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This is an archived copy of the 2023-2024 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Sprott School of Business
7007 Nicol Building

This section presents the requirements for programs in:

Program Requirements

Bachelor of Commerce
Honours (20.0 credits)

A. Credits Included in the Major CGPA (12.5 credits):
1.  2.0 credits in:2.0
BUSI 1004 [0.5]
Financial Accounting for Business Students
BUSI 1005 [0.5]
Managerial Accounting for Business Students
BUSI 1401 [0.5]
Foundations of Information Systems
BUSI 1800 [0.5]
Introduction to Business
2.  1.0 credit in:1.0
ECON 1001 [0.5]
Introduction to Microeconomics
ECON 1002 [0.5]
Introduction to Macroeconomics
3.  0.5 credit in:0.5
MATH 1009 [0.5]
Mathematics for Business
4.  1.0 credit in:1.0
PSYC 1002 [0.5]
Introduction to Psychology II
SOCI 1005 [0.5]
Sociology for Bachelor of Commerce Students
5.  4.0 credits in:4.0
BUSI 2101 [0.5]
Organizational Behaviour
BUSI 2208 [0.5]
Introduction to Marketing
BUSI 2301 [0.5]
Introduction to Supply and Operations Management
BUSI 2401 [0.5]
Introduction to Data Analytics
BUSI 2501 [0.5]
Business Finance
BUSI 2601 [0.5]
Business Law
BUSI 2701 [0.5]
Fundamentals of International Business
BUSI 2800 [0.5]
6.  0.5 credit in:0.5
STAT 2601 [0.5]
Business Statistics
7.  1.5 credits in:1.5
BUSI 3102 [0.5]
Introduction to Human Resources Management
BUSI 3103 [0.5]
Introduction to Organization Theory
BUSI 3309 [0.5]
Project Management
8.  1.0 credit in:1.0
BUSI 4601 [0.5]
Business Ethics
BUSI 4609 [0.5]
Strategic Management
9.  1.0 credit in: BUSI at the 4000-level1.0
10.  0.0 credits in: Business Career Preparation Requirement0.0
BUSI 1995 [0.0]
Employability Passport I
BUSI 2995 [0.0]
Employability Passport II
BUSI 3995 [0.0]
Employability Passport III
BUSI 4995 [0.0]
Employability Passport IV
B. Credits Not Included in the Major CGPA (7.5 credits):
11.  7.5 credits in free electives.7.5
Total Credits20.0


  1. BUSI 4601 and BUSI 4609 in Item 8 above must be taken at the Sprott School of Business.
  2. The following courses cannot be used as free electives toward the B.Com. degree: ESLA 1300, ESLA 1500, and any 0000-level course such as MATH 0009 and  MATH 0107.
  3. The 4000-level credit in Item 9 above must be taken at the Sprott School of Business.
  4. Students require completion of BUSI 1800 and BUSI 2800 to be eligible for registration in BUSI 3102, BUSI 3103, and BUSI 3309. 
  5. Students require completion of BUSI 1995 to be eligible for registration in BUSI 2101, completion of BUSI 2995 to be eligible for registration in BUSI 3309, and completion of BUSI 3995 to be eligible for registration in BUSI 4609 (BUSI 4709 for B.Com. with concentration in International Business students).  BUSI 4995 must be completed as part of the degree requirements prior to graduation from the Bachelor of Commerce.

Concentrations in the B.Com. Program

Concentrations described below are open to students registered in the B.Com. program. Students enrolled in a concentration must satisfy the requirements for Bachelor of Commerce (above) while gaining credit for the requirements of the Concentration through appropriate choice of courses. Students in the Concentration in International Business take BUSI 4705 Ethics and Cross-cultural Interaction in place of BUSI 4601 Business Ethics in the B.Com. requirements.

Declaration of Concentration(s)

Normally, students are expected to have declared their concentration(s), if any, before commencing the sixth credit into the program. Only under special circumstances would a student be allowed to enroll in a concentration after the completion of the thirteenth credit.

Declaration of Double Concentrations

To be eligible to declare a second concentration, a student must have completed at least 6.0 credits with a minimum overall CGPA of 8.0.

Concentration in Accounting (4.0 credits)

1.  2.5 credits in:2.5
BUSI 2001 [0.5]
Intermediate Accounting I
BUSI 2002 [0.5]
Intermediate Accounting II
BUSI 3001 [0.5]
Accounting for Business Combinations
BUSI 3005 [0.5]
Taxation I
BUSI 3008 [0.5]
Intermediate Management Accounting and Control
2.  1.5 credits from:1.5
BUSI 3007 [0.5]
Auditing I
BUSI 3040 [0.5]
Data Analytics and Information Systems for Accounting
BUSI 4003 [0.5]
Accounting: Relevance and Influence
BUSI 4005 [0.5]
Taxation II
BUSI 4008 [0.5]
Management Control Systems
Total Credits4.0

Concentration in Business Analytics (4.5 credits)

1.  3.5 credits in:3.5
STAT 2602 [0.5]
Statistical Models for Business Analytics and Finance
BUSI 3400 [0.5]
Database Design
BUSI 3406 [0.5]
Business Analytics Principles
BUSI 3434 [0.5]
Data Visualization
BUSI 4407 [0.5]
Business Analytics Methods
BUSI 4410 [0.5]
Responsible Business Analytics
BUSI 4414 [0.5]
Capstone in Business Analytics
2.  1.0 credits from:1.0
BUSI 2402 [0.5]
Business Applications Development
BUSI 3401 [0.5]
Applications Development for Online Environments
BUSI 3402 [0.5]
Systems Analysis and Design
BUSI 3405 [0.5]
Enterprise Architecture
BUSI 4201 [0.5]
Marketing Metrics
BUSI 4301 [0.5]
Artificial Intelligence and Business Decision Models
BUSI 4308 [0.5]
Simulation Modeling and Analytics
BUSI 4331 [0.5]
Industry 4.0 Technologies and Applications
BUSI 4400 [0.5]
IS Management and Strategy
BUSI 4404 [0.5]
IT Infrastructure
BUSI 4408 [0.5]
Social Analytics
Total Credits4.5

Concentration in Entrepreneurship (3.5 credits)

Available to students in the B.Com. or B.I.B. programs only, except those in the B.Com. or B.I.B. with the Stream in Entrepreneurship.

1.  2.0 credits in:2.0
BUSI 3600 [0.5]
Entrepreneurial Strategies
BUSI 3810 [0.5]
Business Development
BUSI 3820 [0.5]
Practicum in Business Design
BUSI 4810 [0.5]
Practicum in Business Creation
or an approved elective for Entrepreneurship programs
2.  1.5 credits from a list of approved courses including the following:1.5
BUSI 3210 [0.5]
Personal Selling
BUSI 3611 [0.5]
Managing the Family Enterprise
BUSI 4105 [0.5]
Managing Change
BUSI 4117 [1.0]
Creative Thinking
BUSI 4607 [0.5]
Management of Technology and Innovation
BUSI 4708 [0.5]
International Expansion and Operations
BUSI 4710 [0.5]
International New Ventures
Total Credits3.5

Concentration in Finance (4.5 credits)

4.5 credits in:4.5
STAT 2602 [0.5]
Statistical Models for Business Analytics and Finance
BUSI 3500 [0.5]
Applied Corporate Finance
BUSI 3502 [0.5]
BUSI 3512 [0.5]
BUSI 4500 [0.5]
Advanced Corporate Finance
BUSI 4502 [0.5]
Portfolio Management
BUSI 4504 [0.5]
International Finance
BUSI 4510 [0.5]
Mergers and Acquisitions
BUSI 4511 [0.5]
Fixed Income Analysis
Total Credits4.5

Concentration in Information Systems (4.0 credits)

1.  2.5 credits in:2.5
BUSI 2402 [0.5]
Business Applications Development
BUSI 3400 [0.5]
Database Design
BUSI 3402 [0.5]
Systems Analysis and Design
BUSI 4400 [0.5]
IS Management and Strategy
BUSI 4404 [0.5]
IT Infrastructure
2.  1.5 credits from:1.5
BUSI 3401 [0.5]
Applications Development for Online Environments
BUSI 3405 [0.5]
Enterprise Architecture
BUSI 3406 [0.5]
Business Analytics Principles
BUSI 4308 [0.5]
Simulation Modeling and Analytics
BUSI 4408 [0.5]
Social Analytics
BUSI 4607 [0.5]
Management of Technology and Innovation
Total Credits4.0

Concentration in International Business (4.0 credits)

1.  2.0 credits in:2.0
BUSI 3703 [0.5]
International and Comparative Management
BUSI 3704 [0.5]
The Environment of International Business
BUSI 4205 [0.5]
International Marketing Strategy
BUSI 4717 [0.5]
Managing Globalization in Emerging Economies
2.  1.0 credit from:1.0
BUSI 3301 [0.5]
Global Supply Chain Management
BUSI 3705 [0.5]
International Buyer Behaviour
BUSI 3706 [0.5]
International Business Negotiations
BUSI 4706 [0.5]
International Human Resource Management
BUSI 4707 [0.5]
Regionalism and Globalization
BUSI 4708 [0.5]
International Expansion and Operations
BUSI 4710 [0.5]
International New Ventures
BUSI 4719 [0.5]
Practicum in International Business
BUSI 4504 [0.5]
International Finance
BUSI 4505 [0.5]
Global Financial Markets and Institutions
3.  1.0 credit from:1.0
ECON 3508 [0.5]
Introduction to Economic Development
ECON 3600 [0.5]
Introduction to International Economics
ECON 3601 [0.5]
Introduction to International Trade
ECON 3602 [0.5]
International Monetary Problems
ECON 3808 [0.5]
The Economics of Transition
GEOG 2200 [0.5]
Global Connections
GEOG 3209 [0.5]
Sustainability and Environment in the South
GEOG 3404 [0.5]
Geographies of Economic Development
LAWS 3207 [0.5]
International Transactions
LAWS 3208 [0.5]
International Trade Regulation
LAWS 4200 [0.5]
International Economic Law
PSCI 2601 [0.5]
International Relations: Global Politics
PSCI 2602 [0.5]
International Relations: Global Political Economy
PSCI 3600 [0.5]
International Institutions
Total Credits4.0

Note: for Item 3 above, ECON 3600 precludes additional credit for ECON 3601 and ECON 3602.

Concentration in Management (4.0 credits)

1.  2.5 credits in:2.5
BUSI 3104 [0.5]
Managing Individual Performance
BUSI 3105 [0.5]
Managing and Motivating Teams
BUSI 3106 [0.5]
Managing Conflict and Negotiation
BUSI 4105 [0.5]
Managing Change
BUSI 4112 [0.5]
Organizational Leadership
2.  1.5 credits from:1.5
BUSI 3119 [0.5]
Business and Environmental Sustainability
BUSI 3611 [0.5]
Managing the Family Enterprise
BUSI 4104 [0.5]
Strategic Human Resources Management
BUSI 4108 [0.5]
Organizational Learning
BUSI 4111 [1.0]
Training and Development
BUSI 4117 [1.0]
Creative Thinking
BUSI 4120 [0.5]
Environmental Sustainability Management
BUSI 4129 [0.5]
Managing the Arts
Total Credits4.0

Concentration in Marketing (4.5 credits)

1.  2.0 credits in:2.0
BUSI 3205 [0.5]
Marketing Communications
BUSI 3207 [0.5]
Marketing Research
BUSI 3209 [0.5]
Consumer Behaviour
BUSI 4208 [0.5]
Marketing Management
2.  2.5 credits from:2.5
BUSI 3204 [0.5]
Digital Marketing
BUSI 3208 [0.5]
Business-to-Business Marketing
BUSI 3210 [0.5]
Personal Selling
BUSI 4201 [0.5]
Marketing Metrics
BUSI 4203 [0.5]
Marketing In Not-for-Profit Organizations
BUSI 4205 [0.5]
International Marketing Strategy
BUSI 4209 [0.5]
Consumer Culture Theory
BUSI 4219 [0.5]
Sustainability Marketing
BUSI 4229 [0.5]
Marketing in the Arts and Culture Sectors
BUSI 4331 [0.5]
Industry 4.0 Technologies and Applications
BUSI 4408 [0.5]
Social Analytics
Total Credits4.5

Concentration in Supply Chain Management (4.0 credits)

1.  3.0 credits in:3.0
BUSI 3301 [0.5]
Global Supply Chain Management
BUSI 3305 [0.5]
Distribution Channels and Logistics
BUSI 4301 [0.5]
Artificial Intelligence and Business Decision Models
BUSI 4304 [0.5]
Procurement and Contracting
BUSI 4331 [0.5]
Industry 4.0 Technologies and Applications
BUSI 4607 [0.5]
Management of Technology and Innovation
2.  1.0 credit from:1.0
BUSI 3204 [0.5]
Digital Marketing
BUSI 3208 [0.5]
Business-to-Business Marketing
BUSI 3706 [0.5]
International Business Negotiations
LAWS 3207 [0.5]
International Transactions
Total Credits4.0

Bachelor of Commerce (20.0 credits) 

Enrolment in the Bachelor of Commerce program is restricted.  Please consult with an academic advisor for more information.

