- Accounting (ACCT)
- African Studies (AFRI)
- Anthropology (ANTH)
- Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies (ALDS)
- Architecture - MAS (ARCT)
- Architecture - Studio (ARCS)
- Architecture - Technical (ARCC)
- Architecture - Techniques (ARCN)
- Architecture - Theory/History (ARCH)
- Architecture - Urban (ARCU)
- Art History (ARTH)
- Biology (BIOL)
- Biomedical Engineering (BIOM)
- Business (BUSI)
- Canadian Studies (CDNS)
- Chemistry (CHEM)
- Civil Engineering (CIVE)
- Civil Engineering - Joint (CIVJ)
- Cognitive Science (CGSC)
- Communication and Media Studies (COMS)
- Computer Science (COMP)
- Cultural Mediations (CLMD)
- Curatorial Studies (CURA)
- Data Science (DATA)
- Digital Humanities (DIGH)
- Earth Sciences (ERTH)
- Economics (ECON)
- Electrical Engineering - Joint (EACJ)
- Electronics (ELEC)
- English (ENGL)
- Environmental Engineering (ENVE)
- Environmental Engineering - Joint (ENVJ)
- Epidemiology (EPIJ) - Joint Courses
- Ethics and Public Affairs (EPAF)
- European, Russian, Eurasian Studies (EURR)
- Film Studies (FILM)
- Financial Management (FINA)
- Food Science (FOOD)
- French (FREN)
- Geography (GEOG)
- Health: Science, Technology and Policy (HLTH)
- History (HIST)
- Human-Computer Interaction (HCIN)
- Industrial Design (IDES)
- Information and Systems Science (ISYS)
- Information Systems (ITIS)
- Information Technology (ITEC)
- Infrastructure Protection and International Security (IPIS)
- International Affairs (INAF)
- International Business (IBUS)
- International Development Management (IDMG)
- Journalism (JOUR)
- Law (LAWS)
- Management (MGMT)
- Marketing (MKTG)
- Mathematics (MATH)
- Mech and Aero - Joint (MAAJ)
- Mechanical Engineering (MECH)
- Music (MUSI)
- Neuroscience (NEUR)
- Northern Studies (NRTH)
- Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership (PANL)
- Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership (PANL)
- Philosophy (PHIL)
- Physics (PHYJ) - Joint Courses
- Physics (PHYS)
- Political Economy (PECO)
- Political Management (POLM)
- Political Science (PSCI)
- Psychology (PSYC)
- Public Administration (PADM)
- Religion (RELI)
- Social Work (SOWK)
- Sociology (SOCI)
- Statistics (STAT)
- Strategic Management (STGY)
- Sustainable Energy (SERG)
- Systems and Computer Engineering (SYSC)
- Technology and Operations Management (TOMS)
- Technology Innovation Management (TIMG)
- Women's and Gender Studies (WGST)