Co-operative Education
For more information about how to apply for the Co-op program and how the Co-op program works please visit the Co-op website.
All students participating in the Co-op program are governed by the Undergraduate Co-operative Education Policy.
Undergraduate Co-operative Education Policy
Admission Requirements
Students can apply to co-op in one of two ways; directly from high school or after beginning a degree program at Carleton.
If a student is admitted to co-op from high school, their grades will be reviewed two terms to one year prior to their first work term to ensure they continue to meet the academic requirements after their 1st or 2nd year of study. The time at which evaluation takes place depends on the program of study. Students will automatically be notified via their Carleton email account if they are permitted to continue.
Students not admitted to Carleton University with the co-op option on their degree can apply for admission via the co-operative education program website. To view application deadlines, visit carleton.ca/co-op.
Admission to the co-op option is based on the completion of 5.0 or more credits at Carleton University, the CGPA requirement for the students' academic program as well as any course prerequisites. The articulated CGPA for each program is the normal standard for assessment. Please see the specific degree program sections for the unique admission and continuation requirements for each academic program.
English Language Proficiency
Students admitted to Carleton based on CAEL, IELTS or TOEFL assessments and who are required to take an ESL course must take and pass the Oral Proficiency in Communicative Settings (OPECS) Test. The test must be taken before being permitted to register in COOP 1000. Admission to the co-op program can be confirmed with a minimum score of 4+.
Participation Requirements
COOP 1000
Once a student has been given admission or continuation confirmation to the co-op option s/he must complete and pass COOP 1000 (a mandatory online 0.0 credit course). Students will have access to this course a minimum of two terms prior to their first work term and will be notified when to register.
Communication with the Co-op Office
Students must maintain contact with the co-op office during their job search and while on a work term. All email communication will be conducted via the students' Carleton email account.
Although every effort is made to ensure a sufficient number of job postings for all students enrolled in the co-op option of their degree program, no guarantee of employment can be made. Carleton's co-op program operates a competitive job search process and is dependent upon current market conditions. Academic performance, skills, motivation, maturity, attitude and potential will determine whether a student is offered a job. It is the student's responsibility to actively conduct a job search in addition to participation in the job search process operated by the co-op office. Once a student accepts a co-op job offer (verbally or written), his/her job search will end and access to co-op jobs will be removed for that term. Students that do not successfully obtain a co-op work term are expected to continue with their academic studies. The summer term is the exception to this rule. Students should also note that hiring priority is given to Canadian citizens for co-op positions in the Federal Government of Canada.
Registering in Co-op Courses
Students will be registered in a Co-op Work Term course while at work. The number of Co-op Work Term courses that a student is registered in is dependent upon the number of four-month work terms that a student accepts.
While on a co-op work term students may take a maximum of 0.5 credit throughout each four-month co-op work term. Courses must be scheduled outside of regular working hours.
Students must be registered as full-time before they begin their co-op job search (2.0 credits). All co-op work terms must be completed before the beginning of the final academic term. Students may not finish their degree on a co-op work term.
Work Term Assessment and Evaluation
To obtain a Satisfactory grade for the co-op work term students must have:
- A satisfactory work term evaluation by the co-op employer;
- A satisfactory grade on the work term report.
Students must submit a work term report at the completion of each four-month work term. Reports are due on the 16th of April, August, and December and students are notified of due dates through their Carleton email account.
Workplace performance will be assessed by the workplace supervisor. Should a student receive an unsatisfactory rating from their co-op employer, an investigation by the co-op program manager will be undertaken. An unsatisfactory employer evaluation does not preclude a student from achieving an overall satisfactory rating for the work term.
Graduation with the Co-op Designation
In order to graduate with the co-op designation, students must satisfy all requirements for their degree program in addition to the requirements according to each co-op program (i.e. successful completion of three or four work terms).
Note: Participation in the co-op option will add up to one additional year for a student to complete their degree program.
Voluntary Withdrawal from the Co-op Option
Students may withdraw from the co-op option of their degree program during a study term ONLY. Students at work may not withdraw from the work term or the co-op option until s/he has completed the requirements of the work term.
Students are eligible to continue in their regular academic program provided that they meet the academic standards required for continuation.
Involuntary or Required Withdrawal from the Co-op Option
Students may be required to withdraw from the co-op option of their degree program for one or any of the following reasons:
- Failure to achieve a grade of SAT in COOP 1000
- Failure to pay all co-op related fees
- Failure to actively participate in the job search process
- Failure to attend all interviews for positions to which the student has applied
- Declining more than one job offer during the job search process
- Continuing a job search after accepting a co-op position
- Dismissal from a work term by the co-op employer
- Leaving a work term without approval by the Co-op manager
- Receipt of an unsatisfactory work term evaluation
- Submission of an unsatisfactory work term report
Standing and Appeals
The Co-op and Career Services office administers the regulations and procedures that are applicable to all co-op program options. All instances of a student's failure during a work term or other issues directly related to their participation in the co-op option will be reported to the academic department.