A. Credits Included in the Major CGPA (11.5 credits):
1.  2.0 credits in:2.0
BUSI 1004 [0.5]
Financial Accounting for Business Students
BUSI 1005 [0.5]
Managerial Accounting for Business Students
BUSI 1401 [0.5]
Foundations of Information Systems
BUSI 1800 [0.5]
Introduction to Business
2.  1.0 credits in:1.0
ECON 1001 [0.5]
Introduction to Microeconomics
ECON 1002 [0.5]
Introduction to Macroeconomics
3.  0.5 credit in:0.5
MATH 1009 [0.5]
Mathematics for Business
4.  1.0 credits in:1.0
PSYC 1002 [0.5]
Introduction to Psychology II
SOCI 1005 [0.5]
Sociology for Bachelor of Commerce Students
5.  4.0 credits in:4.0
BUSI 2101 [0.5]
Organizational Behaviour
BUSI 2208 [0.5]
Introduction to Marketing
BUSI 2301 [0.5]
Introduction to Supply and Operations Management
BUSI 2401 [0.5]
Introduction to Data Analytics
BUSI 2501 [0.5]
Business Finance
BUSI 2601 [0.5]
Business Law
BUSI 2701 [0.5]
Fundamentals of International Business
BUSI 2800 [0.5]
6.  0.5 credits in:0.5
STAT 2601 [0.5]
Business Statistics
7.  1.5 credits in:1.5
BUSI 3102 [0.5]
Introduction to Human Resources Management
BUSI 3103 [0.5]
Introduction to Organization Theory
BUSI 3309 [0.5]
Project Management
8.  1.0 credits in:1.0
BUSI 4601 [0.5]
Business Ethics
BUSI 4609 [0.5]
Strategic Management
9.  0.0 credits in: Business Career Preparation Requirement
BUSI 1995 [0.0]
Employability Passport I
BUSI 2995 [0.0]
Employability Passport II
BUSI 3995 [0.0]
Employability Passport III
BUSI 4995 [0.0]
Employability Passport IV
B. Credits Not Included in the Major CGPA (8.5 credits):
10.  8.5 credits in free electives8.5
Total Credits20.0


  1. BUSI 4601 and BUSI 4609 in Item 8 above must be taken at the Sprott School of Business.
  2. The following courses cannot be used as free electives toward the B.Com. degree: ESLA 1300ESLA 1500, and any 0000-level course such as MATH 0009 and  MATH 0107.
  3. Students require completion of BUSI 1800 and BUSI 2800 to be eligible for registration in BUSI 3102, BUSI 3103, and BUSI 3309. 
  4. Students require completion of BUSI 1995 to be eligible for registration in BUSI 2101, completion of BUSI 2995 to be eligible for registration in BUSI 3309, and completion of BUSI 3995 to be eligible for registration in BUSI 4609 (BUSI 4709 for B.Com. with concentration in International Business students). BUSI 4995 must be completed as part of the degree requirements prior to graduation from the Bachelor of Commerce.
  5. Students graduating with a Bachelor of Commerce are ineligible from receiving a concentration in Commerce, regardless of whether those concentration courses were completed successfully.

Bachelor of International Business (Honours)

Program Requirements

The Bachelor of International Business (B.I.B.) program is characterized by the requirement that students spend third year in studies abroad.

Students in the B.I.B. program are required to specialize in one of the following languages: French, German, Japanese, Mandarin, or Spanish.

Language Training Component

Students may select French, German, Japanese, Mandarin, or Spanish as their specialization language for study.

Applicants to the program interested in languages other than those listed above should contact the Eric Sprott School of Business Supervisor of Undergraduate Programs to verify if the preferred language option may have become available after the publication of this calendar.

All first year Bachelor of International Business students will be assessed for ability in their selected language by the relevant language unit and placed in the appropriate courses as authorized by the language unit, unless a student fully tests out of a language (see note 3, below).

The Year Abroad

The Year Abroad Requirement of the B.I.B. program is met by the successful completion of a minimum of 4.0 approved credits during the year of study abroad (this includes BUSI 3750 Applied Intercultural Commerce/Business/Networking (IB II) and, if applicable, BUSI 3629 Corporate Governance and Strategy), with a minimum of 1.0 credits taught in the chosen language for the program. The B.I.B. student will study at one of Carleton's approved Exchange partner institutions, as a full-time student on Exchange for one academic year. Students could alternatively complete the Year Abroad Requirement of the B.I.B program by two other means;

1) the successful completion of a minimum of 2.0 approved credits during the year of study abroad (this includes BUSI 3750 Applied Intercultural Commerce/Business/Networking (IB II) and, if applicable, BUSI 3629 Corporate Governance and Strategy), with a minimum of 0.5 credits taught in the chosen language for the program, along with a minimum 12 week pre-approved internship (BUSI 3701 Practicum in International Business I) in an international destination where the language is spoken.


2) the successful completion of a minimum 24 week pre-approved internship in an international destination where the language is spoken (BUSI 3701 Practicum in International Business I and BUSI 3702 Practicum in International Business II), along with the completion of BUSI 3750 Applied Intercultural Commerce/Business/Networking (IB II) .

Students who fully test out of one of the B.I.B. required languages will be eligible to spend their third year abroad in a country where one of Carleton’s approved Exchange partner institutions exists. A student's country of origin is not an eligible country for their third year abroad unless approved by the School of Business.

All earned grades, including the underlying grades that were converted to a CR (Credit), are used in calculating all prerequisite CGPA requirements listed below. In order to be eligible to participate in the year abroad, students must meet the following prerequisite requirements:

  • At the time of application, students must have achieved a minimum Major CGPA of 6.50.
  • At the time of their pre-departure ACE, students must have achieved a minimum Major CGPA of 6.50 and must have successfully completed:
    • a minimum of 9.0 credits, including a minimum of 5.0 credits in the Major 
    • all pre-departure course requirements with no individual grade below C in their chosen B.I.B. language (French/German/Japanese/Mandarin/Spanish)
    •  BUSI 2996 and BUSI 2997 towards the Business Career Preparation Requirement

The number of courses available in English in foreign schools may vary. Carleton credits commensurate to courses taken abroad will be determined by the Registrar's Office and awarded towards the student's degree.

Students are responsible for all traveling, living and incidental costs for fulfilling third-year requirements abroad. Tuition fees and compulsory miscellaneous fees will be paid to Carleton University according to Carleton University's fee structure. The student may be liable for compulsory miscellaneous fees assessed by the foreign institution, including possible fees for language courses.

A limited number of bursaries are available to offset costs. For details on how to apply for a bursary, contact the Awards Office.

Bachelor of International Business
Honours (20.0 credits)

A. Credits Included in the Major CGPA (16.0 credits)
1.  2.5 credits in:2.5
BUSI 1004 [0.5]
Financial Accounting for Business Students
BUSI 1005 [0.5]
Managerial Accounting for Business Students
BUSI 1401 [0.5]
Foundations of Information Systems
BUSI 1701 [0.5]
Introduction to International Business
BUSI 1800 [0.5]
Introduction to Business
2.  2.0 credits in:2.0
MATH 1009 [0.5]
Mathematics for Business
ECON 1001 [0.5]
Introduction to Microeconomics
ECON 1002 [0.5]
Introduction to Macroeconomics
STAT 2601 [0.5]
Business Statistics
3.  2.5 credits in:2.5
BUSI 2208 [0.5]
Introduction to Marketing
BUSI 2501 [0.5]
Business Finance
BUSI 2702 [0.5]
Introduction to International Management
BUSI 2750 [0.5]
Introduction to International Management (IB I)
BUSI 3750 [0.5]
Applied Intercultural Commerce/Business/Networking (IB II)
4.  2.5 credits in (See Note 1, below):2.5
BUSI 3629 [0.5]
Corporate Governance and Strategy
or an approved 3000-level or higher course in Strategic Management taken during the year abroad at one of Carleton's approved exchange partner institutions
BUSI 4300 [0.5]
Global Operations and Supply Chain Management
BUSI 4705 [0.5]
Ethics and Cross-cultural Interaction
BUSI 4729 [0.5]
International Strategy
BUSI 4750 [0.5]
Organizational Intercultural Development (IB III)
5.  1.5 credits in:1.5
BUSI/ECON at the 2000-level or above
6.  0.5 credit in:0.5
BUSI at the 3000-level or above (except for BUSI 3701 and BUSI 3702)
7.  1.0 credit in: BUSI at the 4000-level1.0
8.  3.5 credits in: BIB language courses (French, German, Japanese, Mandarin, or Spanish), and/or in elective credits in culture and society approved by Sprott (See Note 3, below). A minimum grade of C is required in each individual BIB language course in order to be eligible for participation in the year abroad.3.5
9.  0.0 credits in: Business Career Preparation Requirement0.0
BUSI 1996 [0.0]
Employability Passport BIB Ia
BUSI 1997 [0.0]
Employability Passport BIB Ib
BUSI 2996 [0.0]
Employability Passport BIB IIa
BUSI 2997 [0.0]
Employability Passport BIB IIb
BUSI 4996 [0.0]
Employability Passport BIB IV
B. Credits Not Included in the Major or Core CGPA (4.0 credits):
10.  4.0 credits in free electives (see Note 2, below)4.0
Total Credits20.0


  1. For Item 4 above, BUSI 3629BUSI 4705, and BUSI 4729 must be taken at the Sprott School of Business.
  2. The following courses cannot be used as free electives toward the B.I.B. degree: ESLA 1300, ESLA 1500 any course at the 0000-level including MATH 0007 (no longer offered), MATH 0107, and  MATH 0009.
  3. For Item 8 above, 0.5 credits in BIB language courses must be taken at Carleton University after the year abroad. Prior to the year abroad, students must successfully complete up to and including the third-level in their chosen BIB language (up to 3.0 credits), or have been placed above this level in first year. Students who successfully meet some or all of the language requirements through testing in first year will choose up to 3.5 alternate credits in culture and society approved by Sprott to substitute for language courses in this requirement. 
  4. For Item 10 above, students may use BUSI 3701 and BUSI 3702 towards their free electives if they successfully complete an internship while abroad.
  5. Students require completion of BUSI 1996 and BUSI 1997 to be eligible for registration in BUSI 2702, and completion of BUSI 2996 and BUSI 2997 to be eligible for the year abroad. BUSI 4996 must be completed as part of the degree requirements prior to graduation from the Bachelor of International Business (Honours).

Concentrations in the B.I.B. Program

Concentrations described below are open to students registered in the B.I.B. program. Students enrolled in a concentration must satisfy the requirements for Bachelor of International Business (above) while gaining credit for the requirements of the Concentration through appropriate choice of courses. The order in which the courses listed for the Concentrations are taken should be planned in advance. Students are therefore strongly advised to consider their concentration choices by the end of their first year.

Courses taken at a foreign university during the year abroad must correspond to those below or, if different, be subject to evaluation and approval by the Eric Sprott School of Business.

Concentration in International Marketing and Trade (4.0 credits)

1.  2.0 credits in:2.0
BUSI 3705 [0.5]
International Buyer Behaviour
BUSI 4205 [0.5]
International Marketing Strategy
BUSI 4708 [0.5]
International Expansion and Operations
ECON 3601 [0.5]
Introduction to International Trade
2.  1.0 credit from:1.0
BUSI 3204 [0.5]
Digital Marketing
BUSI 3205 [0.5]
Marketing Communications
BUSI 3207 [0.5]
Marketing Research
BUSI 3208 [0.5]
Business-to-Business Marketing
BUSI 3209 [0.5]
Consumer Behaviour
BUSI 4203 [0.5]
Marketing In Not-for-Profit Organizations
BUSI 4208 [0.5]
Marketing Management
BUSI 4209 [0.5]
Consumer Culture Theory
BUSI 4229 [0.5]
Marketing in the Arts and Culture Sectors
0.5 credit of approved 3000-level or higher non-international course(s) in Marketing taken during the year abroad at one of Carleton's approved exchange partner institutions
3.  1.0 credit from:1.0
ECON 3602 [0.5]
International Monetary Problems
ECON 3807 [0.5]
European Economic Integration
ECON 3808 [0.5]
The Economics of Transition
ECON 3870 [0.5]
Comparative Economic Systems
ECON 4508 [0.5]
International Aspects of Economic Development
ECON 4601 [0.5]
International Trade Theory and Policy
ECON 4602 [0.5]
International Monetary Theory and Policy
GEOG 2200 [0.5]
Global Connections
GEOG 2300 [0.5]
Space, Place and Culture
GEOG 3404 [0.5]
Geographies of Economic Development
LAWS 3207 [0.5]
International Transactions
LAWS 3208 [0.5]
International Trade Regulation
PSCI 2601 [0.5]
International Relations: Global Politics
PSCI 2602 [0.5]
International Relations: Global Political Economy
PSCI 3600 [0.5]
International Institutions
1.0 credit of approved 2000-level or higher international non-business course(s) taken during the year abroad at one of Carleton's approved exchange partner institutions
Total Credits4.0

Concentration in International Strategy and Human Resources Management (4.0 credits)

1.  2.0 credits in:2.0
BUSI 3703 [0.5]
International and Comparative Management
BUSI 4706 [0.5]
International Human Resource Management
BUSI 4707 [0.5]
Regionalism and Globalization
ECON 3601 [0.5]
Introduction to International Trade
2.  1.0 credit in:1.0
BUSI 3102 [0.5]
Introduction to Human Resources Management
BUSI 3103 [0.5]
Introduction to Organization Theory
BUSI 3106 [0.5]
Managing Conflict and Negotiation
BUSI 3119 [0.5]
Business and Environmental Sustainability
BUSI 4104 [0.5]
Strategic Human Resources Management
BUSI 4105 [0.5]
Managing Change
BUSI 4108 [0.5]
Organizational Learning
BUSI 4112 [0.5]
Organizational Leadership
BUSI 4117 [1.0]
Creative Thinking
BUSI 4129 [0.5]
Managing the Arts
0.5 credit of approved 3000-level or higher non-international course(s) in Management taken during the year abroad at one of Carleton's approved exchange partner institutions
3.  1.0 credit from:1.0
ECON 3360 [0.5]
Introduction to Labour Economics
ECON 3602 [0.5]
International Monetary Problems
ECON 3807 [0.5]
European Economic Integration
ECON 3808 [0.5]
The Economics of Transition
ECON 3870 [0.5]
Comparative Economic Systems
ECON 4508 [0.5]
International Aspects of Economic Development
ECON 4601 [0.5]
International Trade Theory and Policy
ECON 4602 [0.5]
International Monetary Theory and Policy
PSCI 2601 [0.5]
International Relations: Global Politics
PSCI 2602 [0.5]
International Relations: Global Political Economy
PSCI 3600 [0.5]
International Institutions
PSCI 3703 [0.5]
Governing the Global Economy
1.0 credit of 2000-level or higher international non-business course(s) taken during the year abroad at one of Carleton's approved exchange partner institutions
Total Credits4.0

