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Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism
(Faculty of Engineering and Design)

This section presents the requirements for programs in:

The Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism cooperates with the School for Studies in Art and Culture in offering the History and Theory of Architecture B.A. and B.A. Honours programs (see the Art History program section of this Calendar for details).

Course Categories

Program Requirements

B.A.S. Honours (20.0 credits)

A. Credits Included in the Major CGPA (16.5 credits)
1. 9.5 credits in core courses: 9.5
ARCS 1005 [0.5]
ARCS 1105 [1.0]
Studio 1
ARCS 2105 [1.5]
Studio 2
ARCS 2106 [1.5]
Studio 3
ARCS 3105 [1.5]
Studio 4
ARCS 3107 [1.0]
Studio 5
ARCS 4105 [1.5]
Comprehensive Studio
ARCS 4107 [1.0]
Option Studio
2.  7.0 credits from additional major requirements:7.0
ARCC 1202 [0.5]
History of Structures
ARCC 2100 [0.5]
Design and the Environment
ARCC 2202 [0.5]
Architectural Technology 1
ARCC 2203 [0.5]
Architectural Technology 3
ARCC 3202 [0.5]
Architectural Technology 4
ARCC 4500 [0.5]
Design Economics
ARCH 1000 [0.5]
Introduction to Architecture
ARCH 2300 [0.5]
Introduction to Modern Architecture
ARCH 3601 [0.5]
Architectural Discourse I
ARCH 4002 [0.5]
Canadian Architecture
ARCH 4601 [0.5]
Architectural Discourse II
ARCN 2105 [0.5]
Introduction to Computer Modeling
ARCN 2106 [0.5]
Introduction to Multimedia
ARCU 3100 [0.5]
The Morphology of the City
B. Credits Not Included in the Major CGPA (3.5 credits)
3.  1.5 credits from:1.5
ARTH 1200 [0.5]
History and Theory of Architecture: Prehistory to 1500
ARTH 1201 [0.5]
History and Theory of Architecture: 1500 to Present
CIVE 2005 [0.5]
Architectural Technology 2
4.  2.0 credits in free electives2.0
Total Credits20.0

B.A.S. Honours (20.0 credits)

A. Credits Included in the Major CGPA (15.5 credits)
1.  8.0 credits in the Urbanism Core:8.0
ARCS 1005 [0.5]
ARCS 1105 [1.0]
Studio 1
ARCS 2303 [1.0]
Urbanism Studio 1: Fundamentals of Urbanism
ARCS 2304 [1.0]
Urbanism Studio 2: Urbanism in the Core
ARCS 3304 [1.0]
Urbanism Studio 3: Urbanism on the Periphery
ARCS 3306 [1.0]
Urbanism Studio 5: Global Perspectives
ARCS 4105 [1.5]
Comprehensive Studio
ARCS 4107 [1.0]
Option Studio
2.  7.5 credits in additional major requirements:7.5
ARCC 2100 [0.5]
Design and the Environment
ARCC 2202 [0.5]
Architectural Technology 1
ARCC 2203 [0.5]
Architectural Technology 3
ARCC 3202 [0.5]
Architectural Technology 4
ARCC 4500 [0.5]
Design Economics
ARCH 1000 [0.5]
Introduction to Architecture
ARCH 2300 [0.5]
Introduction to Modern Architecture
ARCH 4201 [0.5]
History of Modern Housing
ARCN 2105 [0.5]
Introduction to Computer Modeling
ARCN 2106 [0.5]
Introduction to Multimedia
ARCU 3100 [0.5]
The Morphology of the City
ARCU 4103 [0.5]
ARCU 4300 [0.5]
Theories of Urbanism
ARCU 4700 [0.5]
Urban Utopias
ARCU 4801 [0.5]
Topics in Urbanism
B. Credits Not Included in the Major CGPA (4.5 credits)
3.  3.0 credits in:3.0
ARTH 1200 [0.5]
History and Theory of Architecture: Prehistory to 1500
ARTH 1201 [0.5]
History and Theory of Architecture: 1500 to Present
GEOG 2200 [0.5]
Global Connections
GEOG 2023 [0.5]
Cities, Inequality and Urban Change
GEOG 4323 [0.5]
Urban and Regional Planning
GEOM 1004 [0.5]
Maps, Satellites and the Geospatial Revolution
4.  1.0 credit in Urbanism electives1.0
5.  0.5 credit in free electives0.5
Total Credits20.0