Any decision made by the Co-op and Career Services office can be appealed via the normal appeal process within the University.
International Students
All International Students are required to possess a Co-op Work Permit issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada before they can begin working. It is illegal to work in Canada without the proper authorization. Students will be provided with a letter of support to accompany their application. Students must submit their application for their permit before being permitted to view and apply for jobs on the Co-op Services database. Confirmation of a position will not be approved until a student can confirm they have received their permit. Students are advised to discuss the application process and requirements with the International Student Services Office.
Co-op Admission and Continuation Requirements by Program
B.A. Honours Anthropology
- Maintain full-time status in each study term (2.0 credits);
- Be eligible to work in Canada (for off-campus work)
- Have successfully completed COOP 1000 [0.0]
In addition to the following:
- Registered in the B.A. Honours Anthropology Program;
- Have a minimum overall CGPA of 7.0 and major CGPA of 8.0 in the first two years of academic study;
- Successfully completed, by the start-date of the first work term, the required first-year courses, second-year courses, ANTH 3005 and ANTH 3006 or ANTH 3007.
Students in B.A. Honours Anthropology must successfully complete three (3) work terms to obtain the Co-op designation.
Co-op Work Term Course: ANTH 3999
Work/Study Pattern:
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | |||||
Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern |
Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | W/S | Fall | W/S |
Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | W/S | Winter | S |
Summer | Summer | Summer | W | Summer | W |
S: Study
W: Work
O: Optional
* indicates recommended work study pattern
** student finds own employer for this work-term.
B.A. Honours English
- Maintain full-time status in each study term (2.0 credits);
- Be eligible to work in Canada (for off-campus work)
- Have successfully completed COOP 1000 [0.0]
In addition to the following:
- Registered in the B.A. Honours English program;
- Obtained and maintained an overall CGPA of 9.0 or higher at the end of second year of academic study
- Obtained and maintained an overall CGPA of 8.0 or higher and a major CGPA of 9.0 or higher by the end of third year of academic study
Students in B.A. Honours English must successfully complete three (3) work terms to obtain the Co-op designation.
Work Term Report Course: ENGL 3999
Work/Study Pattern:
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | |||||
Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern |
Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | W | Fall | S | Fall | S |
Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | W | Winter | W | Winter | S |
Summer | Summer | Summer | S | Summer | O |
S: Study
W: Work
O: Optional
* indicates recommended work study pattern
** student finds own employer for this work-term.
B.A. Honours Environmental Studies
- Maintain full-time status in each study term (2.0 credits);
- Be eligible to work in Canada (for off-campus work)
- Have successfully completed COOP 1000 [0.0]
In addition to the following:
- Registered in the B.A. Honours Environmental Studies program;
- Obtained and maintained an overall minimum CGPA of 9.5 and a minimum major CGPA of 9.5;
- Have obtained third-year standing;
- Successfully completed, by the start date of the first work term:
- Be registered as a full-time student.
B.A. Honours Environmental Studies students must successfully complete three (3) work terms to obtain the Co-op designation.
Co-op work term course: ENST 3999
Work/Study Pattern:
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | |||||
Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern |
Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S/W | Fall | O |
Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | S/W | Winter | S |
Summer | Summer | Summer | W | Summer | S/W |
S: Study
W: Work
O: Optional
* indicates recommended work study pattern
** student finds own employer for this work-term.
B.A. Honours European and Russian Studies
- Maintain full-time status in each study term (2.0 credits);
- Be eligible to work in Canada (for off-campus work)
- Have successfully completed COOP 1000 [0.0]
In addition to the following:
- Registered in the B.A. Honours European and Russian Studies program
- Obtained and maintained an overall CGPA of 8.0 or higher and a major CGPA of 9.0 or higher
- Have successfully completed by the start-date of the first work term, the required first-year courses, second-year courses ; have completed PSCI 3206, PSCI 3207, PSCI 3208, PSCI 3209, PSCI 3704 before the second work term; and ECON 3807 or ECON 3808 before the third work term
Students in B.A. Honours European and Russian Studies must successfully complete three (3) work terms to obtain the Co-op designation.