Concentration in Global Financial Management and Systems (4.0 credits)

1.  2.0 credits in:2.0
BUSI 3500 [0.5]
Applied Corporate Finance
BUSI 4504 [0.5]
International Finance
BUSI 4505 [0.5]
Global Financial Markets and Institutions
ECON 3602 [0.5]
International Monetary Problems
2.  0.5 credit in:0.5
BUSI 3512 [0.5]
3.  0.5 credit from:0.5
0.5 credit of approved 3000-level or higher course(s) in Global Financial Management taken during the year abroad at one of Carleton's approved exchange partner institutions
BUSI 3502 [0.5]
4.  1.0 credit from:1.0
BUSI 3500 [0.5]
Applied Corporate Finance (if not used toward Item 3, above)
BUSI 3502 [0.5]
Investments (If not used toward Item 3, above)
BUSI 4500 [0.5]
Advanced Corporate Finance
BUSI 4502 [0.5]
Portfolio Management
BUSI 4510 [0.5]
Mergers and Acquisitions
BUSI 4511 [0.5]
Fixed Income Analysis
ECON 3360 [0.5]
Introduction to Labour Economics
ECON 3601 [0.5]
Introduction to International Trade
ECON 3807 [0.5]
European Economic Integration
ECON 3808 [0.5]
The Economics of Transition
ECON 3870 [0.5]
Comparative Economic Systems
ECON 4508 [0.5]
International Aspects of Economic Development
ECON 4601 [0.5]
International Trade Theory and Policy
ECON 4602 [0.5]
International Monetary Theory and Policy
PSCI 2601 [0.5]
International Relations: Global Politics
PSCI 2602 [0.5]
International Relations: Global Political Economy
PSCI 3600 [0.5]
International Institutions
PSCI 3703 [0.5]
Governing the Global Economy
PSCI 4603 [0.5]
Analysis of International Political Economy
PSCI 4604 [0.5]
Selected Problems in International Political Economy
PSCI 4805 [0.5]
Political Economy of Global Money and Finance
1.0 credit of approved 2000-level or higher course(s) in International non-business taken during the year abroad at one of Carleton's approved exchange partner institutions
Total Credits4.0

Stream in Business Analytics (1.5 credits)

Available to students in the B.Com. or B.I.B. programs only, except those in the B.Com. or B.I.B. with the Concentration in Business Analytics or with the Concentration in Information Systems. Courses in the Stream may have additional prerequisites that must be satisfied.

1.  1.5 credits in:1.5
BUSI 3400 [0.5]
Database Design
BUSI 3406 [0.5]
Business Analytics Principles
BUSI 4407 [0.5]
Business Analytics Methods
Total Credits1.5

Stream in Corporate Finance (1.5 credits)

Available to students in the B.Com. or B.I.B. programs only, except those in the B.Com. with a Concentration in Finance, or those in the B.I.B. with the Concentration in Global Financial Management and Systems. Courses in the Stream may have additional prerequisites that must be satisfied.

1.5 credits in:
BUSI 3500 [0.5]
Applied Corporate Finance
BUSI 4500 [0.5]
Advanced Corporate Finance
BUSI 4510 [0.5]
Mergers and Acquisitions

Stream in Entrepreneurship (2.0 credits)

Available to students in the B.Com. or B.I.B. programs only, except those in the B.Com. or B.I.B. with the Concentration in Entrepreneurship. Courses in the Stream may have additional prerequisites that must be satisfied.

1.  2.0 credits in:2.0
BUSI 3600 [0.5]
Entrepreneurial Strategies
BUSI 3810 [0.5]
Business Development
BUSI 3820 [0.5]
Practicum in Business Design
BUSI 4810 [0.5]
Practicum in Business Creation
Total Credits2.0

Stream in Investments (1.5 credits)

Available to students in the B.Com. or B.I.B. programs only, except those in the B.Com. with a Concentration in Finance, or those in the B.I.B. with the Concentration in Global Finance. Courses in the Stream may have additional prerequisites that must be satisfied.

1.5 credits in:
BUSI 3502 [0.5]
BUSI 3512 [0.5]
BUSI 4502 [0.5]
Portfolio Management

Stream in Supply Chain Management (2.0 credits)

Available to students in the B.Com. or B.I.B. programs only, except those in the B.Com. or B.I.B. with the Concentration in Supply Chain ManagementCourses in the Stream may have additional prerequisites that must be satisfied.

2.0 credits in:
BUSI 3301 [0.5]
Global Supply Chain Management
BUSI 3305 [0.5]
Distribution Channels and Logistics
BUSI 4304 [0.5]
Procurement and Contracting
BUSI 4607 [0.5]
Management of Technology and Innovation

Stream in Sustainability (2.0 credits)

Available to students in the B.Com. or B.I.B. programs only. Courses in the Stream may have additional prerequisites that must be satisfied.

1.  2.0 credits in: 2.0
BUSI 2819 [0.5]
Sustainability Accounting and Social Finance
BUSI 3119 [0.5]
Business and Environmental Sustainability
BUSI 4120 [0.5]
Environmental Sustainability Management
BUSI 4219 [0.5]
Sustainability Marketing
Total Credits2.0

Minor in Arts Management (4.5 credits)

Only students pursuing undergraduate programs (except B.Com. and B.I.B) requiring at least 20.0 credits to graduate and who have completed at least 4.0 credits toward their degrees with a minimum overall GPA of 7.00 may be admitted to the Minor in Arts Management.

Students who are required to leave the minor due to a low Minor CGPA may not return to the Minor at any subsequent date.

Students are required to present a Minor CGPA of 5.00 or higher at graduation in order to be awarded a Minor in Arts Management.

1.  3.5 credits in:3.5
BUSI 1003 [0.5]
Survey of Accounting
BUSI 2121 [0.5]
Introduction to Organizational Behaviour
BUSI 2204 [0.5]
Basic Marketing
BUSI 2503 [0.5]
Introduction to Finance
BUSI 2800 [0.5]
BUSI 4129 [0.5]
Managing the Arts
BUSI 4229 [0.5]
Marketing in the Arts and Culture Sectors
2.  0.5 credit from:0.5
BUSI 1402 [0.5]
Introduction to Business Information and Communication Technologies
BUSI 2301 [0.5]
Introduction to Supply and Operations Management
BUSI 3102 [0.5]
Introduction to Human Resources Management
BUSI 3104 [0.5]
Managing Individual Performance
BUSI 3105 [0.5]
Managing and Motivating Teams
BUSI 3106 [0.5]
Managing Conflict and Negotiation
BUSI 3204 [0.5]
Digital Marketing
BUSI 3205 [0.5]
Marketing Communications
BUSI 3810 [0.5]
Business Development
BUSI 3820 [0.5]
Practicum in Business Design
BUSI 4205 [0.5]
International Marketing Strategy
BUSI 4112 [0.5]
Organizational Leadership
3.  0.5 credit from:0.5
ARTH 3705 [0.5]
Selected Museum Exhibition
ARTH 4705 [0.5]
Seminar: Selected Museum Exhibition
FILM 2101 [0.5]
The Film Industry
MUSI 3403 [0.5]
Music Industries
- or an additional 0.5 credit BUSI from the list in Item 2, above
4. The remaining requirements of the major discipline and degree must be satisfied.
Total Credits4.5

Minor in Business (4.0 credits)

Only students pursuing undergraduate programs (except B.Com. and B.I.B.) requiring at least 20.0 credits to graduate and who have completed at least 4.0 credits toward their degrees with a minimum overall CGPA of 7.00 may be admitted to Minor in Business.

Students who are required to leave the Minor due to a low Minor CGPA may not return to the Minor at any subsequent date.

Students are required to present a Minor CGPA of 5.00 or higher at graduation in order to be awarded a Minor in Business.

1.  1.0 credit from:1.0
BUSI 1003 [0.5]
Survey of Accounting
and 0.5 credit in BUSI at the 2000-level
BUSI 1001 [0.5]
Principles of Financial Accounting
BUSI 1002 [0.5]
Management Accounting
2.  2.0 credits in:2.0
BUSI 1401 [0.5]
Foundations of Information Systems
BUSI 2121 [0.5]
Introduction to Organizational Behaviour (2. 2.0 credits in:)
BUSI 2204 [0.5]
Basic Marketing
BUSI 2503 [0.5]
Introduction to Finance
3.  1.0 credit in BUSI at the 2000-level or higher1.0
4. The remaining requirements of the major discipline(s) and degree must be satisified.
Total Credits4.0

Minor in Business for Bachelor of Engineering (4.0 credits)

Only students pursuing undergraduate Bachelor of Engineering programs who have completed at least 4.0 credits toward their degrees with a minimum overall CGPA of 5.00 may be admitted to Minor in Business for Bachelor of Engineering.

Students who are required to leave the Minor due to a low Minor CGPA may not return to the Minor at any subsequent date.

Students are required to present a Minor CGPA of 5.00 or higher at graduation in order to be awarded a Minor in Business for Bachelor of Engineering.

1.  2.5 credits in:2.5
BUSI 1003 [0.5]
Survey of Accounting
BUSI 2121 [0.5]
Introduction to Organizational Behaviour
BUSI 2204 [0.5]
Basic Marketing
BUSI 2301 [0.5]
Introduction to Supply and Operations Management
BUSI 2503 [0.5]
Introduction to Finance
2.  1.5 credits from:1.5
BUSI 1401 [0.5]
Foundations of Information Systems
BUSI 2703 [0.5]
Introduction to International Business
BUSI 2800 [0.5]
BUSI 3103 [0.5]
Introduction to Organization Theory
BUSI 3309 [0.5]
Project Management
BUSI 4105 [0.5]
Managing Change
3. The remaining requirements of the major discipline(s) must be satisfied.
Total Credits4.0

Minor in Business (Entrepreneurship) (4.0 credits)

Only students pursuing an undergraduate program (except B.Com. and B.I.B.) requiring at least 20.0 credits to graduate and who have completed at least 4.0 credits toward their degree with a minimum Overall CGPA of 7.00 may be admitted to the Minor in Business (Entrepreneurship).

Students who are required to leave the Minor due to a low Minor CGPA may not return to the Minor at any subsequent date.

Students are required to present a Minor CGPA of 5.00 or higher at graduation in order to be awarded a Minor in Business (Entrepreneurship).

1.  1.0 credit in:1.0
BUSI 1800 [0.5]
Introduction to Business
BUSI 2800 [0.5]
2.  2.0 credits in:2.0
BUSI 3600 [0.5]
Entrepreneurial Strategies
BUSI 3810 [0.5]
Business Development
BUSI 3820 [0.5]
Practicum in Business Design
BUSI 4810 [0.5]
Practicum in Business Creation
3.  1.0 credit in BUSI at the 2000-level or higher1.0
4. The remaining requirements of the major discipline(s) and degree must be satisfied.
Total Credits4.0

Minor in Business (Sustainability) (4.0 credits)

Only students pursuing an undergraduate program (except B.Com. and B.I.B.) requiring at least 20.0 credits to graduate and who have completed at least 4.0 credits toward their degree with a minimum Overall CGPA of 7.00 may be admitted to the Minor in Business (Sustainability).

Students who are required to leave the Minor due to a low Minor CGPA may not return to the Minor at any subsequent date.

Students are required to present a Minor CGPA of 5.00 or higher at graduation in order to be awarded a Minor in Business (Sustainability). 

1.  1.0 credit in:1.0
BUSI 1800 [0.5]
Introduction to Business
BUSI 2800 [0.5]
2.  2.0 credits in:2.0
BUSI 2819 [0.5]
Sustainability Accounting and Social Finance
BUSI 3119 [0.5]
Business and Environmental Sustainability
BUSI 4120 [0.5]
Environmental Sustainability Management
BUSI 4219 [0.5]
Sustainability Marketing
3.  1.0 credit in BUSI at the 2000-level or higher1.0
4. The remaining requirements of the major discipline(s) and degree must be satisfied.
Total Credits4.0

Minor in Human Resources and Management for B.A. Honours Psychology (5.0 credits)

Only students pursuing Bachelor of Arts Honours with a Major in Psychology who have completed at least 4.0 credits toward their degrees with a minimum overall CGPA of 7.00 may be admitted to Minor in Human Resources and Management. Students must successfully complete PSYC 2801 prior to entry in to the Minor, with a minimum grade of B+. PSYC 3801 must be successfully completed prior to taking any of the 4000-level BUSI courses listed in the Minor. Enrolment is limited.

Students who are required to leave the Minor due to a low Minor CGPA may not return to the Minor at any subsequent date.

Students are required to present a Minor CGPA of 6.50 or higher at graduation in order to be awarded a Minor in Human Resources and Management for B.A. Honours Psychology.