Conservation and Sustainability
B.A.S. Honours (20.0 credits)

A. Credits Included in the Major CGPA (15.0 credits)
1.  7.0 credits in the Conservation and Sustainability Core:7.0
ARCS 1005 [0.5]
ARCS 1105 [1.0]
Studio 1
ARCS 2302 [1.0]
Conservation Studio 1
ARCS 3301 [1.0]
Conservation Studio 2
ARCS 3302 [1.0]
Conservation Studio 3
ARCS 4105 [1.5]
Comprehensive Studio
ARCS 4107 [1.0]
Option Studio
2.  8.0 credits in additional major requirements:8.0
ARCC 1202 [0.5]
History of Structures
ARCC 2202 [0.5]
Architectural Technology 1
ARCC 2203 [0.5]
Architectural Technology 3
ARCC 3202 [0.5]
Architectural Technology 4
ARCC 3502 [0.5]
Introduction to Architectural Conservation
ARCC 4207 [0.5]
Advanced Building Assessment
ARCC 4500 [0.5]
Design Economics
ARCH 1000 [0.5]
Introduction to Architecture
ARCH 2300 [0.5]
Introduction to Modern Architecture
ARCH 4002 [0.5]
Canadian Architecture
ARCH 4200 [0.5]
Architectural Conservation Philosophy and Ethics
ARCN 2105 [0.5]
Introduction to Computer Modeling
ARCN 2106 [0.5]
Introduction to Multimedia
ARCN 4100 [0.5]
Historic Site Recording and Assessment
ARCN 4200 [0.5]
Building Pathology and Rehabilitation
ARCU 3100 [0.5]
The Morphology of the City
B. Credits Not Included in the Major CGPA (5.0 credits)
3.  3.0 credits in: 3.0
ARTH 1200 [0.5]
History and Theory of Architecture: Prehistory to 1500
ARTH 1201 [0.5]
History and Theory of Architecture: 1500 to Present
CDNS 2400 [0.5]
Heritage Places and Practices in Canada
CIVE 2005 [0.5]
Architectural Technology 2
ENVE 1001 [0.5]
Architecture and the Environment
ENVE 4105 [0.5]
Green Building Design
4.  1.0 credit from Conservation and Sustainability electives1.0
5.  1.0 credits in free electives1.0
Total Credits20.0

B.A.S. (20.0 credits)

1.  4.0 credits in:4.0
ARCS 1005 [0.5]
ARCS 1105 [1.0]
Studio 1
ARCN 2106 [0.5]
Introduction to Multimedia
ARCH 1000 [0.5]
Introduction to Architecture
ARTH 1200 [0.5]
History and Theory of Architecture: Prehistory to 1500
ARTH 1201 [0.5]
History and Theory of Architecture: 1500 to Present
ARCC 1202 [0.5]
History of Structures
2.  6.0 credits in:6.0
ARCC 2100 [0.5]
Design and the Environment
ARCC 2202 [0.5]
Architectural Technology 1
ARCC 2203 [0.5]
Architectural Technology 3
ARCC 3202 [0.5]
Architectural Technology 4
ARCC 4500 [0.5]
Design Economics
ARCH 2300 [0.5]
Introduction to Modern Architecture
ARCH 3601 [0.5]
Architectural Discourse I
ARCH 4002 [0.5]
Canadian Architecture
ARCH 4601 [0.5]
Architectural Discourse II
ARCN 2105 [0.5]
Introduction to Computer Modeling
ARCU 3100 [0.5]
The Morphology of the City
CIVE 2005 [0.5]
Architectural Technology 2
3.  8.0 credits in:8.0
ARCS 2105 [1.5]
Studio 2
ARCS 2106 [1.5]
Studio 3
ARCS 3105 [1.5]
Studio 4
ARCS 3107 [1.0]
Studio 5
ARCS 4105 [1.5]
Comprehensive Studio
ARCS 4107 [1.0]
Option Studio
4.  2.0 credits in free electives2.0
Total Credits20.0