Co-op Work Term Course: EURR 3999
Work/Study Pattern:
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | |||||
Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern |
Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | W | Fall | S | Fall | S |
Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | W | Winter | S |
Summer | Summer | Summer | W | Summer | O |
S: Study
W: Work
O: Optional
* indicates recommended work study pattern
** student finds own employer for this work-term.
B.A. Honours French
- Maintain full-time status in each study term (2.0 credits);
- Be eligible to work in Canada (for off-campus work)
- Have successfully completed COOP 1000 [0.0]
In addition to the following:
- Registered in the B.A. Honours in French;
- Obtained and maintained an 8.0 CGPA overall with a major CGPA of 9.0
- Successfully completed, by the start-date of the first work term, the required language courses and others listed hereafter: FREN 2100 (or any substitute course) or FREN 2110; FREN 2401; FREN 2201 and must be registered in FREN 3050 and one of FREN 3251 or FREN 3451 during the fall of the third year if the course is not offered in the fall term, it will be offered in the evening of the winter term to allow Co-op students to take it)
- have completed the Departmental Examen oral de français ;
- be registered as full-time student in the term before the work term;
- have obtained third-year status.
Students in B.A. Honours French must successfully complete three (3) work terms to obtain the Co-op designation.
Co-op Work Term Course: FREN 3999
Work/Study Pattern:
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | |||||
Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern |
Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | W | Fall | S | Fall | S |
Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | W | Winter | S |
Summer | Summer | Summer | W | Summer | O |
S: Study
W: Work
O: Optional
* indicates recommended work study pattern
** student finds own employer for this work-term.
B.A. Honours Geography
- Maintain full-time status in each study term (2.0 credits);
- Be eligible to work in Canada (for off-campus work)
- Have successfully completed COOP 1000 [0.0]
In addition to the following:
- Registered in B.A. Honours Geography, Geography with a Concentration in Physical Geography, or B.Sc. Honours Physical Geography;
- Obtained and maintained an overall minimum CGPA of 9.5 and a minimum major CGPA of 9.5;
- Have obtained third-year standing;
- Successfully completed, by the start date of the first work term:
- Be registered as a full-time student.
B.A. Honours Geography, Geography with a Concentration in Physical Geography, B.Sc. Honours Physical Geography students must successfully complete three (3) work terms to obtain the Co-op designation.
Co-op work term course: GEOG 3999
Work/Study Pattern:
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | |||||
Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern |
Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S/W | Fall | O |
Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | S/W | Winter | S |
Summer | Summer | Summer | W | Summer | S/W |
S: Study
W: Work
O: Optional
* indicates recommended work study pattern
** student finds own employer for this work-term.
B.A. Honours Geomatics
- Maintain full-time status in each study term (2.0 credits);
- Be eligible to work in Canada (for off-campus work)
- Have successfully completed COOP 1000 [0.0]
In addition to the following:
- Registered in the Bachelor of Science Honours program in Geomatics;
- Obtained and maintained an overall minimum CGPA of 9.5 and a major CGPA of 9.5;
- Have obtained third-year standing;
- Successfully completed, by the start-date of the first work term:
- Be registered as a full-time student.
B.Sc. Honours Geomatics students must successfully complete three (3) work terms to obtain the co-op designation.
Work Term Course: GEOM 3999
Work/Study Pattern:
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | |||||
Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern |
Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S/W | Fall | O |
Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | S/W | Winter | S |
Summer | Summer | Summer | W | Summer | S/W |
S: Study
W: Work
O: Optional
* indicates recommended work study pattern
** student finds own employer for this work-term.
B.A. Honours History
- Maintain full-time status in each study term (2.0 credits);
- Be eligible to work in Canada (for off-campus work)
- Have successfully completed COOP 1000 [0.0]
In addition to the following:
- Registered in the B.A. Honours History;
- Obtained and maintained an overall minimum CGPA of 8.0;
- Have obtained second-year standing;
- Be registered as a full-time student.
Students in B.A. Honours History must successfully complete three (3) work terms to obtain the Co-op designation.
Co-op Work Term Course: HIST 3999
Work/Study Pattern:
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | |||||
Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern |
Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | W | Fall | S | Fall | S |
Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | W | Winter | S |
Summer | Summer | Summer | W | Summer | W (O) |
S: Study
W: Work
O: Optional
* indicates recommended work study pattern
** student finds own employer for this work-term.
B.A. Honours Law (Concentration in Business Law, Concentration in Law, Policy and Government)
- Maintain full-time status in each study term (2.0 credits);
- Be eligible to work in Canada (for off-campus work)
- Have successfully completed COOP 1000 [0.0]
In addition to the following:
- Registered as a full-time student in the Bachelor of Arts Honours - Law (Business law Concentration or Laws, Policy and Government Concentration) program;
- Obtained an overall CGPA of 8.00 if applying to do their first work term in the summer following the second year of study;
- Obtained and maintained an overall CGPA of 6.5 and a major CGPA of 8.0, for the purposes of entry to any work term following completion of the third year of study;
- Completed 3.5 credits in law, includingLAWS 2908, prior to their first work term. It is strongly recommended that students complete all first and second year law requirements prior to entering their first work term.