1.  1.0 credits in:1.0
PSYC 2801 [0.5]
Organizational Psychology I
PSYC 3801 [0.5]
Organizational Psychology II
2.  1.0 credits in:1.0
BUSI 3102 [0.5]
Introduction to Human Resources Management
BUSI 3103 [0.5]
Introduction to Organization Theory
3.  2.0 credits from:2.0
BUSI 3104 [0.5]
Managing Individual Performance
BUSI 3105 [0.5]
Managing and Motivating Teams
BUSI 3106 [0.5]
Managing Conflict and Negotiation
BUSI 4104 [0.5]
Strategic Human Resources Management
BUSI 4105 [0.5]
Managing Change
BUSI 4112 [0.5]
Organizational Leadership
4.  0.5 credit in:0.5
BUSI 2204 [0.5]
Basic Marketing
5.  0.5 credit from:0.5
BUSI 2800 [0.5]
BUSI 3209 [0.5]
Consumer Behaviour
Total Credits5.0

Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Accounting (5.0 credits)

Normally, students are required to have completed an undergraduate degree with a minimum B- average or higher, and have completed BUSI 1004 and BUSI 1005 (or equivalent) with a grade of C or higher in each course. Note: BUSI 1004 and 1005 must have been completed within the last 10 years to be considered as prerequisites for this program.

1.  5.0 credits in:5.0
BUSI 2001 [0.5]
Intermediate Accounting I
BUSI 2002 [0.5]
Intermediate Accounting II
BUSI 2005 [0.5]
Income Tax Fundamentals
BUSI 2503 [0.5]
Introduction to Finance
BUSI 3001 [0.5]
Accounting for Business Combinations
BUSI 3007 [0.5]
Auditing I
BUSI 3008 [0.5]
Intermediate Management Accounting and Control
BUSI 3040 [0.5]
Data Analytics and Information Systems for Accounting
BUSI 3629 [0.5]
Corporate Governance and Strategy
BUSI 4008 [0.5]
Management Control Systems
Total Credits5.0

Business (BUSI) Courses


1. Some Business courses are open to students in select programs only. Please refer to the current BUSI Course Priority List found at:

2. B.Com. and B.I.B. students should use Business (BUSI) prefix for registering in courses that are cross-listed.

3. Not all courses listed are offered in a given year; consult the class schedule at for a list of current course offerings.

BUSI 1001 [0.5 credit]
Principles of Financial Accounting

Discussion of the concepts of asset valuation and income measurement underlying the preparations and interpretation of financial statements.
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 1003, BUSI 1004.
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 1800, or enrolment in Statistics with Concentration in Actuarial Science B.Math Honours.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 1002 [0.5 credit]
Management Accounting

An introduction to the use of accounting data for the purposes of planning and control of operations.
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 1003 and BUSI 1005.
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 1001, or permission of the Sprott School of Business.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 1003 [0.5 credit]
Survey of Accounting

Introduction to accounting information, the basic accounting cycle, and consideration of selected financial statement topics. Analysis of cost behavior and the uses and limitations of accounting information in planning, controlling and decision-making processes.
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 1001, BUSI 1002, BUSI 1004 and BUSI 1005. No credit for students in B.Com., BIB or B.Econ. (Honours Economics, Concentration in Financial Economics).
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 1004 [0.5 credit]
Financial Accounting for Business Students

Introduction to accounting for business organizations. The student will be introduced to the accounting process and the preparation and analysis of the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement.
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 1001 and BUSI 1003.
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 1701 or BUSI 1800. Restricted to B.Com. and B.I.B. students.
Lectures three hours a week.

BUSI 1005 [0.5 credit]
Managerial Accounting for Business Students

Introduction to the development and use of accounting information within a business organization for effective management including: planning, directing, motivating, and controlling activities and behaviours.
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 1002 and BUSI 1003.
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 1004. Restricted to B.Com. and B.I.B. students.
Lectures three hours a week.

BUSI 1401 [0.5 credit]
Foundations of Information Systems

This course helps student to understand the critical role of information systems in organizations and their impact on social and ethical issues. Covers fundamental tools and skills for the development and management of information systems and business analytics in organizations.
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 2400.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 1402 [0.5 credit]
Introduction to Business Information and Communication Technologies

Introduction to ICT in organizations. Topics may include spreadsheets, databases, statistical software, website design and implementation, collaboration software including wikis, blogs and social networking, GPS, m-Commerce.
Lectures three hours a week.

BUSI 1701 [0.5 credit]
Introduction to International Business

Introduction to the principles and practices of international business. Topics include the impact of culture and the political, economic, and legal systems on global strategy, international institutions, theories of cross-border trade, and the characteristics and effects of regional trade blocs.
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 2701, BUSI 2703.
Prerequisite(s): restricted to B.I.B. students.
Lecture three hours and tutorial one hour a week.

BUSI 1800 [0.5 credit]
Introduction to Business

Introduction to contemporary businesses in a complex economy, their role in the society, their history. The various functions that come together to define a business will be examined. All forms of business communications emphasized.
Precludes additional credit for BIT 2001.
Lectures three hours and tutorial one hour a week.

BUSI 1995 [0.0 credit]
Employability Passport I

An introduction to the knowledge and tools required for a career in Business.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Prerequisite(s): Restricted to students registered in B.Com. or B.I.B.
Participation in employability events and initiatives throughout the year.

BUSI 1996 [0.0 credit]
Employability Passport BIB Ia

An introduction to the knowledge and tools required for a career in Business.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Prerequisite(s): Restricted to students registered in B.I.B.
Participation in employability events and initiatives throughout the year.

BUSI 1997 [0.0 credit]
Employability Passport BIB Ib

An introduction to the knowledge and tools required for a career in Business.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Prerequisite(s): Restricted to students registered in B.I.B.
Participation in employability events and initiatives throughout the year.

BUSI 2001 [0.5 credit]
Intermediate Accounting I

An examination of accounting and reporting issues related primarily to asset valuation and revenue recognition.
Prerequisite(s): second-year standing, and BUSI 1004 or BUSI 1001 (with a grade of C or higher in each).
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 2002 [0.5 credit]
Intermediate Accounting II

An examination of accounting and reporting issues related primarily to liabilities and equities.
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 2506.
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2001, and BUSI 2501 or BUSI 2503 (with a grade of C or higher in each).
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 2005 [0.5 credit]
Income Tax Fundamentals

A foundation course that aims to introduce the fundamental concepts of income tax laws and regulations as significant elements in the planning and decision making process of taxpayers and managers. Problems, issues and planning associated with the Income Tax Act are discussed.
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 3005 and BUSI 4005.
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 1001 or BUSI 1004 (with a grade of C- or higher in each).
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 2101 [0.5 credit]
Organizational Behaviour

Models of individual and small group behaviour in organizations. Topics include motivation, communication, job design, leadership and group dynamics to provide systematic explanations of employee and managerial behaviour in organizations.
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 2121, BUSI 2702, BUSI 3602.
Prerequisite(s): second-year standing. Restricted to B.Com. students.
Lectures three hours, and tutorial one and a half hours a week.

BUSI 2121 [0.5 credit]
Introduction to Organizational Behaviour

Individual and small group behaviors in organizations and management of the same.
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 2101, BUSI 2702, BUSI 3602.
Prerequisite(s): second-year standing.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 2204 [0.5 credit]
Basic Marketing

Basic problems and practices in marketing. Marketing planning tools and strategies of firms.
Precludes additional credit for BIT 2002 and BUSI 2208.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 2208 [0.5 credit]
Introduction to Marketing

Overview of the marketing function within the firm. Introduction to key marketing concepts and principles; business environment analysis, strategic decision making (segmentation, targeting, positioning), marketing mix planning (product, price, place promotion). Analysis of marketing problems using cases and major project.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 2204.
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 1004, ECON 1001 and ECON 1002 (or ECON 1000), and one of BUSI 1701, PSYC 1002, SOCI 1005.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 2301 [0.5 credit]
Introduction to Supply and Operations Management

Concepts, models, and managerial issues in planning, designing, operating and controlling systems across supply chains for the provision of goods and services. Emphasis on basic ideas and tools.
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 3300 (no longer offered).
Prerequisite(s): second-year standing. Restricted to selected Sprott programs.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 2401 [0.5 credit]
Introduction to Data Analytics

This course prepares students to gather, manipulate, and clean data from a variety of sources within a programming environment. Students will be introduced to visual data exploration and the deployment of data-driven visual storytelling. Topics include: APIs, Data Science Programming, SQL, Relational/NoSQL databases, data visualization.
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 1401.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 2402 [0.5 credit]
Business Applications Development

Introduction to programming. Fundamentals of structured and object-oriented programming using an OO programming language. Treatment of objects, abstraction and inheritance, event-driven programming, iteration, sequence and selection. Consideration of algorithms for searching, sorting, string processing and numerical analysis. Emphasis on the development of business applications.
Precludes additional credit for COMP 1006 and COMP 1406.
Prerequisite(s): second-year standing.
Lecture three hours and tutorial one hour a week.

BUSI 2501 [0.5 credit]
Business Finance

Basic issues and practices in finance. Survey of business firms' financing, investment, and payout decisions. Emphasis on understanding the principles, resources, and trade-offs in the financial area of business.
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 2503, BUSI 2504 (no longer offered).
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 1005, and ECON 1001 and ECON 1002 (or ECOR 3800). Restricted to selected Sprott programs.
Lecture three hours and optional tutorial.

BUSI 2503 [0.5 credit]
Introduction to Finance

Basic issues and practices in finance. Survey of business firms' financing, investment, and payout decisions. Emphasis on understanding the principals, resources and trade-offs in the financial area of a business.
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 2504 and BUSI 2501. No credit for students in B.Com. or B.I.B.
Prerequisite(s): second-year standing.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 2505 [0.5 credit]
Business Finance II

Capital investment and financing decisions in the context of risk and return tradeoffs. Primary and derivative securities, and their role in risk management. Mergers, corporate restructuring, the theory of principal-agent relationships, and financial planning, forecasting, and control.
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 1002 or BUSI 1005, and BUSI 2504 (with a grade of C or higher in each), ECON 1001 and ECON 1002 (or ECON 1000), and MATH 1009 (with a grade of C- or higher in each).
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 2506 [0.5 credit]
Financial Statement Analysis

Analysis and interpretation of an entity's financial statements and annual report from a user perspective. Ratio analysis is used to analyze firm performance and make forecasts of future performance.
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 2002.
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2501 or BUSI 2504 with a grade of C or higher in each.
Lectures three hours a week.

BUSI 2601 [0.5 credit]
Business Law

The legal system and legal ordering as they affect those engaged in business activities. Emphasis on the law of tort, law of contract, agency and bailment, business associations (partnerships/proprietorships/corporations) and real estate.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 2701 [0.5 credit]
Fundamentals of International Business

Introduction to the context and operation of international business. Topics include international trade theory, trade agreements and blocs, international finance, global marketing, international human resource management and global strategy.
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 1701, BUSI 2703.
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 1800.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 2702 [0.5 credit]
Introduction to International Management

Applies principles of organizational behavior and organizational theory to the operations of international businesses. Includes discussion of appropriate strategies and structures. Introduces concepts of cross-cultural communication.
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 2101, BUSI 2121, BUSI 3602.
Prerequisite(s): second-year standing in B.I.B. and BUSI 1701.
Lectures three hours a week.

BUSI 2703 [0.5 credit]
Introduction to International Business

Introduction to contemporary businesses in a complex economy, their role in society and their history. Examination of the various functions that come together to define a business with an emphasis on all forms of business communications.
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 1701, BUSI 2701.
Prerequisite(s): second-year standing. No credit for students in B.Com. or BIB.
Lectures three hours per week.

BUSI 2750 [0.5 credit]
Introduction to International Management (IB I)

Applies principles of organizational behavior and organizational theory to the operations of international businesses. Includes discussion of appropriate strategies and structures. Introduces concepts of cross-cultural communication and intercultural competencies and explores culture influencing behavior in individuals and organizations.
Prerequisite(s): second-year standing in B.I.B. and BUSI 1701.
Lectures three hours a week.

BUSI 2800 [0.5 credit]

Overview of the basics of entrepreneurship, with emphasis on idea generation and identification, team building, business models, initial strategies and feasibility. A number of organization types will be studied.
Prerequisite(s): Second-year standing.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 2819 [0.5 credit]
Sustainability Accounting and Social Finance

This course offers different avenues for in-depth explorations in sustainability accounting, impact measurement and social finance for undergraduate students. Each module covers a special topic within responsible business, such as impact measurement, responsible finance, impact investing, responsible and ESG investing, sustainability accounting.
Prerequisite(s): second-year standing.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 2995 [0.0 credit]
Employability Passport II

An intermediate course in the knowledge and tools required for a career in Business.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 1995.
Participation in employability events and initiatives throughout the year.

BUSI 2996 [0.0 credit]
Employability Passport BIB IIa

An intermediate course in the knowledge and tools required for a career in Business.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 1996 and BUSI 1997.
Participation in employability events and initiatives throughout the year.

BUSI 2997 [0.0 credit]
Employability Passport BIB IIb

An intermediate course in the knowledge and tools required for a career in Business.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 1996 and BUSI 1997.
Participation in employability events and initiatives throughout the year.

BUSI 3001 [0.5 credit]
Accounting for Business Combinations

Accounting problems associated with business combinations, with attention to the preparation of consolidated financial statements. Discussion may extend to financial reporting and diversified companies, reorganizations, etc. Selection of topics may vary from year to year.
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2002 with a grade of C- or higher.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 3005 [0.5 credit]
Taxation I

Federal income tax laws and regulations and their impact on an individual's financial and business decisions. Problems, issues and planning associated with the Income Tax Act and concerned with the computation of taxable income and taxes payable by an individual are discussed.
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 2005.
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2001 with a grade of C- or higher.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 3007 [0.5 credit]
Auditing I

Auditing theory, methodology and application.
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 4007 (no longer offered).
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2001.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 3008 [0.5 credit]
Intermediate Management Accounting and Control

The use of accounting information for cost control and performance evaluation. Emphasis is on cost accumulation systems, performance evaluation, control models and analytical tools.
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 1002 or BUSI 1005 (with a grade of C- or higher in each).
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 3040 [0.5 credit]
Data Analytics and Information Systems for Accounting

Data analysis in accounting, working with and making sense of big data using various data analysis tools. Specific topics include; data collection, cleaning, analyzing, visualization, and decision making in different areas of accounting.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 1401 or BUSI 2400, and BUSI 3007 with a grade of C- or higher in each.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 3102 [0.5 credit]
Introduction to Human Resources Management

Human Resource Management function in large formal organizations. Topics include human resources planning, recruitment, selection, performance evaluation, career development and training, compensation and benefits and the role of the professional personnel manager.
Prerequisite(s): second-year standing, and one of BUSI 2101, BUSI 2121, BUSI 2702, BUSI 3602, PSYC 2801.
Lectures three hours a week.

