5 credits in MUSI, satisfying:3.5
a. 1.0 credit in MUSI at the 2000-level
b. 1.0 credit in MUSI at the 3000-level
c. 1.5 credit in MUSI at the 4000-level
B. Credits Not Included in the Major CGPA (5.5 credits)
5.  3.0 credits not in MUSI, not cross-listed with MUSI3.0
6.  2.5 credits in free electives2.5
C. Additional Non-Credit Requirements
7. Satisfactory performance in eight Ensemble courses, which may be fulfilled by choir participation or by some other ensemble (see list in Course Categories, above).
Total Credits20.0

B.A. Honours (20.0 credits)

A. Credits Included in the Major CGPA (10.0 credits)
1.  1.5 credits from:1.5
MUSI 1000 [0.5]
Introduction to the Study of Music
MUSI 1001 [0.5]
A History of Western Classical Music: Medieval to the Present
MUSI 1002 [0.5]
Issues in Popular Music
MUSI 2008 [0.5]
Music of the World's Peoples
2.  0.5 credit in Music History and Musicology at the 2000-level0.5
3.  1.0 credit in Music History and Musicology at the 3000-level1.0
4.  2.0 credits in MUSI at the 2000-level2.0
5.  2.0 credits in MUSI at the 3000-level2.0
6.  2.0 credits in MUSI at the 4000-level2.0
7.  1.0 credit in MUSI1.0
B. Credits Not Included in the Major CGPA (10.0 credits)
8.  8.0 credits in electives not in MUSI8.0
9.  2.0 credits in free electives2.0
Total Credits20.0

B.A. Combined Honours (20.0 credits)

A. Credits Included in the Major CGPA (7.0 credits)
1.  1.5 credits from:1.5
MUSI 1000 [0.5]
Introduction to the Study of Music
MUSI 1001 [0.5]
A History of Western Classical Music: Medieval to the Present
MUSI 1002 [0.5]
Issues in Popular Music
MUSI 2008 [0.5]
Music of the World's Peoples
2.  1.5 credits in MUSI at the 2000-level1.5
3.  2.0 credits in MUSI at the 3000-level2.0
4.  1.0 credit in MUSI at the 4000-level1.0
5.  1.0 credit in MUSI1.0
B. Additional Requirements (13.0 credits)13.0
6. The requirements from the other discipline must be satisfied
7. Sufficient free electives to make 20.0 credits total for the program
Total Credits20.0

B.A. (15.0 credits)

A. Credits Included in the Major CGPA (7.0 credits)
1.  1.5 credits from:1.5
MUSI 1000 [0.5]
Introduction to the Study of Music
MUSI 1001 [0.5]
A History of Western Classical Music: Medieval to the Present
MUSI 1002 [0.5]
Issues in Popular Music
MUSI 2008 [0.5]
Music of the World's Peoples
2.  0.5 credit in Music History and Musicology at the 2000-level0.5
3.  2.0 credits in MUSI at the 2000-level2.0
4.  2.0 credits in MUSI at the 3000-level2.0
5.  1.0 credit in Music1.0
B. Credits Not Included in the Major CGPA (8.0 credits)
6.  6.0 credits in electives not in MUSI7.0
7.  2.0 credit in free electives1.0
Total Credits15.0

Minor in Music (4.0 credits)

Open to all undergraduate degree students not in Music programs.

Students are required to present a Minor CGPA of 4.00 or higher at graduation in order to be awarded a Minor in Music.

1.  1.0 credit from:1.0
MUSI 1001 [0.5]
A History of Western Classical Music: Medieval to the Present
MUSI 1002 [0.5]
Issues in Popular Music
MUSI 2008 [0.5]
Music of the World's Peoples
2.  1.0 credit in MUSI at the 2000-level1.0
3.  1.0 credit in MUSI at the 3000-level1.0
4.  1.0 credit in MUSI1.0
5. The remaining requirements of the major discipline(s) and degree must be satisfied.
Total Credits4.0

Certificate in Carillon Studies (4.0 credits)

While the Certificate in Carillon Studies may be completed as an independent, stand-alone certificate, all courses taken in completion of the curriculum outlined above may be applied for credit toward the Bachelor of Music or B.A. Music degrees, should a certificate student opt to apply for acceptance to one of these programs. Since the courses are transferable in this way, it will also be possible for students currently enrolled in one of Carleton’s undergraduate Music programs to concurrently complete the Certificate in Carillon Studies.

Successful completion requires grades of C or higher in all courses.

Year One (2.0 credits)
1.  1.0 credit in Performance Studies:1.0
MUSI 1900 [0.5]
Performance I
MUSI 1901 [0.5]
Performance II
2.  0.5 credit from:0.5
MUSI 1000 [0.5]
Introduction to the Study of Music
MUSI 1001 [0.5]
A History of Western Classical Music: Medieval to the Present
3.  0.5 credit from:0.5
MUSI 4200 [0.5]
Special Topics
MUSI 4800 [0.5]
Practicum in Music
Music elective as approved by both the Dominion Cariollonneur and the Supervisor of Performance Studies
Year Two (2.0 credits)
1.  1.0 credit in Performance Studies:1.0
MUSI 2900 [0.5]
Performance III
MUSI 2901 [0.5]
Performance IV
2.  0.5 credit from:0.5
MUSI 3103 [0.5]
Music in Canada
MUSI 3104 [0.5]
Popular Musics of Canada
MUSI 4103 [0.5]
Music, Migration and Diaspora in Canada
MUSI 4104 [0.5]
First Peoples Music in Canada
MUSI 2602 [0.5]
Composition I
3.  0.5 credit from:0.5
MUSI 4201 [0.5]
Special Topics
MUSI 4801 [0.5]
Practicum in Music
Music elective as approved by both the Dominion Carillonneur and the Supervisor of Performance Studies
Total Credits4.0