Students in B.A. Honours Law (Concentration in Business Law, or Law, Policy and Government) must successfully complete three (3) work terms to obtain the Co-op designation.
Co-operative Work Term Course: LAWS 3999
Work/Study Pattern:
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | |||||
Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern |
Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S |
Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | W | Winter | |
Summer | Summer | W | Summer | W | Summer | W |
S: Study
W: Work
O: Optional
* indicates recommended work study pattern
** student finds own employer for this work-term.
B.A. Honours Political Science
- Maintain full-time status in each study term (2.0 credits);
- Be eligible to work in Canada (for off-campus work)
- Have successfully completed COOP 1000 [0.0]
In addition to the following:
- Registered as a full-time student in the second year of the Bachelor of Arts Honours -Political Science program;
- Obtained and maintained an overall CGPA of 9.00.
Students in B.A. Honours Political Science must successfully complete three (3) work terms to obtain the Co-op designation.
Co-op Work Term course: PSCI 3999
Work/Study Pattern:
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | ||||||
Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern |
Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | W | Fall | W/S | ||
Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | W | ||
Summer | Summer | W/S | Summer | W/S | Summer | S |
S: Study
W: Work
O: Optional
* indicates recommended work study pattern
** student finds own employer for this work-term.
B.A. Honours Psychology
- Maintain full-time status in each study term (2.0 credits);
- Be eligible to work in Canada (for off-campus work)
- Have successfully completed COOP 1000 [0.0]
In addition to the following:
- Have an overall minimum CGPA of 9.50 and a major CGPA of 9.5 at the end of first year of academic study
- Have second-year standing
- Have successfully completed, by the start-date of the first work term, PSYC 2001 and PSYC 2002
Students in B.A. Honours Psychology must successfully complete three (3) work terms to obtain the Co-op designation.
Work Term Report Course: PSYC 3999
Work/Study Pattern:
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | |||||
Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern |
Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | W/S | Fall | S |
Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | W/S | Winter | S |
Summer | Summer | O | Summer | W | Summer | W/S |
S: Study
W: Work
O: Optional
* indicates recommended work study pattern
** student finds own employer for this work-term.
B.A. Honours Sociology
- Maintain full-time status in each study term (2.0 credits);
- Be eligible to work in Canada (for off-campus work)
- Have successfully completed COOP 1000 [0.0]
In addition to the following:
- Registered in the B.A. Honours Sociology program;
- Have a minimum overall CGPA of 7.0 and major CGPA of 8.0 in the first two years of academic study;
- Successfully completed, by the start-date of the first work term, the required first-year courses, second-year courses, SOCI 2000 and SOCI 2001 or SOCI 3000
Students in B.A. Honours Sociology must successfully complete three (3) work terms to obtain the Co-op designation.
Co-op Work Term Course: SOCI 3999
Work/Study Pattern:
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | |||||
Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern |
Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | W/S | Fall | W/S |
Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | W/S | Winter | S |
Summer | Summer | Summer | W | Summer | W |
S: Study
W: Work
O: Optional
* indicates recommended work study pattern
** student finds own employer for this work-term.
B.Sc. Honours Biochemistry, Computational Biochemistry
- Maintain full-time status in each study term (2.0 credits);
- Be eligible to work in Canada (for off-campus work)
- Have successfully completed COOP 1000 [0.0]
In addition to the following:
- Completion of 5.0 or more credits at Carleton University;
- Registered as a full-time student in the Bachelor of Science Honours degree program;
- Obtained and maintained a major CGPA of 8.0 or higher and an overall CGPA of 6.50 or higher
B.Sc. Honours Biochemistry and Computational Biochemistry students must successfully complete three (3) work terms to obtain the co-op designation.
Work Term Course: BIOC 3999
Work/Study Pattern:
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | |||||
Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern |
Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | *W/S | Fall | S |
Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | *W/S | Winter | S |
Summer | **O/W | Summer | *W | Summer | O/W | Summer | O/W |
S: Study
W: Work
O: Optional
* indicates recommended work study pattern
** student finds own employer for this work-term.
B.Sc. Honours Biology, Bioinformatics
- Maintain full-time status in each study term (2.0 credits);
- Be eligible to work in Canada (for off-campus work)
- Have successfully completed COOP 1000 [0.0]
In addition to the following:
- Completion of 5.0 or more credits at Carleton University;
- Registered as a full-time student in the Bachelor of Science Honours degree program;
- Obtained and maintained a major CGPA of 8.0 or higher and an overall CGPA of 6.50 or higher
B.Sc. Honours Biology and Bioinformatics students must successfully complete three (3) work terms to obtain the Co-op designation.