BUSI 3103 [0.5 credit]
Introduction to Organization Theory

Macro-organization theory. Structuring of organizations in a complex global economy. Effects of the external environment, technology, culture and organizational goals on the structure, processes and effectiveness of the organization.
Prerequisite(s): second-year standing, and one of BUSI 2101, BUSI 2121, BUSI 2702, PSYC 2801.
Lectures three hours a week.

BUSI 3104 [0.5 credit]
Managing Individual Performance

Managing the performance of self and others. Topics include self awareness, motivation, leadership, communication, diversity, and creativity. Extensive use is made of self-assessments and experiential learning.
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2101, BUSI 2121, BUSI 2702, or PSYC 2801 (with a grade of C or higher in each).
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 3105 [0.5 credit]
Managing and Motivating Teams

Principles of working in and managing teams. Topics include self-awareness, team formation, team development, team dynamics, team leadership and team motivation.
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2101, BUSI 2121, BUSI 2702, or PSYC 2801 (with a grade of C or higher in each).
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 3106 [0.5 credit]
Managing Conflict and Negotiation

Analysis of the sources and forms of conflict and effective approaches to managing conflict. Exploration of the effectiveness of various strategies of negotiations.
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2101, BUSI 2121, BUSI 2702, or PSYC 2801 (with a grade of C- or higher in each).
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 3119 [0.5 credit]
Business and Environmental Sustainability

Examining concepts of environmental sustainability within the business context. Exploring the complex interdependency between organizations, society and the natural environment.
Prerequisite(s): third year standing.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 3204 [0.5 credit]
Digital Marketing

Introduction and assessment of key new marketing tools and approaches, including internet marketing, relationship marketing, direct marketing; effective adoption and implementation of these tools and approaches across industries and organizations.
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2204 or BUSI 2208 (with a grade of C- or higher in each).
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 3205 [0.5 credit]
Marketing Communications

Promotion as communication process and marketing tool. Integrating advertising, direct/digital marketing, interactive media, sales promotion, public relations, personal selling through strategic planning (research, budgeting, organizing, creative and media strategy), execution, and campaign evaluation. Regulatory, ethical, social issues considerations.
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2208 or BUSI 2204 (with a grade of C- or higher in each).
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 3207 [0.5 credit]
Marketing Research

Concepts essential for understanding and conducting applied marketing research. Methods for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data relevant to marketing decision-making. Experience in research techniques through case studies, exercises and project.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 3100.
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2204 or BUSI 2208 (with a grade of C or higher in each), STAT 2601 or STAT 2606 (with a grade of C- or higher in each).
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 3208 [0.5 credit]
Business-to-Business Marketing

Theories and practice of marketing in business-to-business markets with emphasis on high technology businesses, including strategic marketing management, buyer behaviour and competitive analysis, sales management, new product management, and international issues.
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2204 or BUSI 2208 (with a grade of C- or higher in each).
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 3209 [0.5 credit]
Consumer Behaviour

Introduction to the application of psychological theories and methodologies to consumer behaviour. How consumer behaviour is shaped by internal influences. Topics include perception, learning, memory, motivation, affect, personality, the self, attitudes and decision-making.
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 4206 (no longer offered).
Prerequisite(s): third-year standing, and BUSI 2204 or BUSI 2208 (with a grade of C or higher in each).
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 3210 [0.5 credit]
Personal Selling

Provides an introduction to and application of the principles of personal selling for persons pursuing any vocation, as well as those aspiring to careers in Marketing. Introduces basic concepts of professional selling including: customer analysis, communication skills, effective openings and closings, and customer relations.
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2204 or BUSI 2208 with a grade of C- or higher.
Lecture 3 hours a week.

BUSI 3301 [0.5 credit]
Global Supply Chain Management

Introduction to management of global supply chain. Topics include strategies for planning and coordinating of all activities involved in procurement, conversion, and logistics in the global environment.
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 4303 (no longer offered).
Prerequisite(s): second-year standing, and BUSI 2301 (with a grade of C or higher), and STAT 2601 or STAT 2606 (with a grade of C- or higher in each).
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 3305 [0.5 credit]
Distribution Channels and Logistics

In-depth examination of distribution channels and logistics; roles and interrelations in the achievement of marketing mix objectives and in creating competitive advantage. Channels design and management, managing logistics, warehousing, packaging and material handling, new trends in channels and logistics.
Prerequisite(s): third-year standing, and BUSI 2301 (with a grade of C or higher), and STAT 2601 or STAT 2606 (with a grade of C- or higher in each).
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 3309 [0.5 credit]
Project Management

Identification, selection, initiation, and organization of projects; risk assessment; project scheduling, performance monitoring and control, and termination. Emphases on foundations, principles and supporting techniques.
Prerequisite(s): third-year standing, and STAT 2601 or STAT 2606.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 3400 [0.5 credit]
Database Design

Information management, database administration, Entity-Relationship Model, database development life cycle: planning, analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance of database management systems. Construction of a database. Introduction to SQL, distributed databases, object-oriented databases, and data warehousing.
Precludes additional credit for COMP 3005.
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 1401 or BUSI 2400 (with a grade of C or higher in each).
Lecture three hours and tutorial one hour a week.

BUSI 3401 [0.5 credit]
Applications Development for Online Environments

Analysis, design and implementation of electronic business systems. Topics include advanced object-oriented programming, advanced SQL programming, XML, using ASP.NET, MTS and SQL Server.
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 4401 (no longer offered).
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2402 and BUSI 3400, or COMP 3005 (with a grade of C- or higher in each).
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 3402 [0.5 credit]
Systems Analysis and Design

Methods of analysis of computer-based information systems. The systems development life cycle, planning, analysis, design, implementation and maintenance. Structured and object-oriented methods will be used. Use of a CASE tool.
Precludes additional credit for SYSC 3100, BUSI 3403, (no longer offered) and BUSI 3404 (no longer offered).
Prerequisite(s): one of BUSI 1401, BUSI 2400, COMP 2404, SYSC 2004 (with a grade of C or higher in each).
Lecture three hours and tutorials one hour a week.

BUSI 3405 [0.5 credit]
Enterprise Architecture

Exploration of the significance of cross-functional business processes in the context of e-business transformation. Includes process analysis and modeling techniques. Also considers the application of enterprise resource planning systems, workflow technologies, intranets, and extranets to facilitate process flows inside and outside the organization.
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 1401 or 2400, and BUSI 3103 (with a grade of C- or or higher in each).
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 3406 [0.5 credit]
Business Analytics Principles

Evolution of Decision Support Systems. Decision Making. Business Intelligence. Foundation of Business Analytics. Lifecycle & Best Practices. Strategy, platforms and Architecture. Data Sensemaking. Model Development.
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 4406.
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2401 and STAT 2602.
Lecture 3 hours a week.

BUSI 3434 [0.5 credit]
Data Visualization

Visual representation and presentation of data to facilitate understanding. This includes visual data exploration, perception, interpretation, and communication in exploratory and declarative situations. Practical skill development using current data visualization software.
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2401, STAT 2602.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 3500 [0.5 credit]
Applied Corporate Finance

An examination of the major issues in corporate finance and applied financial management. Topics include: introduction to portfolio theory, the capital asset pricing model, cost of capital, capital structure and dividend policy, lease financing, capital budgeting under uncertainty, mergers and consolidations.
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2501 or BUSI 2505 (with a grade of C+ or higher in each), and STAT 2601 or STAT 2606 and ECON 1001 and ECON 1002 and MATH 1009 (with a grade of C- or higher in each).
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 3502 [0.5 credit]

Procedures and methods of investment analysis. Stock and bond markets. Government regulation of securities markets. Valuation of common stocks and fixed income securities. Options, warrants, convertibles and commodities.
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2501 or BUSI 2505 (with a grade of C+ or higher in each), and STAT 2601 or STAT 2606 and ECON 1001 and ECON 1002 and MATH 1009 (with a grade of C- or higher in each).
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 3512 [0.5 credit]

Derivative instruments and their use for speculation and hedging. Analysis of different markets where instruments trade, and their characteristics. Pricing models highlighted to determine how individuals and corporations can better manage risk; exotics and newer innovations.
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 4512 (no longer offered).
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2501 or BUSI 2505 (with a grade of C+ or higher in each), and STAT 2601 or STAT 2606 and ECON 1001 and ECON 1002 and MATH 1009 (with a grade of C- or higher in each).
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 3600 [0.5 credit]
Entrepreneurial Strategies

Within the changing environment, an examination of entrepreneurial strategies related to different functional areas for new ventures and small businesses.
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2800 with a grade of C- or higher.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 3602 [0.5 credit]
Designing Organizational Systems: An Overview

Key models and theories of organizational strategy, structure, processes, effectiveness, and individual and group behavior in organizations. Organizational structure, goals, and effectiveness; leadership, motivation and job design.
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 2101, BUSI 2702, BUSI 2121. No credit for students in B.Com. or B.I.B. programs.
Prerequisite(s): third-year standing in the B.P.A.P.M. program.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 3611 [0.5 credit]
Managing the Family Enterprise

How family businesses are different, what makes them different and how to effectively manage these differences. Challenges arising from the tension between family and business pressures from governance, management and succession planning perspectives.
Prerequisite(s): third year standing, and BUSI 1005 or BUSI 1002, and one of BUSI 2101, BUSI 2121, BUSI 2702.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 3629 [0.5 credit]
Corporate Governance and Strategy

The role of governance in organizations. Mission and vision statements, values and objectives. Shaping, implementation and evaluation of corporate strategy. Management of risk and environmental analysis.
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 4609 and BUSI 4709. No credit in B.Com.
Prerequisite(s): 1) Enrolment in the Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Accounting, or BUSI 1001 and BUSI 1002, or equivalents. or 2) Enrolment in BIB, third-year standing, and BUSI 1004 and BUSI 1005, and permission of the School of Business.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 3701 [0.5 credit]
Practicum in International Business I

Students will engage in an approved international experience, abroad or within Canada, that fosters the development of a global mindset. This experience will allow students to integrate and apply the material learned in previous International Business courses.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 4719 and GINS 3930.
Prerequisite(s): Third-year standing in BIB and permission of the Sprott School of Business.
Experiential Learning Activity

BUSI 3702 [0.5 credit]
Practicum in International Business II

Students will engage in an approved international experience, abroad or within Canada, that fosters the development of a global mindset. This experience will allow students to integrate and apply the material learned in previous International Business courses.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 4719 and GINS 3931.
Prerequisite(s): third-year standing in BIB and permission of the Sprott School of Business.
Experiential learning activity

BUSI 3703 [0.5 credit]
International and Comparative Management

The management of large organizations spanning national boundaries, including domestic firms with international markets, and multinational corporations. Difficulties of maintaining communication and control in international operations in disparate cultural settings.
Prerequisite(s): second-year standing, and BUSI 2101 or BUSI 2702 (with a grade of C or higher in each).
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 3704 [0.5 credit]
The Environment of International Business

Theories linking environmental factors and business strategy as a basis for study of some major factors and institutions shaping international business strategy. International trade patterns, regionalization, shifts in international finance, research and development and transnational data flows.
Prerequisite(s): third-year standing, and BUSI 2101 or BUSI 2702 (with a grade of C or higher in each), and ECON 1001 and ECON 1002 (or ECON 1000) (with a grade of C- or higher in each).
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 3705 [0.5 credit]
International Buyer Behaviour

Behaviour of end-consumers, business and government buyers, and investors in the international context. National, cross-national, and subnational segments and behaviour differences. Adaptation vs. standardisation strategies in the context of socio-psychological, legal, technological, international procurement rules, and other constraints and opportunities.
Prerequisite(s): third-year standing, BUSI 2204 or BUSI 2208, and BUSI 2702 or BUSI 3703.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 3706 [0.5 credit]
International Business Negotiations

Introduction to theory and practice of negotiation in the international business context. Analysis of techniques of conflict resolution and improving ways to reach agreements.
Prerequisite(s): second-year standing, and BUSI 2701 or BUSI 2702 (with a grade of C- or higher in each).
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 3750 [0.5 credit]
Applied Intercultural Commerce/Business/Networking (IB II)

Apply intercultural skills and international business strategies and/or practices through a business-focused experiential exercise.
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2750. Restricted to B.I.B. students who are participating in the year abroad.
Online course.

BUSI 3800 [0.5 credit]
Sprott Student Consulting I

An introductory experiential work environment in which students interact with real clients on a project. Various types of client projects are possible depending on the company and their goals/needs. Companies may be internal (i.e. Carleton, Sprott), or external (i.e. not for profit, for profit, start-ups).
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Prerequisite(s): Permission of the Sprott School of Business.
Lecture three hours and tutorial one hour a week.

BUSI 3810 [0.5 credit]
Business Development

Business development, growth and expansion through financing activities and new customer acquisition.
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2800 with a grade of C- or higher.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 3820 [0.5 credit]
Practicum in Business Design

Students will apply entrepreneurial concepts and engage in designing an entrepreneurial project. Students will prepare in groups a business plan, including in-depth analysis and recommendations.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Prerequisite(s): third-year standing, and BUSI 2800 with a grade of C- or higher.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 3995 [0.0 credit]
Employability Passport III

An advanced course in the knowledge and tools required for a career in Business.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2995.
Participation in employability events and initiatives throughout the year.

BUSI 3999 [0.0 credit]
Co-operative Work Term

This course covers the deliverables associated with the co-op work term such as the site visit, work term report submission and employer evaluation.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Prerequisite(s): This course is for students on a university approved co-op work term.

BUSI 4003 [0.5 credit]
Accounting: Relevance and Influence

This course focuses on the evolution and impact of accounting theory on decision making and standard setting. Students will develop an ability to critically evaluate current and proposed accounting practices and their impact on decision making within a broad conceptual framework.
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 4000 (no longer offered).
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2002 and BUSI 2501 and STAT 2601 with a grade of C- or higher in each.
Lectures three hours a week.

BUSI 4005 [0.5 credit]
Taxation II

An intensive review of federal income tax laws and regulations as significant elements in the planning and decision making process of taxable Canadian corporations. Emphasis on the tax planning function of corporate management and the associated accounting and reporting aspects.
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 2005.
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 3005 with a grade of C- or higher.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 4008 [0.5 credit]
Management Control Systems

Focuses on understanding control systems that can be used to implement firm strategies and oversee the firm. Integrates relevant issues from other functional areas: corporate governance, strategic uses of cost management, budgeting, internal controls, and performance evaluation systems in managerial planning and control.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing in B.Com. or B.I.B. or enrolment in the Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Accounting with at least 2.0 credits completed in the program.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 4104 [0.5 credit]
Strategic Human Resources Management

Systems, strategies and practices used to effectively leverage human capital in organizations. How to think strategically about managing human assets, and what must be done to successfully implement these systems, strategies and practices.
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 3102 and BUSI 3103 (with a grade of C- or higher in each).
Lecture three hours per week.

BUSI 4105 [0.5 credit]
Managing Change

An overview of current thinking about change management. Topics covered include understanding the forces for and barriers to change, diagnosing the environment around change and implementing change.
Prerequisite(s): third-year standing, and one of BUSI 2101, BUSI 2702, BUSI 3602, PSYC 2801 (with a grade of C- or higher in each).
Lectures three hours a week.

BUSI 4108 [0.5 credit]
Organizational Learning

Contemporary training and development challenges facing individuals, organizations, and communities and the role of information technology in enhancing individual and collective skills development, capabilities, core competencies, intellectual capital and competitiveness.
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 3103 or BUSI 3602 (with a grade of C- or higher in each).
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 4111 [1.0 credit]
Training and Development

Emphasizes contingency approach to training and development; relevant to organizations of all sizes and resource capacities. Effective training and development is conceptualized as a process that integrates extensive front and back-end planning, implementation, and evaluation activities.
Prerequisite(s): third-year standing, and one of BUSI 2101, BUSI 2121, BUSI 2702 (with a grade of B- or higher in each), and permission of the Sprott School of Business.
Lecture three hours and tutorial one hour per week.

BUSI 4112 [0.5 credit]
Organizational Leadership

Critical examination of theories of leadership and trends in contemporary research; discussion of practical methods for building leadership capacity.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Prerequisite(s): third-year standing, and one of BUSI 2101, BUSI 2702, BUSI 3602, PSYC 2801 (with a grade of C- or higher in each).
Lecture and field work as needed.

BUSI 4117 [1.0 credit]
Creative Thinking

Increases student skills in areas beyond technical expertise, with a focus on the importance of fluidity, risk taking, and idea generation. Emphasis on creativity as a process, with exposure to various techniques and concepts including Design Thinking at multiple levels (individual, group, organization).
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 3117B taken prior to 2020/21.
Prerequisite(s): third-year standing, and BUSI 2101 or BUSI 2702 (with a grade of C- or higher in each), and permission of the Sprott School of Business.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 4120 [0.5 credit]
Environmental Sustainability Management

This course involves guest lectures, class discussions and group assignments evaluating the role of business in environmental problems. The course will delve into current conundrums of the role of business models to mitigate harm and adapt to change in search for solutions to environmental issues.
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 3119 and fourth-year standing. Restricted to BCom, BIB and students registered in any of Sprott's Minor in Business offerings.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 4129 [0.5 credit]
Managing the Arts

Challenges of managing arts organizations with emphasis on the changing environment of arts consumption and funding. Tensions arising from blending artistic and aesthetic dimensions with functional considerations when judging organizational and personal issues form a continuing theme.
Prerequisite(s): third year standing.
Also offered at the graduate level, with different requirements, as MGMT 5129, for which additional credit is precluded.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 4201 [0.5 credit]
Marketing Metrics

An overview of essential marketing metrics used for enhancing marketing decisions. The course consists of seven core modules: share metrics, margins and profits, pricing, product and portfolio management, sales force management, promotion profitability, and customer profitability.
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 1005 and BUSI 2208.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 4203 [0.5 credit]
Marketing In Not-for-Profit Organizations

Theories and practices of marketing in not-for-profit organizations including government. Similarities and differences between marketing in not-for-profit and for-profit organizations, and the key issues faced by marketers in developing marketing strategies in not-for-profit organizations.
Prerequisite(s): third-year standing, and BUSI 2204 or BUSI 2208 (with a grade of C or higher in each).
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 4205 [0.5 credit]
International Marketing Strategy

The marketing function in international markets from a strategic and managerial perspective. Environments of foreign markets in relation to marketing research, international branding and positioning, and product, price, distribution, and communication strategies. International expansion methods and foreign market evaluation and selection.
Prerequisite(s): third-year standing, and BUSI 2204 or BUSI 2208 (with a grade of C- or higher in each).
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 4208 [0.5 credit]
Marketing Management

In depth analysis and applications of the managerial aspects of marketing. Marketing strategy development and implementation theory and practice.
Prerequisite(s): third year standing, BUSI 2208, and one of BUSI 3205 or BUSI 3207 (with a grade of C or higher in each).
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 4209 [0.5 credit]
Consumer Culture Theory

Consumer behaviour from a macro and interpretive approach, as a social and cultural phenomenon; the relationships between consumers, the marketplace and cultural meaning.
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 4206 (no longer offered).
Prerequisite(s): third year standing, and BUSI 3209 (with a grade of C or higher).
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 4219 [0.5 credit]
Sustainability Marketing

An overview of the roles of marketing in a sustainable society: advancing organizations’ economic success while creating positive impacts on the environment and society; promoting consumers’ sustainable lifestyle; advocating institutional change to facilitate sustainable production and consumption.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Prerequisite(s): 3rd year standing. Restricted to BCom, BIB and students registered in any of Sprott's Minor in Business offerings.
lecture three hours a week

BUSI 4229 [0.5 credit]
Marketing in the Arts and Culture Sectors

Advanced study of marketing within the arts and culture sectors. Facilitates sophisticated understanding of the knowledge and skills required for marketing managers to respond to changing market environments in order to bring arts and culture offerings to their target audiences.
Prerequisite(s): third year standing, and BUSI 2204 or BUSI 2208 (with a grade of C or higher in each).
Also offered at the graduate level, with different requirements, as MKTG 5229, for which additional credit is precluded.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 4300 [0.5 credit]
Global Operations and Supply Chain Management

Introduction to management of global operations and supply chain. Topics include strategies for planning and coordinating of all operations and supply chain activities involved in procurement, conversion, and logistics in the global environment.
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 2301 and BUSI 3301.
Prerequisite(s): STAT 2601 with a grade of C- or higher.
Lectures three hours a week.

BUSI 4301 [0.5 credit]
Artificial Intelligence and Business Decision Models

This course lays the foundations of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for business decision models using two currently dominant frameworks: Machine Learning and Deep Learning. This course discusses how to profit from AI through business model innovation in business domains including accounting, finance, marketing and supply chain.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 2300, ECON 4005.
Prerequisite(s): third-year standing, BUSI 2401, and STAT 2601.
Lecture three hours and lab one hour per week.

BUSI 4302 [0.5 credit]
Management of Quality

Quality concepts and methods surrounding the definition, mapping, implementation, improvement of business processes in organizations and global supply chains.
Prerequisite(s): third-year standing, BUSI 2301 (with a grade of C or higher), and STAT 2601 or STAT 2606 (with a grade of C- or higher in each).
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 4304 [0.5 credit]
Procurement and Contracting

Core supply chain procurement processes in the private and public sectors involved in the acquisition of goods and services, including sourcing, purchasing, contracting, supplier collaboration and relationship development and management. Emphasis on concepts, principles, practices, and techniques.
Prerequisite(s): third-year standing, and BUSI 2301 (with a C grade or higher).
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 4308 [0.5 credit]
Simulation Modeling and Analytics

Concepts of computer simulation for predictive and prescriptive analytics through case studies, worked examples and hands-on projects. Emphasizes static simulations with spreadsheets, discrete-event, and agent-based simulations with specialized software. Input modeling, model design, experimental design, analysis of outputs.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 3308.
Prerequisite(s): third-year standing; STAT 2601 or STAT 2606 with a grade of C- or higher.
Lecture two hours and tutorial two hours a week.

BUSI 4331 [0.5 credit]
Industry 4.0 Technologies and Applications

This course shows how Industry 4.0 employs the IoT and Al technologies to achieve self-thinking supply chains. It demonstrates the use of Industry 4.0 in the transformation to smart industries. Lectures, demonstrations and hands-on exercises allow students to design, deploy and manage custom IoT solutions.
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 4431 (no longer offered).
Prerequisite(s): third year standing, and BUSI 2301 (with a grade of C or higher).
Lecture three hours a week and lab one hour a week.

BUSI 4400 [0.5 credit]
IS Management and Strategy

Comprehensive treatment of current trends and management issues associated with information systems within organizations of local, national and international scope. Issues and techniques of information systems planning, administration, resource management and new technology adoption. Case studies are used.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing, BUSI 1401 or BUSI 2400, and BUSI 3103 or BUSI 3602 (with a grade of C- or higher in each).
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 4404 [0.5 credit]
IT Infrastructure

Challenges and issues managers face in assembling the infrastructure for IT service delivery. IT Service levels, data communications, networks (LAN, MAN, WAN, wireless), internetworking, SOA, web services, SaaS, server and storage virtualization, network security, business continuity and disaster recovery.
Prerequisite(s): third-year standing, and BUSI 1401 or BUSI 2400 (with a grade of C- or or higher each).
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 4407 [0.5 credit]
Business Analytics Methods

Frameworks and quantitative methods used in predictive and prescriptive business analytics for decision-making with less risk and better outcomes. Practical applications with various analytical tools across a range of industries. Data integration; model formulation, implementation, solutions, and managerial insights.
Prerequisite(s): Third-year standing, BUSI 3406 (with a grade of C or higher).
Lecture two hours and lab two hours a week.

BUSI 4408 [0.5 credit]
Social Analytics

Covers the process, tool and techniques necessary to acquire, clean and analyze text that has been generated on social platforms. Social network analysis, sentiment analysis, topic extraction, co-occurrence analysis.
Prerequisite(s): third year standing, BUSI 1401 or BUSI 2400, and BUSI 2208, and STAT 2601 or STAT 2606. Restricted to students enrolled in B.Com, BIB, and the B.Econ Economic Data Science Concentration.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 4410 [0.5 credit]
Responsible Business Analytics

Values in Technology, Data Governance, Data Anonymization and its limits, Ethical issues in HR and Talent Analytics, Disinformation, Misinformation, and Fake News, Bias & Fairness, Privacy, consent, and surveillance, Algorithm Colonialism, Legal Frameworks, The Nerd revolution.
Prerequisite(s): Fourth-year standing, BUSI 2401, and BUSI 4601.
Lecture 3 hours a week.

BUSI 4414 [0.5 credit]
Capstone in Business Analytics

This is a capstone course for the Business Analytics concentration. The objective of this course is to be the concentration’s culminating course allowing students to undertake a major BA project, while refining their knowledge by examining a set of advanced/specialized topics.
Prerequisite(s): Fourth-year standing and BUSI 2401.
Lecture 3 hours a week.

BUSI 4500 [0.5 credit]
Advanced Corporate Finance

An in-depth examination of some of the major theoretical issues in corporate finance. This course requires analyses and presentations of both articles from the finance literature and case studies.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing, BUSI 3500, BUSI 3502, BUSI 3512 (with a grade of C-or higher in each), and STAT 2602 or STAT 2607 (with a grade of C- or higher in each).
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 4502 [0.5 credit]
Portfolio Management

Analysis of investment requirements for individuals and institutional investors: liquidity, risk and return; portfolio design, construction, management and control; performance measurement; capital market theory.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing, BUSI 3500, BUSI 3502, and BUSI 3512 (with a grade of C- or higher in each), and STAT 2602 or STAT 2607 (with a grade of C- or higher).
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 4503 [0.5 credit]
Applied Portfolio Management

Participants of the Sprott Student Investment Fund will be exposed to equity research, analysis, valuation, and portfolio composition. The course allows fund members to fully understand stock selection and fund management, and expose them to the methods and techniques used by industry.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 3502 and permission of the Sprott School of Business.
Workshops three hours a week.

BUSI 4504 [0.5 credit]
International Finance

Management of corporate finance as it is affected by the requirements of international business. Issues related to international acquisitions, global investments, volatile exchange rates and hedging techniques. Role of international markets in financing corporate activity.
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 3504 (no longer offered) and BUSI 3505 (no longer offered).
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2501 or BUSI 2505 with a grade of C- or higher in each.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 4505 [0.5 credit]
Global Financial Markets and Institutions

Comprehensive view of the world's financial markets and institutions. The primary focus will be on the purpose and practice of financial institutions, and the specifics of the financial instruments available to the firm and investor.
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2501 or BUSI 2505 (with a grade of C+ or higher in each), and STAT 2601 or STAT 2606 (with a grade of C- or higher in each).
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 4510 [0.5 credit]
Mergers and Acquisitions

The theory and practice of mergers and acquisitions; the best ways to analyze, design and implement mergers and acquisitions transactions. A highly practical planning-based approach to managing the acquisition process will be employed.
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 3500 and BUSI 3502 (with a grade of C- or higher in each), and STAT 2602 or STAT 2607 (with a grade of C- or higher in each).
Lecture three hours per week.