Work Term Course: BIOL 3999
Work/Study Pattern:
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | |||||
Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern |
Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | *W/S | Fall | S |
Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | *W/S | Winter | S |
Summer | **O/W | Summer | *W | Summer | O/W | Summer | O/W |
S: Study
W: Work
O: Optional
* indicates recommended work study pattern
** student finds own employer for this work-term.
B.Sc. Honours Biotechnology
- Maintain full-time status in each study term (2.0 credits);
- Be eligible to work in Canada (for off-campus work)
- Have successfully completed COOP 1000 [0.0]
In addition to the following:
- Completion of 5.0 or more credits at Carleton University;
- Registered as a full-time student in the Bachelor of Science Honours degree program;
- Obtained and maintained a major CGPA of 8.0 or higher and an overall CGPA of 6.50 or higher
B.Sc. Honours Biotechnology students must successfully complete three (3) work terms to obtain the co-op designation.
Work Term Course: BIOL 3999
Work/Study Pattern:
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | |||||
Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern |
Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | *W/S | Fall | S |
Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | *W/S | Winter | S |
Summer | **O/W | Summer | *W | Summer | O/W | Summer | O/W |
S: Study
W: Work
O: Optional
* indicates recommended work study pattern
** student finds own employer for this work-term.
B.Sc. Honours Chemistry
- Maintain full-time status in each study term (2.0 credits);
- Be eligible to work in Canada (for off-campus work)
- Have successfully completed COOP 1000 [0.0]
In addition to the following:
- Completion of 5.0 or more credits at Carleton University;
- Registered as a full-time student in the Bachelor of Science Honours degree program;
- Obtained and maintained a major CGPA of 8.0 or higher and an overall CGPA of 6.50 or higher
B.Sc. Honours Chemistry students must successfully complete three (3) work terms to obtain the co-op designation.
Work Term Course: CHEM 3999
Work/Study Pattern:
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | |||||
Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern |
Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | *W/S | Fall | S |
Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | *W/S | Winter | S |
Summer | **O/W | Summer | *W | Summer | O/W | Summer | O/W |
S: Study
W: Work
O: Optional
* indicates recommended work study pattern
** student finds own employer for this work-term.
B.Sc. Honours Earth Sciences
- Maintain full-time status in each study term (2.0 credits);
- Be eligible to work in Canada (for off-campus work)
- Have successfully completed COOP 1000 [0.0]
In addition to the following:
- Completion of 5.0 or more credits at Carleton University;
- Registered as a full-time student in the Bachelor of Science Honours degree program;
- Obtained and maintained a major CGPA of 8.0 or higher and an overall CGPA of 6.50 or higher
B.Sc. Honours Earth Sciences students must successfully complete three (3) work terms to obtain the co-op designation.
Work Term Course: ERTH 3999
Work/Study Pattern:
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | |||||
Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern |
Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | *W/S | Fall | S |
Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | *W/S | Winter | S |
Summer | **O/W | Summer | *W | Summer | O/W | Summer | O/W |
S: Study
W: Work
O: Optional
* indicates recommended work study pattern
** student finds own employer for this work-term.
B.Sc. Honours Environmental Science
- Maintain full-time status in each study term (2.0 credits);
- Be eligible to work in Canada (for off-campus work)
- Have successfully completed COOP 1000 [0.0]
In addition to the following:
- Completion of 5.0 or more credits at Carleton University;
- Registered as a full-time student in the Bachelor of Science Honours degree program;
- Obtained and maintained a major CGPA of 8.0 or higher and an overall CGPA of 6.50 or higher
B.Sc. Honours Environmental Science students must successfully complete three (3) work terms to obtain the co-op designation.
Work Term Course: ENSC 3999
Work/Study Pattern:
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | |||||
Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern |
Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | *W/S | Fall | S |
Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | *W/S | Winter | S |
Summer | **O/W | Summer | *W | Summer | O/W | Summer | O/W |
S: Study
W: Work
O: Optional
* indicates recommended work study pattern
** student finds own employer for this work-term.
B.Sc. Honours Food Science and Nutrition
- Maintain full-time status in each study term (2.0 credits);
- Be eligible to work in Canada (for off-campus work)
- Have successfully completed COOP 1000 [0.0]
In addition to the following:
- Registered as a full-time student in the Bachelor of Science Honours in Food Science and Nutrition;
- Obtained and maintained a major CGPA of 9.0 or higher and an overall CGPA of 7.5 or higher in the first three years of academic study;
- Have obtained third-year standing;
- Successfully completed, by the start date of the first work term, at least 2.0 credits from the following: FOOD 3001, FOOD 3002, FOOD 3003, FOOD 3004, and FOOD 3005
B.Sc. Honours Food Science and Nutrition students must successfully complete three (3) work terms to obtain the co-op designation.