BUSI 4511 [0.5 credit]
Fixed Income Analysis

Valuation of fixed income securities and interest rate derivatives including bonds, mortgage- and asset-based securities. Analytic tools used in bond portfolio and interest rate risk management including yield curve construction, duration and convexity, and term structure models.
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 3502 and BUSI 3512 (with a grade of C- or higher in each), and STAT 2602 or STAT 2607 (with a grade of C- or higher in each).
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 4601 [0.5 credit]
Business Ethics

Use of ethical reasoning to analyze business decisions. The ethical content of these decisions. The role of ethics in business situations. Practice in ethical reasoning. Major ethical systems.
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 4705.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing B.Com. Note that B.Com. concentration in International Business students require BUSI 4705.
Lectures three hours a week.

BUSI 4607 [0.5 credit]
Management of Technology and Innovation

Integration of technology and strategy; design of technological strategy; development of new business around new technology; and management of corporate research and development, including pre-competitive consortia.
Prerequisite(s): third-year standing, and BUSI 2204 or BUSI 2208 (with a grade of C- or higher in each).
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 4608 [0.5 credit]
Canadian Business History

The place of business in Canadian society, economics and politics. The internal dynamics of Canadian business (organization, strategy, the rise of the manager), and its external implications (competition, foreign investment, business- government relations).
Also listed as HIST 3205.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing in B.Com. or B.I.B.
Lectures three hours a week.

BUSI 4609 [0.5 credit]
Strategic Management

Analysis and evaluation of the organization's corporate and business strategies; integration and synthesis of knowledge acquired in the program by application of acquired functional skills to strategic decision making.
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 3629, BUSI 4709.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing in all B.Com. and successful completion of all 2000- and 3000- level courses in the Major requirement, normally completed within the last 10 years.
Lectures three hours a week.

BUSI 4704 [0.5 credit]
The Business Environment in Europe

The economic, political, legal, and cultural environment for doing business in the European Union and other regions in Europe. Patterns of foreign trade and investment, market characteristics, science and technology, regulation and European integration, and business culture.
Also listed as EURR 4704.
Precludes additional credit for EURR 4006 (no longer offered), BUSI 4604 (no longer offered).
Prerequisite(s): third-year standing.
Seminar three hours a week.

BUSI 4705 [0.5 credit]
Ethics and Cross-cultural Interaction

Perceptions and behaviors that characterize interactions among individuals from various cultural backgrounds, with emphasis on ethical issues that may arise when business crosses cultural boundaries. Various systems, both organizational and individual, for dealing with contrasting expectations are discussed.
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 4601.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing in B. Com. (International Business Concentration) or B.I.B., and BUSI 2702 or BUSI 2101.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 4706 [0.5 credit]
International Human Resource Management

Theoretical and process issues in the recruitment, selection, training, evaluation and repatriation of personnel in multi-country organizations. Issues are examined from the perspective of organizations, expatriates and local employees of multinational firms.
Prerequisite(s): third-year standing, BUSI 3102, and one of BUSI 2702 or BUSI 3703.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 4707 [0.5 credit]
Regionalism and Globalization

Trends in globalization versus supra- and sub-national regionalism. Role of international institutions (e.g. OECD, WTO). Strategy adaptation and integration within and across trade blocs (e.g. NAFTA, EU, Mercosur, ASEAN). Strategies for sub-national markets with similarities across different countries.
Prerequisite(s): third-year standing in B.Com., B.I.B., or Minor in Business, and BUSI 2701 or BUSI 2702.
Lectures three hours a week.

BUSI 4708 [0.5 credit]
International Expansion and Operations

Internationalization process. Methods of international expansion including exporting, greenfield investment, acquisition, joint venture, and licensing. Theories of international market selection, investment location, and market service.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing, and BUSI 2702 or BUSI 2101.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 4709 [0.5 credit]
Strategic Management for International Business

Development and implementation of strategies within and across international markets. Emphasis on developing strategic perspectives that incorporate the environment, the state of the industry,and the capabilities of the firm. Integrates skills, concepts and theories learned in functional areas.
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 3629, BUSI 4609.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing in B.Com. (International Business Concentration) or B.I.B., and successful completion of all 2000- and 3000-level courses in the Major requirement, normally completed within the last 10 years.
Lectures three hours a week, tutorial one hour a week.

BUSI 4710 [0.5 credit]
International New Ventures

Challenges facing entrepreneurs in the creation and growth of competitive knowledge-based new international ventures or ‘born globals’. Identification of opportunities abroad, strategies and logistics, sourcing, international deal making and business models.
Prerequisite(s): third-year standing, and BUSI 2702 or BUSI 2101.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 4717 [0.5 credit]
Managing Globalization in Emerging Economies

Critical examination of the managerial and institutional issues of globalization from the perspectives of emerging economies. Indigenous and international institutions' role in the evolution of a competitive and inclusive global economy and society. Discerning lessons of experience for newly globalizing societies.
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 4902 (no longer offered).
Prerequisite(s): fourth year standing in B.Com, BIB, or Minor in Business, ECON 1001 and ECON 1002 (or ECON 1000).
Lectures three hours a week.

BUSI 4719 [0.5 credit]
Practicum in International Business

Students will engage in an approved international experience, abroad or within Canada (can include SSCG), that fosters the development of a global mindset. This experience will allow students to integrate and apply the material learned in previous International Business courses.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Precludes additional credit for BUSI 3701, BUSI 3702.
Prerequisite(s): third-year standing in B.Com. International Business concentration and permission of the Sprott School of Business.

BUSI 4729 [0.5 credit]
International Strategy

Provides theoretical insights and pragmatic tools that address strategic decisions concerning cross-border business activities. Examines how the multinational firm creates competitive advantage across countries and what principles and constraints guide strategic choices in various parts of the organization.
Prerequisite(s): Fourth-year standing in B.I.B, and successful completion of all 2000-and 3000-level courses in the Major requirement, normally completed within the last 10 years.
Lectures three hours a week, tutorial one hour a week.

BUSI 4750 [0.5 credit]
Organizational Intercultural Development (IB III)

This course applies principles of organizational development to intercultural and international work environments. Students will learn basic concepts and tools of individual and organizational intercultural development, including intercultural training, coaching and mentoring. Focus will be on the application of these tools.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing in B.I.B and BUSI 3750.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 4800 [0.5 credit]
Sprott Student Consulting II

An advanced experiential work environment in which students interact with real clients on a project. Various types of client projects are possible depending on the company and their goals/needs. Companies may be internal (i.e. Carleton, Sprott), or external (i.e. not for profit, for profit).
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Prerequisite(s): Permission of the Sprott School of Business.
Also offered at the graduate level, with different requirements, as BUSI 5997, for which additional credit is precluded.
Significant industry/project/service consultancy exposure.

BUSI 4810 [0.5 credit]
Practicum in Business Creation

Students apply concepts and engage in groups to implement the design of an entrepreneurship project per their business plan developed in BUSI 3820. The projects provide opportunities for experiential learning.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 3820.
Lectures three hours per week.

BUSI 4901 [0.5 credit]
Topics in Business I

A selected topics course may be offered. Topics may vary. Consult the School’s website for available topics and prerequisite information. Eligibility for this course to serve as an option for specific concentrations is to be established by the School.
Prerequisite(s): Vary based on section. Please refer to for section specific prerequisites.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 4902 [0.5 credit]
Topics in Business II

A selected topics course may be offered. Topics may vary. Consult the School’s website for available topics and prerequisite information. Eligibility for this course to serve as an option for specific concentrations is to be established by the School.
Prerequisite(s): Vary based on section. Please refer to for section specific prerequisites.
Lecture three hours a week.

BUSI 4904 [1.0 credit]
Directed Studies I

Reading course on select topics. Students interested in pursuing this course need to contact a faculty member to discuss a proposed directed study.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing in B.Com. or B.I.B. and permission of the School of Business.

BUSI 4905 [0.5 credit]
Directed Studies II

Reading course on select topics. Students interested in pursuing this course need to contact a faculty member to discuss a proposed directed study.
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing in B.Com. or B.I.B. and permission of the School of Business.

BUSI 4906 [1.0 credit]
Research Project for Business

Provides students with opportunity to conduct research in their area of interest and present the research in an undergraduate thesis format. Conducted under the supervision of a faculty advisor from Sprott, with the specific deliverable determined by Supervisor and student, and approved by Sprott School.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Prerequisite(s): fourth-year standing in B.Com. or B.I.B. and permission of the School of Business.

BUSI 4995 [0.0 credit]
Employability Passport IV

An advanced course in the knowledge and tools required for a career in Business.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 3995.
Participation in employability events and initiatives throughout the year.

BUSI 4996 [0.0 credit]
Employability Passport BIB IV

An advanced course in the knowledge and tools required for a career in Business.
Includes: Experiential Learning Activity
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 3700.
Participation in employability events and initiatives throughout the year.

Note: Not all courses listed are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for the current session and to determine the term of offering, consult the class schedule at

Summer session: some of the courses listed in this Calendar are offered during the summer. Hours and scheduling for summer session courses will differ significantly from those reported in the fall/winter Calendar. To determine the scheduling and hours for summer session classes, consult the class schedule at


In addition to the program requirements described here, students must satisfy the University regulations (see the Academic Regulations of the University section of this Calendar).

Students should consult with the School when planning their program and selecting courses.

Courses Used Towards Streams

Any courses completed toward the fulfilment of a Stream offered by the Sprott School of Business cannot be counted toward the fulfilment of any additional Stream(s), or toward any Concentration, offered by the Sprott School of Business.

Bachelor of Commerce

Students require completion of BUSI 1800 and BUSI 2800 to be eligible for registration in BUSI 3102, BUSI 3103, and BUSI 3309.

Graduation (B.Com. and B.I.B.)

Bachelor of Commerce

  • A B.Com. (Honours) student who meets all of the Overall CGPA requirement of 5.0, the Major CGPA graduation requirement of 6.5, and the Concentration CGPA graduation requirement of 6.5 will graduate with B.Com. Honours with a concentration notation
  • A B.Com. (Honours) student who meets both the Overall CGPA requirement of 5.0 and the Major CGPA graduation requirement of 6.5, but not the Concentration CGPA graduation requirement of 6.5 will graduate with B.Com. Honours without a concentration notation
  • A B.Com. (Honours) student who meets the Overall CGPA graduation requirement of 5.0 and a Major CGPA of 5.0, regardless of the Concentration CGPA will graduate with B.Com. with neither a concentration nor an Honours notation

Bachelor of International Business

  • A B.I.B. student who meets all of the Overall CGPA requirement of 5.0, the Major CGPA requirement of 6.5, the Core CGPA requirements of 6.5, and the Concentration CGPA requirement of 6.5 will graduate with B.I.B. Honours with a concentration notation
  • A B.I.B. student who meets the Overall CGPA requirement of 5.0, the Major CGPA requirement of 6.5 and Core CGPA requirement of 6.5, but not the Concentration CGPA requirement of 6.5 will graduate with B.I.B. Honours without a concentration notation
  • A B.I.B. student who meets the Overall CGPA requirement of 5.0 but not the Major CGPA requirement of 6.5 or the Core CGPA requirement of 6.5 is eligible to transfer through Admissions Services to the B.Com. with neither a concentration nor an Honours notation and will then follow the appropriate graduation path as laid out in the B.Com. requirements. See for more details.

Academic Continuation Evaluation for Bachelor of International Business

Students in B.I.B. are Honours students.

Students in the Bachelor of International Business follow the Academic Continuation Evaluation (ACE) regulations governing Honours programs (see Section 3.2 of the Academic Regulations of the University), with the following additions and amendments.

10.5 credits through completion:

  • At each ACE assessment, B.I.B. students must meet the minimum Overall and Major CGPAs required for graduation. A B.I.B. student not meeting either the Overall or Major CGPA graduation requirements will be required to leave the B.I.B. program with the decision Continue in Alternate (CA). Note that if the student meets the minimum requirements to be Eligible to Continue (EC) as per progression requirements in the B.Com. (Honours), the student is eligible to transfer through Admissions Services. See for more details. The student will then follow the appropriate continuation path as laid out in the B.Com. (Honours) requirements.


Post-Baccalaureate Diploma

In addition to the requirements presented here, students must satisfy the University regulations (see the Academic Regulations of the University section of this Calendar).


A post-baccalaureate diploma is defined as a stand-alone undergraduate credential intended to:

  • qualify a candidate for consideration for entry into a master's program, or
  • bring a candidate who already possesses a bachelor's degree up to a level of a bachelor's degree of 20.0 credits or more in another discipline, or
  • provide a candidate who already possesses a twenty-credit bachelor's degree in the same discipline the opportunity to bring their previous studies to current equivalents and/or to examine alternative areas, or
  • provide a candidate with a professional undergraduate credential for which the prior completion of an undergraduate degree program is appropriate.

Program Requirements

  • A post-baccalaureate diploma is normally constituted of a minimum of 3.0 credits to a maximum of 5.0 credits of advanced undergraduate courses.
  • A minimum of 3.0 residency credits counting toward the post-baccalaureate diploma.

English as a Second Language Requirement

In addition to the program requirements, completion of English as a Second Language (ESLA) courses may be required from the following sequence: ESLA 1300, ESLA 1500, ESLA 1900. No credits from this sequence will be counted toward the post-baccalaureate diploma.


All post-baccalaureate diploma students are expected to complete their diploma requirements within two calendar years after the date of initial registration.  After this period student may be withdrawn.