Work Term Course: FOOD 3999
Work/Study Pattern:
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | |||||
Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern |
Fall | Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | W/S | Fall | S | |
Winter | Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | W/S | Winter | S | |
Summer | Summer | Summer | O/W | Summer | O/W |
S: Study
W: Work
O: Optional
* indicates recommended work study pattern
** student finds own employer for this work-term.
B.Sc. Honours Geomatics
- Maintain full-time status in each study term (2.0 credits);
- Be eligible to work in Canada (for off-campus work)
- Have successfully completed COOP 1000 [0.0]
In addition to the following:
- Registered in the Bachelor of Science Honours program in Geomatics;
- Obtained and maintained an overall minimum CGPA of 9.5 and a major CGPA of 9.5;
- Have obtained third-year standing;
- Successfully completed, by the start-date of the first work term:
- Be registered as a full-time student.
B.Sc. Honours Geomatics students must successfully complete three (3) work terms to obtain the co-op designation.
Work Term Course: GEOM 3999
Work/Study Pattern:
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | |||||
Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern |
Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S/W | Fall | O |
Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | S/W | Winter | S |
Summer | Summer | Summer | W | Summer | S/W |
S: Study
W: Work
O: Optional
* indicates recommended work study pattern
** student finds own employer for this work-term.
B.Sc. Honours Neuroscience, Neuroscience and Mental Health
- Maintain full-time status in each study term (2.0 credits);
- Be eligible to work in Canada (for off-campus work)
- Have successfully completed COOP 1000 [0.0]
In addition to the following:
- Completion of 5.0 or more credits at Carleton University;
- Registered as a full-time student in the Bachelor of Science Honours degree program;
- Obtained and maintained a major CGPA of 8.0 or higher and an overall CGPA of 6.50 or higher
B.Sc. Honours Neuroscience and Neuroscience and Mental Health students must successfully complete three (3) work terms to obtain the co-op designation.
Work Term Course: NEUR 3999
Work-Study Pattern:
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | |||||
Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern |
Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | *W/S | Fall | S |
Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | *W/S | Winter | S |
Summer | **O/W | Summer | *W | Summer | O/W | Summer | O/W |
S: Study
W: Work
O: Optional
* indicates recommended work study pattern
** student finds own employer for this work-term.
Bachelor of Architectural Studies
- Maintain full-time status in each study term (2.0 credits);
- Be eligible to work in Canada (for off-campus work)
- Have successfully completed COOP 1000 [0.0]
In addition to the following:
- Registered as a full-time student in the B.A.S. program;
- Obtained and maintained an overall CGPA of 9.00 or higher.
Students in the Bachelor of Architectural Studies must successfully complete three (3) work terms to obtain the co-op designation.
Work Term Report Course: ARCN 3999 [0.0]
Work/Study Pattern:
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | |||||
Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern |
Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | W | Fall | S |
Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | W/S | Winter | S |
Summer | Summer | Summer | W | Summer | W/S |
S: Study
W: Work
O: Optional
* indicates recommended work study pattern
** student finds own employer for this work-term.
Bachelor of Cognitive Science
- Maintain full-time status in each study term (2.0 credits);
- Be eligible to work in Canada (for off-campus work)
- Have successfully completed COOP 1000 [0.0]
In addition to the following:
- Registered as a full-time student in the Bachelor of Cognitive Science program;
- Obtained and maintained an overall CGPA of 8.50 or higher;
- Successfully completed CGSC 2001.
Bachelor of Cognitive Science Honours students must successfully complete three (3) work terms to obtain the Co-op designation.
Work Term Report Course: CGSC 3999 [0.0]
Work/Study Pattern:
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 4 | |||||
Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern |
Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S |
Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | W | Winter | |
Summer | Summer | Summer | W | Summer | W | Summer |
S: Study
W: Work
O: Optional
* indicates recommended work study pattern
** student finds own employer for this work-term.
Bachelor of Commerce
- Maintain full-time status in each study term (2.0 credits);
- Be eligible to work in Canada (for off-campus work)
- Have successfully completed COOP 1000 [0.0]
In addition to the following:
- Have a major CGPA of 8.00 or higher and an overall CGPA of 6.50 or higher;
- Successfully completed 6.0 credits in the major and have at least 6.0 credits remaining for completion of the B.Com. program prior to their first work term;
- Registered as a full-time student in the Bachelor of Commerce program.
To obtain the co-op designation students must successfully complete three (3) work terms.
Co-op Work Term Course: BUSI 3999
Work/Study Patterns:
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | |||||
Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern |
Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S |
Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | W | Winter | W* | Winter | |
Summer | Summer | W/S | Summer | W | Summer | S |
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | |||||
Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern |
Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | W | Fall | S |
Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | W | Winter | |
Summer | Summer | W/S | Summer | W/S | Summer | W* |
Finance, International Business, Marketing, Supply Chain, and students without a concentration
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | |||||
Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern |
Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S |
Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | W | Winter | S | Winter | |
Summer | Summer | W | Summer | W | Summer | W* |
Information Systems, Management
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | |||||
Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern |
Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | W* |
Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | W | Winter | S | Winter | S |
Summer | Summer | W/S | Summer | W | Summer | W* |
S: Study
W: Work
O: Optional
* indicates recommended work study pattern
** student finds own employer for this work-term.
Bachelor of Communication and Media Studies
- Maintain full-time status in each study term (2.0 credits);
- Be eligible to work in Canada (for off-campus work)
- Have successfully completed COOP 1000 [0.0]
In addition to the following:
- Registered as a full-time student in the Bachelor of Communication and Media Studies Honours program;
- Obtained and maintained an overall CGPA of 9.00 or higher.
Bachelor of Communication and Media Studies Honours students must successfully complete three (3) work terms to obtain the Co-op designation.
Work Term Course: COMS 3999
Work/Study Pattern:
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | |||||
Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern |
Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | W/S | Fall | S |
Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | W/S | Winter | |
Summer | Summer | W | Summer | W | Summer | S |
S: Study
W: Work
O: Optional
* indicates recommended work study pattern
** student finds own employer for this work-term.
S: Study
W: Work
O: Optional
* indicates recommended work study pattern
** student finds own employer for this work-term.
Bachelor of Computer Science
- Maintain full-time status in each study term (2.0 credits);
- Be eligible to work in Canada (for off-campus work)
- Have successfully completed COOP 1000 [0.0]
In addition to the following:
- A major CGPA of 8.00 or higher and an overall CGPA of 8.00 or higher;
- Successfully completed 3.0 required credits in Computer Science, including one of COMP 2402 or COMP 2404;
- Registered as a full-time student in the Bachelor of Computer Science program (2.0 credits).
Bachelor of Computer Science Honours and Major students must successfully complete four (4) work terms to obtain the Co-op designation.
Co-op Work Term Course: COMP 3999
Work/Study Pattern:
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | |||||
Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern |
Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | W | Fall | S | Fall | S |
Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | W | Winter | S |
Summer | **O | Summer | W | Summer | W | Summer | W |
S: Study
W: Work
O: Optional
* indicates recommended work study pattern
** student finds own employer for this work-term.
Bachelor of Economics
- Maintain full-time status in each study term (2.0 credits);
- Be eligible to work in Canada (for off-campus work)
- Have successfully completed COOP 1000 [0.0]
In addition to the following:
- Registered as a full-time student in the second year of the Bachelor of Economics Honours program
- A major CGPA of 8.00 or higher and an overall CGPA of 8.00 or higher;
- Successfully completed all required first- and second-year courses before beginning the first work term.
To obtain the co-op designation in Bachelor of Economics, students must successfully complete three (3) work terms.
Work Term Report Course: ECON 3999
Work/Study Pattern:
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | |||||
Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern |
Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | W | Fall | S | Fall | S |
Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | W | Winter | S |
Summer | Summer | Summer | W | Summer | W |
S: Study
W: Work
O: Optional
* indicates recommended work study pattern
** student finds own employer for this work-term.
Bachelor of Engineering
- Maintain full-time status in each study term (2.0 credits);
- Be eligible to work in Canada (for off-campus work)
- Have successfully completed COOP 1000 [0.0]
In addition to the following:
- Registered as a full-time student in the Engineering program
- An overall CGPA of 8.00 or higher;
- Successfully completed all required first year courses including CCDP 2100 before beginning the first work term;
- Students must be eligible for third-year standing when they return for a study term after their first work placement.
Students in all Bachelor of Engineering concentrations must successfully complete four (4) work terms to obtain the co-op designation.
Work Term Courses:
Aerospace Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering: | ||
MAAE 3999 [0.0] | Co-operative Work Term | |
Architectural Conservation and Sustainability Engineering: | ||
CIVE 3999 [0.0] | Co-operative Work Term | |
or ENVE 3999 [0.0] | Co-operative Work Term | |
Civil Engineering | ||
CIVE 3999 [0.0] | Co-operative Work Term | |
Communications Engineering, Computer Systems Engineering and Software Engineering: | ||
SYSC 3999 [0.0] | Co-operative Work Term | |
Biomedical and Electrical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Physics Engineering: | ||
ELEC 3999 [0.0] | Co-operative Work Term | |
Environmental Engineering | ||
ENVE 3999 [0.0] | Co-operative Work Term | |
Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering | ||
ELEC 3999 [0.0] | Co-operative Work Term | |
MAAE 3999 [0.0] | Co-operative Work Term | |
(depending on student's stream) |
Work/Study Patterns
Aerospace, Architectural Conservation and Sustainability, Biomedical and Mechanical, Civil, Communications, Environmental, Mechanical Engineering, Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | |||||
Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern |
Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | W | Fall | S |
Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | W | Winter | S |
Summer | **O | Summer | O/W | Summer | W | Summer | W |
Computer Systems, Electrical, Engineering Physics
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | |||||
Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern |
Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | W | Fall | W | Fall | S |
Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | W | Winter | S |
Summer | **O | Summer | W | Summer | S | Summer | W |
Biomedical and Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | |||||
Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern |
Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | W | Fall | S |
Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | W | Winter | S | Winter | S |