  • A candidate for a post-baccalaureate diploma must have an overall CGPA of at least 6.5 to graduate.
  • A candidate for a post-baccalaureate diploma must obtain a grade of C- or higher in each course taken in fulfillment of the program requirements.
  • Students should consult with the Department, School or Institute when planning their diploma and selecting courses.

Co-operative Education

For more information about how to apply for the Co-op program and how the Co-op program works please visit the Co-op website.

All students participating in the Co-op program are governed by the Undergraduate Co-operative Education Policy.

Undergraduate Co-operative Education Policy

Admission Requirements

Students can apply to Co-op in one of two ways: directly from high school, or after beginning a degree program at Carleton.

If a student applies to a degree program with a Co-op option from high school, their university grades will be reviewed two terms to one year prior to their first work term to ensure they meet the academic requirements after their first or second year of study. The time at which the evaluation takes place depends on the program of study. Students will automatically receive an admission decision via their Carleton email account.

Students who did not request Co-op at the time they applied to Carleton can request Co-op after they begin their university studies. To view application instructions and deadlines, please visit

To be admitted to Co-op, a student must successfully complete 5.0 or more credits that count towards their degree, meet the minimum CGPA requirement(s) for the student's Co-op option, and fulfil any specified course prerequisites. To see the unique admission and continuation requirements for each Co-op option, please refer to the specific degree programs listed in the Undergraduate Calendar. 

Participation Requirements

COOP 1000

Once a student has been given admission or continuation confirmation to the co-op option s/he must complete and pass COOP 1000 (a mandatory online 0.0 credit course). Students will have access to this course a minimum of two terms prior to their first work term and will be notified when to register.

Communication with the Co-op Office

Students must maintain contact with the co-op office during their job search and while on a work term. All email communication will be conducted via the students' Carleton email account.


Although every effort is made to ensure a sufficient number of job postings for all students enrolled in the co-op option of their degree program, no guarantee of employment can be made. Carleton's co-op program operates a competitive job search process and is dependent upon current market conditions. Academic performance, skills, motivation, maturity, attitude and potential will determine whether a student is offered a job. It is the student's responsibility to actively conduct a  job search in addition to participation in the job search process operated by the co-op office. Once a student accepts a co-op job offer (verbally or written), his/her job search will end and access to co-op jobs will be removed for that term. Students that do not successfully obtain a co-op work term are expected to continue with their academic studies. The summer term is the exception to this rule. Students should also note that hiring priority is given to Canadian citizens for co-op positions in the Federal Government of Canada.

Registering in Co-op Courses

Students will be registered in a Co-op Work Term course while at work. The number of Co-op Work Term courses that a student is registered in is dependent upon the number of four-month work terms that a student accepts.

While on a co-op work term students may take a maximum of 0.5 credit throughout each four-month co-op work term. Courses must be scheduled outside of regular working hours.

Students must be registered as full-time before they begin their co-op job search. All co-op work terms must be completed before the beginning of the final academic term. Students may not finish their degree on a co-op work term.

Work Term Assessment and Evaluation

To obtain a Satisfactory grade for the co-op work term students must have:

  1. A satisfactory work term evaluation by the co-op employer;
  2. A satisfactory grade on the work term report.

Students must submit a work term report at the completion of each four-month work term. Reports are due on the 16th of April, August, and December and students are notified of due dates through their Carleton email account.

Workplace performance will be assessed by the workplace supervisor. Should a student receive an unsatisfactory rating from their co-op employer, an investigation by the co-op program manager will be undertaken. An unsatisfactory employer evaluation does not preclude a student from achieving an overall satisfactory rating for the work term.

Graduation with the Co-op Designation

In order to graduate with the co-op designation, students must satisfy all requirements for their degree program in addition to the requirements according to each co-op program (i.e. successful completion of three or four work terms).

Note: Participation in the co-op option will add up to one additional year for a student to complete their degree program.

Voluntary Withdrawal from the Co-op Option

Students may withdraw from the co-op option of their degree program during a study term ONLY. Students at work may not withdraw from the work term or the co-op option until s/he has completed the requirements of the work term.

Students are eligible to continue in their regular academic program provided that they meet the academic standards required for continuation.

Involuntary or Required Withdrawal from the Co-op Option

Students may be required to withdraw from the co-op option of their degree program for one or any of the following reasons:

  1. Failure to achieve a grade of SAT in COOP 1000
  2. Failure to pay all co-op related fees
  3. Failure to actively participate in the job search process
  4. Failure to attend all interviews for positions to which the student has applied
  5. Declining more than one job offer during the job search process
  6. Continuing a job search after accepting a co-op position
  7. Dismissal from a work term by the co-op employer
  8. Leaving a work term without approval by the Co-op manager
  9. Receipt of an unsatisfactory work term evaluation
  10. Submission of an unsatisfactory work term report

Standing and Appeals

The Co-op and Career Services office administers the regulations and procedures that are applicable to all co-op program options. All instances of a student's failure during a work term or other issues directly related to their participation in the co-op option will be reported to the academic department.

Any decision made by the Co-op and Career Services office can be appealed via the normal appeal process within the University.

International Students

All International Students are required to possess a Co-op Work Permit issued by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada before they can begin working. It is illegal to work in Canada without the proper authorization. Students will be provided with a letter of support to accompany their application. Students must submit their application for their permit before being permitted to view and apply for jobs on the Co-op Services database. Confirmation of a position will not be approved until a student can confirm they have received their permit. Students are advised to discuss the application process and requirements with the International Student Services Office.

Bachelor of Commerce Honours: Co-op Admission and Continuation Requirements

  • Maintain full-time status in each study term;
  • Be eligible to work in Canada (for off-campus work)
  • Have successfully completed COOP 1000 [0.0]

In addition to the following:

  1. Registered as a full-time student in the B.Com Honours program;
  2. Successfully completed 5.0 or more credits. It is strongly recommended that students complete all second-year Business requirements prior to entering their first work term;
  3. Obtained an Overall CGPA of at least 6.50 and a Major CGPA of at least 8.00. These CGPAs must be maintained throughout the duration of the degree.

B.Com Honours students must successfully complete at least three (3) work terms to obtain the Co-op Designation.

Co-op Work Term Course: BUSI 3999
Work/Study Patterns:

Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5
Summer SummerWSummerWSummerS
Business analytics
Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5
Summer SummerWSummerWSummerW
Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5
Summer SummerWSummerWSummerW
Finance, International Business, Marketing, Supply Chain,  and students without a concentration
Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5
Summer SummerWSummerWSummerW
Information Systems, Management
Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5
Summer SummerWSummerWSummerW

: Study
W: Work

Admissions Information

Admission Requirements are for the 2023-24 year only, and are based on the Ontario High School System. Holding the minimum admission requirements only establishes eligibility for consideration. The cut-off averages for admission may be considerably higher than the minimum. See also the General Admission and Procedures section of this Calendar. An overall average of at least 70% is normally required to be considered for admission. Some programs may also require specific course prerequisites and prerequisite averages and/or supplementary admission portfolios. Higher averages are required for admission to programs for which the demand for places by qualified applicants exceeds the number of places available. The overall average required for admission is determined each year on a program by program basis. Consult for further details.

Note: Courses listed as recommended are not mandatory for admission. Students who do not follow the recommendations will not be disadvantaged in the admission process.

Admissions Information

Admission requirements are based on the Ontario High School System. Prospective students can view the admission requirements through the Admissions website at The overall average required for admission is determined each year on a program-by-program basis. Holding the minimum admission requirements only establishes eligibility for consideration; higher averages are required for admission to programs for which the demand for places by qualified applicants exceeds the number of places available. All programs have limited enrolment and admission is not guaranteed. Some programs may also require specific course prerequisites and prerequisite averages and/or supplementary admission portfolios. Consult for further details.

Note: If a course is listed as recommended, it is not mandatory for admission. Students who do not follow the recommendations will not be disadvantaged in the admission process.


  • Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.) (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.)

Admission Requirements

First Year

Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.) (Honours)
The Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent including a minimum of six 4U or M courses. The six 4U or M courses must include English (or anglais), Advanced Functions, and Calculus and Vectors.  Applicants who do not present with Calculus and Vectors must successfully complete MATH 0009 at Carleton in the Fall semester of first year in order to be eligible to continue.

Applicants submitting an English language test to satisfy the requirements of the English Language Proficiency section of this Calendar may use that test to also satisfy the 4U English prerequisite requirement.

Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.)
No direct entry; access is restricted.

Advanced Standing

Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.) (Honours)
Applications for admission to the second or subsequent years will be assessed on their merits. Applicants must present an overall CGPA of 9.00 (B+) or higher. 

Students may also be assessed for admission to second and subsequent years if they present with a minimum of 3 out of the following 6 courses (or equivalent): BUSI 1001, BUSI 1002, ECON 1001, ECON 1002, BUSI 1800, and MATH 1009 with no individual grade below C + and with a Major CGPA of 7.00 or higher. Note that MATH 1007, MATH 1004, MATH 1052, or MATH/ECON 1401 and MATH/ECON 1402 (both required) are acceptable for transfer in lieu of MATH 1009.  

Advanced standing will be granted only for those courses that are determined to be appropriate

Applications by B.I.B. (Honours) students for admission to the second or subsequent years of B.Com. (Honours) will be assessed on their merits. Students must present a Major CGPA and an Overall CGPA consistent with the Academic Continuation Evaluation requirements for B.Com. (Honours) students. Advanced standing will be granted for those courses determined to be appropriate.

Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.)
No direct entry. Access is restricted to students in the Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) and Bachelor of International Business (Honours). (See Regulations for Business.)

Co-op Option

Direct Admission to the First Year of the Co-op Option
Applicants must:

  1. meet the required overall admission cut-off average and prerequisite course average. These averages may be higher than the stated minimum requirements;
  2. be registered as a full-time student in the Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) program;
  3. be eligible to work in Canada (for off-campus work placements).

Meeting the above requirements only establishes eligibility for admission to the program. The prevailing job market may limit enrolment in the co-op option.

Note: continuation requirements for students previously admitted to the co-op option and admission requirements for the co-op option after beginning the program are described in the Co-operative Education Regulations section of this Calendar.

Admissions Information

Admission Requirements are for the 2023-24 year only, and are based on the Ontario High School System. Holding the minimum admission requirements only establishes eligibility for consideration. The cut-off averages for admission may be considerably higher than the minimum. See also the General Admission and Procedures section of this Calendar. An overall average of at least 70% is normally required to be considered for admission. Some programs may also require specific course prerequisites and prerequisite averages and/or supplementary admission portfolios. Higher averages are required for admission to programs for which the demand for places by qualified applicants exceeds the number of places available. The overall average required for admission is determined each year on a program by program basis. Consult for further details.

Note: Courses listed as recommended are not mandatory for admission. Students who do not follow the recommendations will not be disadvantaged in the admission process.

Admissions Information

Admission requirements are based on the Ontario High School System. Prospective students can view the admission requirements through the Admissions website at The overall average required for admission is determined each year on a program-by-program basis. Holding the minimum admission requirements only establishes eligibility for consideration; higher averages are required for admission to programs for which the demand for places by qualified applicants exceeds the number of places available. All programs have limited enrolment and admission is not guaranteed. Some programs may also require specific course prerequisites and prerequisite averages and/or supplementary admission portfolios. Consult for further details.

Note: If a course is listed as recommended, it is not mandatory for admission. Students who do not follow the recommendations will not be disadvantaged in the admission process.


  • Bachelor of International Business (B.I.B.) (Honours)

Admission Requirements

First Year

The Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent including a minimum of six 4U or M courses. The six 4U or M courses must include English (or anglais), Advanced Functions, and Calculus and Vectors.  Applicants who do not present with Calculus and Vectors must successfully complete MATH 0009 at Carleton in the Fall semester of first year in order to be eligible to continue.

Applicants submitting an English language test to satisfy the requirements of the English Language Proficiency section of this Calendar may use that test to also satisfy the 4U English prerequisite requirement.

Advanced Standing

Applications for admission to second and subsequent years will be assessed on their merits, subject to available spaces. Advanced standing will be granted only for those courses that are determined to be appropriate. Students must present an Overall CGPA of 8.00 (equivalent to B average) or better. 

Applications by B.Com. (Honours) students for admission to the second or subsequent years of B.I.B. will be assessed on their merits. Students must present a major CGPA and an overall CGPA consistent with the Academic Continuation Evaluation requirements for B.I.B. students. Advanced standing will be granted only for those courses determined to be appropriate.

The design of the B.I.B. program is premised on a full year of study abroad (at third year) after the preparations leading to it are successfully completed at Carleton. Students who are admitted with advanced standing may need to delay their study abroad requirement until first- and second-year curricula are completed, and consequently delay graduation.

Some transferred credits (normally electives) may have to be forfeited in order to meet the third-year Study Abroad Requirement of a minimum 4.0 credits completed during year abroad.

Admissions Information

Admission Requirements are for the 2023-24 year only, and are based on the Ontario High School System. Holding the minimum admission requirements only establishes eligibility for consideration. The cut-off averages for admission may be considerably higher than the minimum. See also the General Admission and Procedures section of this Calendar. An overall average of at least 70% is normally required to be considered for admission. Some programs may also require specific course prerequisites and prerequisite averages and/or supplementary admission portfolios. Higher averages are required for admission to programs for which the demand for places by qualified applicants exceeds the number of places available. The overall average required for admission is determined each year on a program by program basis. Consult for further details.

Note: Courses listed as recommended are not mandatory for admission. Students who do not follow the recommendations will not be disadvantaged in the admission process.


  • Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Accounting

Normally, students are required to have completed an undergraduate degree with a minimum B- average or higher, and have completed BUSI 1004 and BUSI 1005 (or equivalent) with a grade of C or higher. Note: BUSI 1004 and BUSI 1005 must have been completed within the last 10 years to be considered as prerequisites for this program.