Summer | Summer | W | Summer | W | Summer | W |
S: Study
W: Work
O: Optional
* indicates recommended work study pattern
** student finds own employer for this work-term.
Bachelor of Industrial Design
- Maintain full-time status in each study term (2.0 credits);
- Be eligible to work in Canada (for off-campus work)
- Have successfully completed COOP 1000 [0.0]
In addition to:
- Registered as a full-time student in the Industrial Design program
- Obtained a CGPA of 8.00 or higher in industrial design core courses and an overall CGPA of 6.50 or higher
Students in the Bachelor of Industrial Design must complete three (3) work terms to obtain the co-op designation.
Co-op Work Term Course: IDES 3999
Work-Study Pattern:
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | |||||
Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern |
Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | W | Fall | S |
Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | W/S | Winter | S |
Summer | Summer | W | Summer | W | Summer | W/S |
S: Study
W: Work
O: Optional
* indicates recommended work study pattern
** student finds own employer for this work-term.
Bachelor of Information Technology
- Maintain full-time status in each study term (2.0 credits);
- Be eligible to work in Canada (for off-campus work)
- Have successfully completed COOP 1000 [0.0]
In addition to the following:
- Obtained and maintained a major CGPA of 8.0;
- Successfully completed all required first-year courses, and
- Registered as a full-time student in the Bachelor of Information Technology program
Students in the Bachelor of Information Technology must complete three (3) work terms to obtain the co-op designation.
Co-op Work Term Course: BIT 3999
Work/Study Pattern:
Interactive Multimedia and Design, Information Resource management, Network Technology, Photonics and Laser Technology
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | |||||
Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern |
Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | W/S | Fall | S |
Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | W | Winter | S | Winter | S |
Summer | Summer | W | Summer | W | Summer | W/S |
S: Study
W: Work
O: Optional
* indicates recommended work study pattern
** student finds own employer for this work-term.
Bachelor of Mathematics Honours, Combined B.Math/M.Sc.
- Maintain full-time status in each study term (2.0 credits);
- Be eligible to work in Canada (for off-campus work)
- Have successfully completed COOP 1000 [0.0]
In addition to:
Students in any of these programs (excluding Biostatistics) must satisfy the following:
- Completion of 5.0 or more credits (at least 2.0 in Mathematics/Statistics) at Carleton in any Honours program (excluding Biostatistics), or the Combined B.Math./M.Sc. ("Fast Track") programs, offered by the School of Mathematics and Statistics
- A major CGPA of 8.00 or higher and an overall CGPA of 6.50 or higher
Students in the B.Math. (Combined Honours) Biostatistics program must satisfy the following:
- Full-time student in the B.Math. Biostatistics program;
- An overall CGPA of 8.00 or higher;
- Successfully completed all required first year courses before beginning the first work term
- Students must be eligible for third-year standing when they return for a study term after their first work term.
Students in these programs must successfully complete four (4) work terms to obtain the co-op designation.
Co-op Work Term Course: MATH 3999
Work/Study Pattern:
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | |||||
Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern |
Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | *W/S | Fall | S |
Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | *W/S | Winter | S |
Summer | **O/W | Summer | *W | Summer | O/W | Summer | O/W |
S: Study
W: Work
O: Optional
* indicates recommended work study pattern
** student finds own employer for this work-term.
Bachelor of Public Affairs and Policy Management
- Maintain full-time status in each study term (2.0 credits);
- Be eligible to work in Canada (for off-campus work)
- Have successfully completed COOP 1000 [0.0]
In addition to the following:
- Registered as a full-time student in the B.P.A.P.M. program;
- Obtained an overall CGPA of 9.00 or higher calculated on at least 5.0 credits.
Students in the Bachelor of Public Affairs and Policy Management must successfully complete three (3) work terms to obtain the co-op designation.
Work Term Course: PAPM 3999
Work/Study Pattern:
Public Policy and Administration, Human Rights, Development Studies, International Studies, Communication and IT Policy, Strategic Opinion and Policy Analysis, Social Policy
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | |||||
Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern | Term | Pattern |
Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | S | Fall | W/S | Fall | S |
Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | S | Winter | W/S | Winter | |
Summer | Summer | W | Summer | W | Summer | S |
S: Study
W: Work
O: Optional
* indicates recommended work study pattern
** student finds own employer for this work-term.